Bands I've heard of in the past month:
Kalmah,Norther,Edenbridge,The Gathering,Paradise Lost,Iced Earth,The 69 Eyes,Elis,Sinergy,Primal Fear
Helloween,Lacrimosa,Tiamat,Catamenia,To-Mera,Hammerfall,Dark Tranquility,Acroma,Disarmonia Mundi,Crematory.
Remember there are Countless Great Bands.
You really have to look for them.
Television and Radio are poor mediums for finding bands.
I have one Fool Proof Method....If I watch Tv and see that some Old guy in a listening to something I like....I stop Listening to them.
So...I hope you listen to these Bands...And Support all small Record Stores.
I heard some Bands are going around Record Companies and Recording their songs at home and just uploading them to I-tunes.....I commend them...and I hope you do too.
To the Power Of Music(Salutes)
Why Is Everyone So worked up about this Swine Flu?
In a way we asked for it. Humans don't know how to care for animals. China Learned this Lesson Well...during the Avian Flu. I saw the photos of these birds...covered in dirt from head to toe...and people still don't get it? There are consequences for everything we do. It is Karma, The 3 times Rule.
The Pigs in Mexico live in such filth and Disease...Is it really a surprise they got sick?...And then this Disease Mutated...and infected People. And now Children are dying from this Disease. Innocent People who didn't do anything are Dying from Disease...They are Paying for the Crimes of these People who had better things to do...then to actually take Care of these Pigs...Maybe they thought that if they got to attached to them...they wouldn't be able to kill them for Bacon.
Well...I feel Sorry for the Innocent people...but I think the People who mistreated those animals Deserve all they get.
- Anyone Disagree?
Of course no one can disagree.
Well said!
swine flu is someting funny to look at. in alot of ways, flu itself is more dangerous than swine flue and has killed more people. i get what your saying, and in alot of ways, its true. but the media blew H1N1 out of proportion.
OK...I'm fed up! What is with this Right And Left?
I am sick of the Labels! Goths,Hippies,Pricks,Prissies,Sissies,Douchbags,
Republicans,Democrats,Independants....this name,that name, this gender,that gender....wahhh my purse is the wrong color!
What ever this person is a A-hole and this one isn't....oh yeah A-hole is also a label...for where certain people live...when they can't stand the reality of their own lives.
- In case you haven't noticed I don't pull any punches today.
Whatever happened to Rebels? Are there any out there anymore? People who hate people telling them what to do? I don't see people that have a brain anymore...Everyone is ready to believe anything and everything. I can't stand it.
What really pisses me off is these damn Tax Protests...They call them Tea bagging...It's all over the news...what makes these protests so special???
Thousands of Anti-War/Anti-torture protests...and no media coverage...Now Fox news tells their slaves to go out and protest and they do...and they call that rebellion? It's not Rebellion if a rich person tells you to do it.
And it makes me laugh that they call it tea bagging...I'm sure most of you know what it really means...Dare I actually say it? hehe...I am a rebel...Tea Bagging is rubbing Male Genitals against someone's face...and that is kind of what they are doing to protesters around the world rubbing their genitals in their faces with their mockery of the word protest.
hehehe...What would those Gurus and Fox news And Cnn think when they realize they've been talking about that?
Don't even get me started about how pointless their reasons for Protesting are.....I mean regular People protesting the fact that Rich People are getting Taxed?! It makes me laugh...not one of those Fox News Enthusiasts(I could call them worse) Know a thing about whats going on in this world.
i take it your on the left
and Geogre Bush was the
and the attacks on the world trade center was an inside
but you have that right to speak your mind
There is Tea Bagging going on, the media Tea Bagging their devotees.
lol awesome
What is the meaning to life? Is it to Suffer? I think Not! I've always thought the Meaning to Life was to Enjoy it while it lasts...Isn't that Common Sense?
I mean we all die eventually, Life is a precious thing,to hear,to see,to feel...
If Life is so precious? Why do some people take it from others? To Kill is Theft. It's stealing from someone, their chance to enjoy their time on this planet. In that case War is Theft on a mass scale.
I mean always break things down to their base roots. War is Nothing more then Wealthy People telling servants to get them stuff...Nothing less, nothing more. I mean was the Last time you saw a Billionaire drive? They have a Chauffeur...Every time a rich guy wants something he says: Hey Jeeves get me some coffee...and they get coffee.
But when happens when a Rich guy wants something Bigger, like a city, They send their servants...but after the Fiasco of some guy's butler getting his ass kicked, They decided " I'd better teach these idiots to fight" And thus the first Army was born.
So thats all it is...just theft.
Theft of Property and Theft of Life.
The only time that an Army refused to fight was during which for the first time...servants refused to do what they were told...and of course the rich guys had a temper tantrum. They had to call off the war of course...spewing lies like Our soldiers betrayed us...they're going over to the Vietnamese....
But all that happened is the soldiers...had a thought...what the fuck are we dying for?
And when they looked around and couldn't find an idea...they decided...Old Rich Master wouldn't push them around anymore.
Of Course when the brave men and women who risked their lives came home...they had rocks and garbage thrown at the loyal republican faithful.
So...theres not much point to this rant...but I'd like to know what life means to you? And What would the world be like if people around the world could realize how important life truly is?
Observing all the things around us doesn't leave me any good feeling about it.
09:30 Mar 28 2010
If you liked Helloween you might want to try out grim reaper and savagtage