Arkanisca818's Journal

Arkanisca818's Journal


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Aresting A Vampire

19:09 Jul 11 2012
Times Read: 376


This story will begin here. I sat surrounded by four walls , it was brightly lit from the light hanging high from the center of the celing. The walls were painted in a bleak cream color dreadfull, not the color I would have chosen but then again this wasnt a place youd paint vivdly. To the right of me there was a wall built in with a mirror It was nearly engulfing the entire wall. You see they would use this for the purpose of listening to what was happening inside the room without the people inside knowing. Not that this would fool many people , expecially my self no this was a room of gathering information I could feel many of lies were told in this room. The smell of old blood lingered in here, blood of the many that would be, seems that talking wasnt the only way information was gathered here.

I had gotten up staring at the mirror, my reflection always did impress me my stature was that of a well built man, I was 5ft 9 I was tonned with black hair falling to my shoulders deep green eyes high cheek bones and a squared chin. I was wearing my black over coat it gave me a look of a wealthy man that of a higher class. I began to stare past my refelection through the mirror to the room on the other side, a women sat behind a desk staring at me intently. Studying me, she was taking notes, most likely some kind of assesor trying to find out what makes me tick I laughed inside thinking if she only knew. I turned to face the chair id been sitting on it was infront of a metal table , in the middle was an ashtray and a microphone on the both sides of the desk. I sat back down my hands together it hand been a while since id been in a room this bright. The light was soothing it bathed the room bouncing of the lightly colored walls.

I could now hear footsteps along the corridor out side the room i was in, there was two sets of footsteps one of a heavier set man and that of a average build. They had stopped outside the room and began to speak. The heavier set man spoke very quitley "Where did you find him? are you sure its the one weve been looking for?" he was speaking with slight fear in his voice, more anger than anything. The other man began to speak "Your kidding right? He was standing over the body, the victims fucking blood was all over his mouth" crude language something I was never fond of. The heaviver set man began to get more tense his blood began to run faster through his body I could feel his heart beat getting faster and faster. He was scared at this point, a strange mixture of anger and fright began to enjulf him. He began to speak again "Were going to nail this physcho son of a bitch".

The door opened with such a force it hit the wall creating a loud bang, Intimidation was effect he was going for i believe, he marched with force toward the table pulling the chair out and sitting down, I could tell he was an weaker than he made out to people I could see the pain has he sat, his knees they were very painfull to him. The other man walked in much more calm and collected. Was the this the old good cop bad cop routine id seen in the movies how lovely this would be fun. The other man stood behind the the heavier set man. He stood arms crossed staring at me never breaking eye contact. "My name is detective inspector Crawford, and this is detective inspector Michales" said the man sitting infront of me. "Do you know why your here? would you like to explain?" he was hunched forward now, elbows on the table. He was around 50 or older I couldnt really tell these days so much ways to improve the skin you see and hair dye people were looking younger and younger as the years passed. He was rough cut and old grey suit, with a white shirt and a blue tye. Like i said he was heavier set he a full mustache grey now, his hair was short and grey also. Detective inspector Michales was younger around 30 maybe younger again its hard to tell these days. His suit was much nicer dark blue, with a white shirt and dark blue tye. He had a young looking farce his hair was wavey and commbed backwards the smell of cheap aftershave was emiting from him, dreadful smell.

By this time a few minutes had passed I was still staring at the young faced Mr, Michales, the table shook Mr. Crawford has slammed the table with his fist. "Answer the question". I moved my gaze to him "My aplogies, yes I know the reason why I am here". His facial expression had now changed he seemed suprised. "So you admit it you killed that woman..." he hesistated with the next part "...you drank her blood, what kind of sick person are you". I smiled back at him "Sick, oh sir im as sick as they get" i began to laugh. This had made both Mr. Michales and Mr. Crawford very angry. "Why would you drink her blood" Mr.Crawford shouted. Again I smiled "Because I am a Vampire, thats just what we do". Both their faces now showed the confusion "You think your a vampire?" Mr.Michales said with shock in his voice. "I do not think I am a Vampire, I am a vampire". The anger began to build in Mr. Crawford "Do you think were fucking stupid, stop playing fucking games with us". I stood and walked over to the mirror "I bet that women sitting down behind this mirror is telling you im crazy , or that im on some kind of drug". They both looked shocked the woman sitting at the desk looked straight at me with fright, she got up and walked to the left my eyes followed her. She began to walk backwards towards the door she searched behind her for the handle, her eyes always on me. She found it and left franticly. I began to laugh out lound "I believe i may have scared that poor girl behind the mirror"

Mr. Michales walked to the door and exited, Mr. Crawford still looked shocked staring up at me. "So youve been looking for me for a while" I said with a gentle voice. "Youve killed 5 people this year that we know of you, your a serial killer a crazy one at that it seems" he reached to suit pokcet on the left and pulled out a packet of cigeretes and yellow disposable lighter. He took a cigertte out from the packet put it to his lips and light the lighter. The ligh danced on his face as he lit the cigerrette and took a deep inhale from it. I stood looking at the smoke rising from the ciggerrete I liked the way it rose from it like a spirit exiting a body and rising to some distant place. "So you admit you killed those people" he said demandingly. "Ive killed alot more than 5 people in my time, Mr Crawford in my human time i killed hundrends, in my vampire time thousands" I smiled at him once again. "Your fucking crazy a fucking looney" he began inhaling from his ciggerette. "If your a vampire then how to arrest you dont you have superhuman strenght and all that crap". He took another drag from his ciggerette. "You arrested me because I let you arrest me, you see I havnt spoken to anyone for a long time I think around 30 years or so, and this seemed a fun way to have a conversation".

He took another drag , exhalling the smoke into the air. "You are crazy, why dont you prove that your a vampire", I smiled are you sure youd like me to prove it, I could drain you here and leave and there wouldnt be a single trace that your police could follow". He stared at me the ash from his cigerrete hit the table. "You really believe your a vampire, well either way im afraid we will find out soon enough, when youve spent a couple of days in the cell block until we transfer you". He pushed his cigerrette butt into the ashtray and knocked the ash from the table to the floor. "No I dont think thats going to happen you see young Mr.Micahels and I have a dinner date later tonight that I just cant miss". I moved to the doorway with a speed in wich he did not see, he jumped to his feet the pain clearly in his face from his weak kness. He turned to me at the door. "How the fuck... , dont move im warning you". Pointing his finger at me. "Goodbye Mr.Crawford it was a pleasure meeting you". I had gone I had moved out of the building before he had opened his mouth.



11:32 Jul 30 2012

ROFLMAO at your little disclaimer lol. Cute. I need to start off more of my writings like that lmao.

*wiping tears from eyes laughing*

This was an AWESOME read!!! I better be reading more of this! Very cool. :)

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