Heartache is the swollen cloud, unable to let loose it's rain;
In evening clamor,
I exude my heart's demise.
With heavy beating, I pulsate my dreams;
a grave unmarked,
\in the wake of humanity's parade of inequality.
a dream, a dream
where hells of path we've never seen.
I wake again, two times or three,
Nephalem oh Nephalem, rescue me.
I took my road to quantersvale,
the sun behind me, ever there.
The towers fore,
the wings of yore,
and all for Nephalem's looming dream.
I bid adieu so freely,
salutations to the weery,
health wishes to the sickly
and those no longer here.
I travel all a worldly,
my path laid out absurdly
and Nephalem oh Nephalem,
where you have tread before.
I lay my foot beside the door.