You tell me lies
as each day passes
you tell me lies
as evidence emerges to the contrary
you tell me lies
when truth would be the answer
you tell me lies
where thousands of people scream at the top of their lungs for the truth
you tell me lies
as people die all over the world
you tell me lies
as you send good people to their graves to defend your lies
I wonder how you justify it
or do you lie to yourself as well.
I creep into corridors I've never seen
slipping through rotten branches
I feel the poison in the air
I suffocate yet I still march
feeling my skin stripped from my flesh
my bones rotting
I reach for the golden light
falling short and plummeting
I turn to dust.
1: Do you wish to drink some tea before we sail?
2:You don't drink, your a boat.
1:I just want to drink farewell
2:All right here's your tea I'll spill it on your deck.
1: Tasted Lovely.
The Ache of a winter's howl
rendering me helpless at wind's tip
sitting on the frozen ground
and give into it.
I still long for snow,though I despise
its beautiful rendering creates a portrait
before my eyes.
I wish to go where it is warm
a kiln or fireplace
but why do I deserve the warmth
where others would freeze in my place.
Sailing ship to port
Tis evening or is it day
With time my brain has wilted fray
I steer the ore
I yell my salt
If I crash, tis not my fault
I repeat the fault I have in mind
Steering the ship to port
Under attack as well
Blue roosters under a spell
Squirting lemon juice
Tis simply not my day
Or so I tell my psychiatrist often.
The Meaning
reason I'm alive
come and visit me at my hole
with a Serenade and lullaby
The question
the answer I long to know
come to my embrace
take the color from my face
so the knowledge may take its toll
I was born alone
this is my woe
nothing in between
the imminent silence
takes its toll
The cries in my head
theres nothing on my mind
we are born alone
and alone we will die.