Damned computer at home crashed last night, but it's about time to buy a new one. had that one for almost 6 years now. Think the hard drive finally crapped out. So now I guess I'll be dragging my laptop home with me instead of leaving it at work like I usually do. At least till i can replace the drive on the now paperweight that is sitting on my desk.
It's funny kinda of how much I rely on my computer. At least now I am catching up on my reading and finishing up some sketches I started last month. Not that I am really all that behind on my reading. I mean I've read almost 10 books this last month, I was just kind of taking my time on this last one I read.
Anyways, did some reading up on the problem with my computer, and it might be something minor. if it isn't then a few hundred bucks will get me up and going again. I'm hoping for the minor, heh.
Fucking awesome! Won some tickets today to see Red and Pillar in concert. So hyped up now, can't wait to go see em on Thursday night
I've noticed as of late that there has been a severe drop in good horror films to have come out. I mean the ones that do end up coming out are half way decent. but nothing truly original. I am a huge fan of the genre, but I don't know seems to me the industry has run out of ideas, or are stuck on certain ones. Have yet to see the "Daybreakers" but looks like it may have some promise. I just hope I am not going to be disappointed again.
It's just another day. Another moment of my life passing by, and my mind is a bog of internal questions. I spent my day spending time with my daughter, and she asks questions about life and why things are the way they are. I wonder sometimes the same thing, but I never ask those questions anymore.
Now I sit here and I wonder when I lost my inquisitive spark. Have I become so accustomed to the everyday routine that I no longer bother to see anything else before me? is it really a day just like the rest, and will continue to be like this?
I hope not. with this realization I have now, I think it is a time to make some changes. No more floating along, just flotsam on the flow of life..
Jude baby.. you know I will answer any questions you have...or absolutely clear them from your mind the way only I can.......
I thinkwe all come to a point in our lives that we feel we are just being stuck in routine of the same thing over and over. I feel we do no tlose our spark for more info we jsut are so full with many other things we FORGET to just STOP and take a deep breath, and breathe in life and everything around us. hell I knwo I get like that and I am like wtf?? LOL Then make sure I do take some time
Just putting something in here. Not sure just what I want to write right now. or for that matter what I should write. It's been a long time since I have written anything, so I am a bit rusty at it. but I am sure once I am back in the swing of it I will be sure to do a lot more of it
Jude aka Arliquin
01:40 Mar 18 2010
Good luck with your computer! I like to read as well a lot.
15:31 Nov 22 2010
Good luck with the comp. hope it doesn't cost too much to fix :)