Looking into your eyes
Listening to your voice
The smell of your blood
Makes my heart race...
Makes me want every
inch of your body
Come and clamn what is yours
Im waiting for you
My blood is yours
My body is yours for the taking
Here I sit in this crowded room..
Even though you are here with me...
I still feel alone..
I want to tell you how I feel,
But you ignore me every time
I open my mouth...
I left the room you never noticed..
When I did, I was more alone..
My thoughts are there to accompany me,
but they just torment me..
They tear at my soul,
till there is nothing left..
Everything goes by so slowly
Not knowing when it is going to end...
I wanna run to you..
but your arms are closed..
So now I see
I'm still in this crowded room..
Still alone..
Sitting here in this prison..
I'm held for hours..
Made to do work..
They say it's for my own
That my future depends
on all that I do..
The only thing that keeps
me going is you..
I think of being in your
holding me tight..
I hope that the hours
will pass quickly..
The only reason I keep
coming back is so that
when I'm ripe enough
to leave the den,
I will be able to support
you and me..
But until that day comes,
I will sit in this prison.
This hell..
For as long as I have to
To become the women
I need to be..
What happens when life ends?
What happens when life begins?
All I know is that life will go on!
Keep going on!!!
Till we destroy this planet...
Where will you be when the end
is here?
Where will your loved ones be??
In the arms of another or in yours?
What do you plan on doing?
Do you want to be here or there?
With your loved one or with some two
cent whore???
I'm not sure about you, but I have
I have chosen to be with you...
My love ones..
I will be with then forever..
My little demons of the night
So again I ask you...
Where will you be when the end
is here??