Sunsets in the south burn the skies, setting our underworld on fire. Feels like that great star touches the very ground we stand on. Heavy belivers and blind faith lead those who cant see.
Farmers and Sweet Grass basker weavers sowe deeper with every seed. The airs to warm to inhale this moring. My heart pounds as I ponder my next breath..... Then like always it comes. Time and time again the days drift by im afraid ... The clocks so unkind. The ticking and tocking getiting louder everyday ...As its very seconds rain down on my parade!
itting in the car the music soo loud.
Taking deep breathes...
I have to stop and pause befor i start up again.
Feeling like everyday,just trying so hard and its never my best.
But we can't dwell or regret the past.
If it wasn't for where Iv been i wouldn't be here today.
In this crowded yet lonely room I call my world ... I Scream and pray...
I wish so hard for my lungs to fill with blood
Stop that next breath, in that drowning that is my now!
I want to GRAB ahold of this FALL...
With a unnatural grip!
A love i still might never know....
Summers are like Hell everlasting...
Im to far to find my Heavens in the snow.