Angelux's Journal

Angelux's Journal


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25 entries this month

Death note.

19:28 May 24 2019
Times Read: 508

& should this moment be my last
- know that i loved you till the end.

death note.




19:02 May 24 2019
Times Read: 512

My world will come to shreds &
i fear what i will become if i dont die.

I always knew the worst has yet to come.

Lets cherish this light while i still have it.




13:00 May 23 2019
Times Read: 563

I almost killed him, and enjoyed every second of it.

so did he..

that is all




16:41 May 22 2019
Times Read: 586

Here is the weekly message, from the guides.


You have spend a very, long time
protecting, the sacred space inside
of your heart, you have put these boundryes up
you have erected walls, and you are annoyed
that the fact, that somebody is creating
movement within those walls.
they are stirring something up inside of you
now, this may not be the love of your life,
or, maybe it is!. but what is getting on your last
nerve, is that you are not used to the emotion
thats stirring inside of you, and you have no clue
what to do about it. and here is the answer to that
stirring, that movement..

the number 8, or the infinity sign, is wrapping all around
you, or all around all that you are.
and so as you begin to feel these stirrings, inside of you
this is because, you are being called to face,
what actully caused you to put those walls up.

its been a very long time, youve passed by it,
youve not really dealt into it, and spirit is saying
wrap yourself in the figure 8, the infinity
intertwine with the divine, and you can begin to uncover
why life has been feeling, off.
why it has been hurting.

this person, this situation thats gotten behind the wall
behind the boundryes.
is a gift beyond measure.

you can now begin to break free, from the chains,
that has held you captive, and has kept you stuck
lets admit it, youre feeling stuck.
you dont know, why, or, how to get out of it.
and spirit is saying, this person that is right infront of you
carries the key, to your release.

the next part of this message is all about, chasing
what you want.
and there is a person, or an opportunity.
that has come into your life, that has made you
lets just say, abit curious.
hmm, think about this, what is it that you wanna go around
poking inside of?
but you are juuust, afraid, of getting bit.

SO, here is the image that comes up.
its the snake. and so if you go poking inside of places
that you cant see, you dont know whats hiding in there
and youre afraid, that you may get bit.
youre afraid that something might come out and ''chase'' you
or ''scare'' you.
and heres the beautiful thing, snakes got a bad rep, right?
and when we think about poking around in the dark
whether its the dark of our heart, or the dark of our mind
its a scary situation, but heres the thing about the snake

the snake is a beautiful creature, that knows when
to say when, it sheds its skin, and it moves on.
the snake is by nature, a peaceful creature
juust wants to go about its buisiness,
it lays beneath the radar and it will just leave you alone
if you leave it alone. and so theres nothing to fear

but heres the thing about the snake, and this is the same
that is true for your dark thoughts in your head, or your heavy
feelings in your heart.
untill you aknowledge that the snake is there,
you cannot, be aware of it, and you cannot, honor it.

the snake is a reminder, that we should pay attention
to the places we cant see into, on a regular basis

and so, it would be in your best interest.
if you let what has gotten behind your walls,
be revealed.

and one thing spirit cautions you on, is it.
stop making excuses, its nobodyes fault
whatever happend, happend. and you are left where you are left.
and it is time, for you to honor the space you are in
instead of running from it.




well well well

20:11 May 19 2019
Times Read: 629

Theres a spirit trying to reach me today.. i dont know if it is alive or dead.

its giving me this cold sensation down my back, from the inside.

im blinded, cant seem to reach it to figure it out..

but it sure is interresting.



20:14 May 19 2019

Note ' it also gives me a tingling sensation in my core.. like being in love ? excitement?

da fuck is this.


19:06 May 19 2019
Times Read: 643

- and the only thing we chase is to chase out. Yes the only thing we hunt is to hurt.
You’re either walking with, or away.

Bye bye mofo,
May you find the best for you.




Daily complaint

18:59 May 19 2019
Times Read: 647

I’ve spend almost all week inside all day
Which is boring as fuck

I had to cancel plans today cus I can’t go out

But it’s more of a torture to be in the sun
Than it’s ever been before I don’t know why

Don’t get me wrong It’s been unbearable for me since I was 14
But it’s getting worse and worse

We ain’t even in the top of summer yet

I don’t know what I am gonna do
It’s gonna be a struggle to keep my job not to mention
All the summer events with friends and family I’d have to pass until
Night time

I guess when nessasery im gonna walk around with an umbrella like an idiot

And yet I spend all winther complaining
And longing for spring and fall

Summer nights are my favorite thing

Oh well the suns going down soon.

Skål ..



19:43 May 19 2019

Try a broad brimmed plantation hat and very dark sunglasses should to the trick.

20:22 May 19 2019

Noo that would look so much idiotic.. on me.


17:11 May 19 2019
Times Read: 659

I love you
- Always & Forever..




15:49 May 19 2019
Times Read: 666

- and how do you take your coffee? He asked
- Irish, I said.




12:51 May 19 2019
Times Read: 682

You can do whatever the fuck you want
But if you walk this way you either fit in or fuck off
Fit in or fuck off, motherfucker

This is me, these are my people
We play harder than the others you know
We're born free, created equal
We can be friends if you respect the code

There's no room for hating in this life we love
It's either fit in. or fuck off!

This is me, these are my people
I like it just a little harder sometimes
Now why don't we, go out and lose it
Freedom is free cause it's all in the mind

We can be friends if you respect the code
There's no room for hating in this life we love
It's either fit in... or fuck off!




12:33 May 19 2019
Times Read: 683

Time waits for no man




20:51 May 18 2019
Times Read: 698

Everything that we suggest eventually will infest
In the center of your inner being
I know you’re conscious but you can't comprehend
The things you're hearing and seeing



03:18 May 19 2019

What a very polite, and politically correct way, to call someone stupid.

Or maybe I'm just dumb, and biased, and interpreted wrong.


03:32 May 19 2019

Humanity is beyond stupid.

03:32 May 19 2019

Old news lol


18:56 May 18 2019
Times Read: 706

I have a hangover like mad

I am not to be held responsible for whatever I did last night

Said it before I’ll say it again

Don’t leave me unsupervised




14:15 May 18 2019
Times Read: 719

Close the sun please




Ghost stories

12:22 May 18 2019
Times Read: 727

If I don't have an angel watching me
My nightmare will become reality
I'm afraid to fall back into sleep
I can see the demon, right in front of me

If I don't have an angel watching me
My nightmare will become reality
I'm afraid to fall back into sleep
I can feel the demon, deep inside of me

Deep inside of me




just info

12:20 May 18 2019
Times Read: 728

Im full blown ginger. the kind with blue eyes.

i just hide it well. (mostly)

that is all.




12:15 May 18 2019
Times Read: 729

In a world of angels & demons
We will sing our rebel song
Here we stand, protecting our secrets
Waiting for our kings to come




22:45 May 17 2019
Times Read: 762

Isn’t it time
That you fuck off again?

You’re great at that




22:13 May 17 2019
Times Read: 770

“Whereever the angel walks the demon is not far”

we Can repeat this shit we are doing in each our lifetimes
For we will sure meet again, as we have before

Difference is I am aware of this while you are clueless
Though your instinct know this your resistance for what is meant
Is simply putting your own growth at hold

I see it all, feel it all
This is part of our power

You can try hide
Let’s ignore it all
For your pity fear and theatrical masks
So that we won’t see the real you

I am nor light or dark
I am everything

You will never see the real me

Because you are blinded by the limit of assumptions

I see right through you, always have
Since the beginning of dawn

Once upon a time an angel and demon FELL in love
It did not end well..




Get me some loving tonight

18:38 May 17 2019
Times Read: 789

Nothings hotter than a loving, devoted sub
Hidden in a mask, that always
Want to be close to you, there for you, serve you, need you.

In a non weak way.

Makes my heart rush

I dont know why..





17:21 May 17 2019
Times Read: 797

To look into thy eyes and compell you,
I must be careful,
I learned this the hard way,

How are you recieving it?
When there is no sight in sight

My heart skip a beat, stops and jump
Thats how my body tell me
I've reached you

Now tell me your secrets
What your heart desire
The true colors of your soul
So i can decide whether you're black or gold

I can show you the light
Or the dark of night
Make you tremble in fright
Come reach my sight
Will you stand and fight
Or submit my might?

Either way, i win.




16:26 May 17 2019
Times Read: 808

Well, time to rest
and roll up in bed with a bongmix &
Playstation, i have a long night
ahead of me.

send me a message.

I be waiting..



16:35 May 17 2019

Enjoy the night... ~bows~

16:57 May 17 2019

Thank you mr. I'll try. :)


16:09 May 17 2019
Times Read: 813

& i could stand alone behind
with a bad taste in my mouth
but never force you to love me

If you're not with me
just forget me
just forget me.




16:02 May 17 2019
Times Read: 815

As earth raises its frequency
The source code of creation

The alchemy

A dormant force awakens within the human body
Opening gateways to ascension

Activate your DNA
Connect, align and awaken

The source code of creation

As earth raises its frequency




15:57 May 17 2019
Times Read: 818

The game is on

The game changer

Are you ready to awaken
Are you ready to play

The game is on

The game changer



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