Yesterday was the worst day ever. I dont know why things happened but it made me cry all day and half the night. My mom was getting released from the hospital and I should have been happy and I was soo very happy. But I had called her and asked her since she was getting out so late at night if maybe my sister could go pick her up. She all of a sudden got upset with me and let me know that she didn't want anyone but me to pick her up. I live far away from the hospital and I had a really bad toothache and had taken pain pills but she still didn't care. The words she said to me hurt so badly all I could do is say I love you mom but I gotta hang up. Then I called my brother calls here for a phone number and he asked me why are you crying and I told him and he said to me wel maybe she smoke so much and wants to die to get away from you. He got mad at me. I went to the hospital and picked up mom. I had stopped crying but felt really bad. By this time my blood pressure had went way up and i was feeling that and pain meds. I go to wal mart to fill her meds for her and then these two guys was at the scanner by the entrance to wal guy was inside wal mart the other outside of the scanners of wal mart. The guy inside had a basket filled with electronics and was trying to walk past the scanners at the same time I was walking in. The scanners goes off and he turns around and goes back inside and I walk to the pharmacy..thinking nothing of it. The manager came to me and said two guys said I set the scanner off and they wanted to check me out and that i Had to go with them to the scanners again. The manager seen I had not set off the alarm. I describe the one guy that was trying to walk out with the stuff and they went looking for him to watch him. Well, they found him trying to go through the garden center with all the stuff and caught him. But the point was...they were talking and accusing me....on top of everything else. Finally that night mom apologized and told me she was only mean cause she needed a cigerette and that she was sorry for saying hurtful things to me. Today I have swollen eyes and a head ache for from my wonderful day yesterday. Hope today is alot better.
My sister calls me at 10:30 tonight to tell me she is taking my mother to the hospital cause of her breathing. This has been occurring alot more recently and everytime my phone rings at ten and its my mother's number on that caller ID, I tend to freak a little these days. They will more than likely keep her like they always do and try to get her lungs back to working. She doesn't realize how hard this is on me. She refuses to stop smoking. Well she says she can't stop. I know its hard for her. I have seen her struggle. She is 70 yrs old now. I guess she has had a long life but it hurts me to see her go through this. So if any of my friends read this tonight and you see me rating profile but dont hear from me, it because I am not too talkative at the moment.
Hey you! I miss you! Where you been? I haven't seen you on sis. I miss you. When you come on again message me and I can give you my phone number and maybe if we can't talk on here we can by phone sometimes. I miss our closeness. You are a part of my life I do not want to let go of. I got lots of things to share with you for when we talk again my friend. Blessed Be my sister! HUGS
Today was a great day! Although I haven't yet went to bed since yesterday lol. I worked this morning and didn't have a very busy work day but hey it was a nice day anyways. I finally got my VR T shirt in today. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. I will be posting my picture of me wearing it tomorrow sometimes in my portfolio showing my VR pride. *smiles* Then I called up a friend today...had something on my mind and was the first time we spoke on the phone. I have to admit, I am normally a shy person but I could not for the life of me stop talking to my friend. That is a very rare thing for me to be so chatty so soon after meeting someone. I usually have to warm up to them but my friend is just like me in every way. We think alike so I am guessing this is why I could be so chatty and open today. He made me happy with his answer to the issue I had today. Its so funny how someone's passion for something such as paranormal or walking a certain path can bring two people together that is just alike in so many ways. I am truly happy that I met you Wrath. I hope that our friendship just gets stronger in time. *smiles* Ok so enough rambling about my happy day today hehe its off to bed for some much needed dreaming now. *grins* Blessed Be to all my friends that reads this.
**Updated since I couldn't sleep**
My dear friend came on tonight...Pepper and seen the poem I had written for him. Then I get another nice comment from him after he posted the poem I wrote in his journal...this is what he said...
Jun 07 2006
Block User
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Email to Self
The best verse is written late at night during the Witching Hour and blessed by the silvery light of the Moon.
i gently kiss the hand that writes.
Take care,
For all that is this man's friend, you have a true friend indeed in him. His lady should feel so lucky to have such a compassionate man to want her. I am honored to be his friend indeed. *smiles* Life on VR is what you make it and I am finding incredible friends here that truly cares. Where were they all when I had my last account here? LOL! I must have been doing something wrong back then...maybe I was just a little too shy at the time? *grins* Not anymore!
Well, today was just another usual day as always. I worked, I cleaned laundry, I cooked, I washed dishes, I played on VR then watched a movie then worked on my BoS then came back on here. Got to talk to my ghost lover friend earlier...of course he had me all smiley as usual. *grins* Then I talked to another dear friend of mine tonight and he was doing pretty well. But I did hear something tonight I didn't wanna hear but hey life happens right? LOL! Just stand up and smile and go on. I am hoping it was a mistake of what I was told but if not then no biggie. Same as always! It always happens! *smiles* But so far all in all things has been really good except this rating thing seems to be very slow for me tonight lol. ok enough of my very excitable life for now. Til later! LOL!
Today was soo messed up. I couldn't seem to do anything right at all. It was like that one saying...what can go wrong, will go wrong! LOL! I won't go into detail about it all. But later on I log in and I was told to check my email. I did and got a very very good read that took that frown of mine and made me smile. Its amazing what close friends can do to make you smile even when they don't know how bad your day was. I am really glad that you are my friend Wrath and I hope our friendship never ends. It means alot to me. Blessed Be to you sweety.