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7 entries this month
Dark Desire
05:35 Jan 30 2005
Times Read: 659
(I wrote this poem june 5, 2003 and have shown it to few people. After reading it, you'll see why....*evil laugh*)
I sit alone, by myself in the dark, And the thought occurs to me:
Would it hurt anyone
If i were to go out and cut someone?
Would it hurt if i were to draw someone's blood
And let it glisten as it runs down my knife blade?
I wouldn't kill the person.
I'd just let them feel the sharp, sweet blade
Of my knife as it slices through their skin
Like it was paper.
I'd lick the blood of the blade,
Then drink the warm blood from their wound,
It's taste a delicasty to me.
Afterwards, i'd leave them,
ThTheir cut a proof of their encounter with me.
There'd be many found with such a mark,
A mark symbolizing my hunger
For warm human blood.
But then, this is all just a thought.
It's not as if I were to do such a thing,
Would I? =^.^=
04:46 Jan 30 2005
Times Read: 660
Through eyes that've seen a thousand lives,
though only have lived for one,
With a heart as cold as ice
But warmer than the sun,
She sits there waiting and waiting
For her only true love to come,
A maiden made of stone
More alive than anyone.
Winged-Ones Lullaby
01:47 Jan 08 2005
Times Read: 676
Sleep my darling, sleep my love,
With dreams peaceful as a dove.
Close your eyes; lay down your head,
Rest your wings and have sweet dreams.
Little one, so dear to me,
Day is done; it's time to sleep.
As the stars begin to shine
Rest yourself, darling of mine.
As day passes into night
And the moon gives it's soft light,
Through the window sweet winds blow,
In the sky a new star glows.
Lost to me is love
01:46 Jan 08 2005
Times Read: 677
Lost to me is love
And never will I find it.
No matter where the wind takes me,
No matter what corner of the globe I search,
No matter what ocean I sail,
I will never find the love I wish to have.
A love so everlasting and true,
Nothing can compare to it.
But I am speaking as if I knew what love is,
Which is something I do not know.
Maybe, someday, I'll find the one
Who's just for me.
The one whose love is the love I dream about.
Until then, my heart will close
And lock it's doors,
Waiting for the one whose love is the key.
01:46 Jan 08 2005
Times Read: 678
You tore my heart and soul apart,
And you left me to fade away
To dust and decay.
But then my soul was ressurrected,
Bringing back with it a darkness.
This new darkness that was brought with it
Was somehting you called evil.
But how can you call something evil
When you created it?
You see, bringing me down
Only started the begining of your end.
My soul wishes to repay you
For the damage you have caused to it
While at the same time it wants to thank you
For the new found strength within it
Because what you did
May have given me new strength
But my soul remembers the pain you caused
And its revenge will be fufilled.
Soul's Revenge
01:45 Jan 08 2005
Times Read: 679
My soul has been resurected from its grave
With a purpose of revenge in its mind.
For it will never rest until the curse
Upon it has been lifted for all eternity.
The evil that defeated me still lives on
And it is that evil that I have come to get
Or else my soul will be cursed with unrest.
Like a snake's venom spreads thruogh a body
The evil has spread since my decline.
Far and wide it has gone
But that makes no difference to me.
I'll never rest until my goal is reached.
I have no fear of joining the ranks
Of the dead because I am their leader.
The person that I used to be doesn't exist
And something else has taken it's place
In this living but dead corspe.
You may not believe what I say
But unless vow is fulfilled,
I will have failed.
The Darkness
01:43 Jan 08 2005
Times Read: 680
There is a darkness
Within us all.
A darkside that we can release.
Unlike the side we show,
Mercy it does not much know.
The urge to set the darkness free
Is strong for many, including you and me.
It overwhelms our goodside,
Taunting it of its megar power,
And bragging of the awesome might
It has to overcome the light.
The darkness woes our goodness with
Much power, strenght, and might
That sometimes it is too much to bear.
Our goodside succumbs to it
Unleashing out into the world
A creature that craves fear and desturction
Not of its own, but of others,
So that who or what crosses its path
May also be overcome by the darkness.
03:07 Jul 01 2008
I luv blood too