17:08 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 786
It’s been 5 and one half months since we left Michigan for North Carolina. This move was supposed to be a new beginning for all of us. Instead it’s been nothing but one problem after another.
It took me over 60 days to find what is considered here to be a decent job…and then I was only working 8 to 12 hours a week. Then finally on August 4th I found full time work. Full time is considered anything over 30 hours. I’m getting about 31 to 33 hrs a week. Now that wouldn’t be so bad IF I was making a decent wage. But there isn’t much you can do on $7.00 per hour.
We have been living in this motel since April 28th. Jimmy found a decent job not too long after we got here, granted he wasn’t making the money he had been used to in either Michigan or Maryland or Arizona for that matter. But the room rent was being paid and we had food to eat. About 6 weeks after he went to work, the company closed and filed bankruptcy, all with absolutely NO notice to any of the employees.
It took him over 3 weeks to find another job, during which time I sold ALL my jewelry, and one of the TV’s we had brought with us just to pay the room rent. During this time Tanya had made arrangements to move to SC with D, but that didn’t quite work out like they had hoped. So she comes back to NC and begins to earnestly look for work. (BTW: she’s now working at the same place I am, making the same money I am.)
I guess I should probably insert here that Jimmy and I had been constantly fighting during all this time. He walked out on me many times, but after he cooled off he came back to the motel. It seemed he had given up and just didn’t care about anything at all. He blamed Tanya and anyone else he could think of for all the problems he felt we were having. Unfortunately, he didn’t take any responsibility for any of the problems and that just made things worse between us. He did find another job, but again not making anything that could be considered *good* money. His heart wasn’t in this job, so he kept screwing it up…it was like he was out in space all the time or something. So he quits said unwanted job…and 3 weeks later he’s arrested and is now being held in Wake County Jail on a $25,000.00 secured bond, until the county attorney decides what they are gonna do with him.
Now Tanya and I are STUCK in this motel room because combined we make just enough each week to pay the motel room rent, put $20.00 in the gas tank, and spend $20 to $25.00 on food each week for the two of us. I guess I should also insert here we still have the dog and 2 cats. We have to keep them; they are my sanity at this time. So, that 20 to 25.00 also includes dog and cat food, and cat litter.
We would be able to pay the rent on an apartment with NO problems…the one’s we have looked at are anywhere between $550 and $650 a month. (The motel is costing us $984.57 a month) The problem we are facing is we can’t pay a full months rent AND deposit up front all at one time. There is NO ONE we can turn to for help either. I will NOT ask my mother for help, and there is NO was that Tanya’s ex will help. He thinks if things fall apart here for her, she will come back to him in Michigan. Yeah, like that’s gonna happen!!! The only hope we might have is Jimmy’s Mom *might* help us, in order for him to have a place to be released to. Whenever that happens. Because I have been informed there is NO way he will be released to a motel address…that is considered transient, and with no stability, no ties to the community, and no job, they won’t let him out of jail.
SO, I am frantically trying to find a place to live. Not only so Jimmy can be released, but I have been in this motel room for entirely too damn long. I miss my peace and quiet time, I miss my space, I MISS being able to be on VR except on my days off when I can go to the library.
OH! I forgot to tell you, we left 95% of our household stuff in Michigan…in a storage container that belongs to Jimmy’s former boss. This was supposed to be a *temporary* situation, we were supposed to get our stuff in a few weeks. Well, the boss hasn’t replied to ANY of my phone calls or emails, so I am guessing we no longer have anything left in storage. I am sure he has either sold it all or given it away to the Mexican landscapers he had working for him. Either way, some of the things were irreplaceable….
So where does all this leave us at this time? No one knows and no matter who I ask, I can’t seem to find any help of any kind. I know there has to be low cost rentals out there somewhere, that will help us out with the deposit and let us have a place to live…but where???