AnkalAlgishKinsha's Journal

AnkalAlgishKinsha's Journal


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Lost City Of Gil

12:05 Sep 01 2011
Times Read: 529

As algish walks down the path to see if he can see if there is away around. he hears someone land behind him, so he grabs his gun blade of fire and turns around and aims at the person who was behind him."who are you" Algish asked."i live an the island who the hell are you, although by your weapon i'd say a sniffivilling solidier." Eve responded. Algish said "yes i am but im the gerenal of the army" looking at her, and sees she's carries a soldier's sword on her side. " you a soldier yourself " said algish.

"When i deside to be" Eve told him. She wiped her hand on her dress blood mixed with dirt came of her hand. "Then you will be following my order's then"as algish looked at eve. Eve watched algish and drew her sword holding it under his chin. "Watch how you speak to me im a local on this island a savage if you will im not tamed easly" Eve hissed at him.As algish grabs the blade that sits under his chin and bends the blade back a bit "if i were you i wouldnt do that agian understand" Eve pulled the blade out of his hand.Bending her legs she pushed herself into the air and over his head landing in the branches of the tree above him. Eve folded her wings and smirking as she looked down at him."How do you hope to control me" as eve said. As algish closes his eyes. He use his mind control and talk to her through his mind, "get down here now". As he opens his eyes and looks at her. He turns and then starts to walk down the path. Then looks back at Eve.

Eve throughs up a barrier so all he meets is a steel wall around her mind."Ah no i dont think so Mr. No one is allowed in there" Eve told algish. "Im the general and ya have orders to follow. I want ya at the front line now. Do you under stand" looking back at eve. While the general and the savage were argueing Namara was going on one of her routine patrols when, lo and behold she finds 5 human soldiers.

Time for a little fun Namara grinned and unsheathing her sword she leaped from the path she had been patrolling and struck one soldier in the neck severing it and killing him instantly, also lashing out with her claws and ripping the ear off on another human. Trading blows with a third human she saw out of the corner of her eye the remaining two circling behind her, whippping around she caught them by suprise and, in a comical way, bashed their heads together and returned to the one she was sword fighting. This one was proving difficult to kill. Then he got a strike in and stabbed her sheild arm, seeing as it had no sheild on it at the moment. She shrieked out in pain and swung at her opponent with new found fury. Still she could not kill him, the swords making a deafening racket as they clashed together.

Eve smelt the air, jumping down onto the path she looked around ignoring the boy. Listening carefully she senced a disturbunce.Namara takeing another swipe at the human she noticed something Oh no! not more! Namara shrieked in her mind as she leaped over the human she was fighting to cut down the new arivals before they became a problem.As the smell was gone and Eve stood in the path."I need ya up front now" as algish look at eve, then headed of to the front line where the war was.Eve followed and stood next to Algish with her arms crossed "Sooooo? what do you need me for?" as eve asked looking around.

As they jogged to the front line. "Look they are envading us fast and hard we need to take them out now". As algish pulls out his gun blade and fires six rounds of at three boats of men coming to shore.As the balls of fire fly through the air they hit the boats.Killing those who are aborad the ship. The ships slowly sink just of shore of the island. As algish runs down towards the shoreline. He order's more men to the front line "i need more of you to the front line now". As 15 ship's run ground of the shore line and men start to jump out from the boats." Attack, now kill them all, leave none alive " as algish and his men ran into battle with the invaders. Skylar sat in a tree watching all the commotion of the army. "Isn't this entertaining..." She mumbled to herself and jumped down from the tree. Her feet guided her to the front where the general was. "Now, what should I do?" She asked as she smirked. Hopefully they wouldn't reconize her without the dress she was accustomed to wearing. Now she was wearing a black leather tunic that would defend her and boots made of the same material.As algish is attacking the invaders, he looks to the path sees a soldier coming. But the soldier looks fimialer but he see alot of the people in the day. As skylar drew a sword hanging at her side, if anyone was really paying attention, they would notice the dragon blade for sure! It was intrecitly designed and only someone with dragon blood could weild it. She brought it up and it clashed with a human. She kicked him in the gut and sliced his chest wide open, as the human falls to the ground.

"I need you up in the front line soldier, now move it, they" algish get cut off by someone attacking him. As algish sword cuts the human's arm off. Skylar turned and saw someone talking to her, the man then got attacked. Skylar held out her palm and blasted the attacker with air sendng him flying onto two of his comrades knocking them down. Skylar ran over to him. "You were saying?" Skylar said to him. Algish says "I need you soldier in the front line now". Looking at the soldier then points to the ships that had landed already.Then points to a croud of the invaders with his gun blade as the end of the gun a ball of fire grows, as he fires it into a group of humans burning them to ashs. Skylar ran to the front and thinks to her self " thanked god of he hadn't noticed who i was". Skylar blade began to glow with fire as she cut off a man's legs and punched a woman in the head with the sword , while trying to not have anyone bashing in her skull, as they were all trying to do.

Algish see the blade glow and then he remember's that the lady's sword does that and she's the only one who can use the sword. Algish runs up to the lady" my lady why are ya dressed like a soldier and not in the castle where if is safe". Skylar sighed. "Because if my people are at war, I should be too!" She said and kicked someone in the stomach and sent them falling to the ground. "Plus I'm a better fighter than any man you've trained algish." "These are just the low rank soldiers, my highest ranking men are on thier way here. There is about 20 soldier that are in the high rank" as algish said. Looking to his left the back to the lady." You will see in a min that im better then ya think i am Mlady" as he looks at Skylar. "Okay," Skylar said nonchalantly. The blade shot out fire at a line of men burning their flesh as they fell to the ground. Cole walked down the blood stained path calmly whisteling a catchy tune.His Voodo doll hung around his neck and swayed back and forth as he took a every step.

" My lady they are here" algish said. They were kneeing before the lady and then got up off the ground. '"show the lady what you guy's can do". Soldier's said " yes Sir". They all change up the weapons that were made for them. They all aimed and fired at the 15 ships and the ones coming in to land on shore, and the invaders on the shore line. They all exspoled before the lady, sending ship and body parts everywhere.Skylar put her dragon blade back into its sheath and smiled. "Nice..." Skylar brought both of her hand palms up above her head and an air stream blew the body parts and boat peaces out into the far ocean. So they wouldn't pollute the island. "This battle is over." She said as she watched some surving members running away be cut down by soldiers." My lady they will be back and stronger the before they always have. May i walk you back to the castle my lady" as algish looking into Skylar's eyes.

"I know" Skylar said roughly and looked back at him solemly. "Of course General....?" She realized she hadn't known his name or anything about him for that matter. Cole stoped in his tracks and smirked, he looked into the darkness of the forest "I know your in there come on out" Cole saidA soldier came walking out of the forest."Dont try to resist it will only make it worse" Cole said laughing.He was using his mind control powers on the poor man."Know kneel down" the soldier kneeled down. "You know what I want you to do now dont you?" Cole asked playfully."Yes -s .. . sir" the soldier said rasing his sword and holding it to his neck and pushing it through the center of his neck. Blood was flowing out of his neck as he feel to the ground twitching with a sickening gurgeling noise.

"You may call me Algish my lady" as they walk to the castle, when algish sence that a soldier of his was killed near by. " My lady follow me for a monent" as the walk to see his soldier dead and a man standing there."Whats going on here" as algish yells at the guy who was standing over the dead soldier.Skylar followed quietly and stared at the dead soilder. "Did you kill this man?" Skylar asked the one standing over the soilder.Cole smiled."Im just having a little fun SIR" Cole said with a smirk."Does this bother you?"as cole looked at algish and skylar.

"Yes that was one of my high ranking soldier" As algish uses his mind to drop the man to his knees and he puts his gun blade to his throat. "know you see here, you might be stonge but not as strong as me". Skylar watch her gerenal who was holding his gun blade to the guys throat.Cole smiked.Cole lifted his finger just enough so that algish wouldnt notice and a boulder behind the algish hovered in the air. "Watch out!" Cole laughed as he flicked his finger and the boulder flew and smashed into algish knocking him to the ground.

As algish get's up, he chants some words to summons the highest wizard there was at the castle. Syn walked onto the scene. She looked at Algish and wondered what was going on between him and the other guy. "Sir! Watch out!" As Cole throughs another blouder at algish. But that time algish was able to jump out of the boulders path. Cole watched as the wizard walk out of nowhere."Hm a good fight for once" as he laughed. Cole held out his arm and a giant cobra came out of the forest and wraped around Coles arm."Im ready when you are" Cole said. Algish's highest wizard come and ask " whats wrong sir ". "Put a spell on him so he only can use low grade magic till i think he can use high magic ok" as algish told the wizard Domogoro. Domogoro starts to chant his most powerfullest spell he knows."Leave him alone!" Syn yelled as she drew her sword from her back, throwing the sheath onto the ground. As algish yells to Syn " stop syn i have it under control". Grabs his gun blade and fires on round and takes the snakes head right off sending pieces all over the place.

Cole laughed. "You think I dont come prepared?" he asked."I made sure you couldnt do any little spells on me" he laughed. He held his hand over the doll hanging from his neck and the doll started to glow and hovered infront of Cole. Cole looked at the wizard and smiled Cole grabed the dolls arm and bent it in the middle. The wizard reacted to this and his arm snapped and folded with a loud crunching noise. Cole then blew on the doll the wizard was blown back and landed on his head.Then algish summons the great kings power himself and uses the parlizing spell on cole and criples him and tosses him around like a doll. Syn stood by Aglish's side as she watched him fight with Cole. "Do you require my help sir?"." he cant harm me at all , i have the kings blood in me. dont tell no one" as algish looks at her ."I will take it to the grave sir. No force on this earth can get me to tell. You have my word." Syn said as gazed back at him. Cole laughed as he was being thrown around in the air.

Cole held his hands out using his mind the grab the ground under the man. Cole lifted his hands and the ground under the man blasted up around him so he could not see. Cole then held his hands out and used his mind to rip a tree out of the ground. It hovered in mid-air and flew at the man throwing him back. Cole then started to hover into the air laughing. Saiera wondered around passing tree after tree. she didnt wish to be around to many people at the moment, they were always so loud. Taking careful foot steps she began to run. Algish get really mad and summons the kings sword and take one swing and blocks his attack then slashs him , more then 10000 time in a row. Then use the swords power to drain him of his power, leaveing him defends least." know ya cant use magic no more and mind control" as algish yelled at cole.Saiera loved to run, the wind in her face, the feeling of truely being free, that nothing in the world can tie you down, but the sad truth was that things could. she slowed down at the thought and realization. and it was then she heard voices, so cautiously she crept towards the noise. she hid behind a tree and watched.

Syn stood there and watched the battle forge on. She wanted to help in some sort of way, but she didn't want to interfere without a very good reason. Hopefully, she would find a reason to step in and help Algish. " I know ya wont Syn" Algish yelled back to syn.

Saiera continued to watch them fight it out. she sniffed the air, 'demon's' her mind hissed. And from what she could tell one was an inu youkai (demon dog) ."This will be amusing" Saiera mumbled almost inaudibly.Cole did not move. "I dont need my powers to fight" he laughed.

Cole jumped into the air and flew at the man slashing his face with his claws and perching ontop of his sword and jumping back onto a nearby tree branch. Syn growled and just couldn't take it anymore. "Leave him alone!" Syn yelled as fire came from her hand and headed straight for the tree Cole was in. Algish pulls out both gun blades and combins them to gether and yell " terino mage flare". Fires it at him takeing out ever thing in its path and algish hears a someone talking about him in the bush not far from where his was firing the blast at.

Cole didnt flinch he jumped to another tree branch to dodge the fire. "Be careful where you are shooting" Cole teased. Saiera jumped away from the tree she had been behind as it now was inhabited by others, she tryed to slink behind using other trees to hide herself but there was still large gaps in the trees when she was visible. Of course it was only for a few minutes before she would head into more trees. "I'll make you eat those words!" Syn yelled as the flame became bigger. Syn aimed it at Cole once again and threw it at him, the large flaming leaving her hand in a steady, hot stream towards Cole.

Cole jumped down from the tree behind Syn and punched her in the back of the knees knocking her to the ground and kicking her in the back flying her into algish. Cole then jumped a fair distance away from the two of them. Catchs Syn and then he fires another round of terino mage flare with a little bit of ice blast at Cole. Syn layed on the ground. She could feel the small amount of pain in her back. "Get back here!" Syn yelled as she ran after cole."Baka inu youkai" Saiera mumbled as she looked back at the flames he had sent towards the tree, it was then she realized that while jumping out of the way her ankle had gotten hit with the flame, she stumbled and then fell to the ground. "baka inu" Saiera growled, immediately turning her attention to her ankle.

Algish heard her growled , and run over to see who it was," who are you and im sorry if i hit ya with the terino mage flare with an ice blast in the middle. is there anything i can do for ya" as algish looked at her. Saiera quickly turned her attention to the youkai infront of her, her eyes now the same golden yellow as her wolf form, "im fine" Saiera growled fangs clearly visible.

"Where did he go?" Syn said to herself as she looked around for any signs of Cole.Saiera then stood and limped towards a tree using it to support her weight. But the fire was already getting to her as her skin now had streaks of grey as the fire burn was spreding throughout her body, 'i must get back, i need that anti-serum, the mix of heather and jasmin(meaning the plant heather and the plant jasmin)' Saiera mind screamed. Fire whether magical or not was as deadly to a lycan as silver.

Cole stood waiting for the attack from Syn. As he was waiting he relized that some of his power had returned. Cole did not want to use them yet to keep people thinking he couldnt use them yet. Cole jumped infront of Syn and grabed her neck and lifted her into the air laughing. He lightly threw her to the side and looked at her.Syn looked at Cole and shot a huge flame at him; hitting him in the legs and chest with the blast. Algish heads after Saiera and use his an anicent spell to get her into castle infirmry.

Cole fell to the ground feeling the burning sensation. "That kinda hurt" Cole laughed.

Using the powers that he was regaining he lifted Syn into the air with his mind and kicked her in the stomach sending her back. Syn coughed as a little blood fell down the side of her mouth. She stood up and sent another stream of fire at Cole, hitting him on the side of his face. "Stop ! " Skylar yelled as she held out her blade and had been watching what was going on. "The next one who moves I am going to kill..." She said with the most serious tone in her voice. "If you haven't already guessed who I am go ahead try."

"Your infirmery will do nothing i need to go back i must get the anti-serum." Saiera hissed her desperation now showing through her normally calm voice. The grey now speading from her ankle had already almost completely covered her right leg. Algish calls his highest highest wizard over " i need ya to take care of her right now i have to see what’s going on out there" he leave, the wizard gets the anti-serum for the gray patch. He gets out side and sees the lady "My lady, what’s going on".



06:18 Nov 19 2011

Keep the story coming.....

04:51 Jan 16 2012

enjoyable read

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