Angelux's Journal

Angelux's Journal


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32 entries this month

19:56 Jul 31 2019
Times Read: 634

Being bi sexual is not fancy.
Its actully confusing as fuck..

It leave so Many more options open
Yet i have not had a partner for 5 years.




Impulsive rambling

11:02 Jul 30 2019
Times Read: 665

love them let them go
Let them go, don’t beg or chase.
Chase them off if needed..

Run, run as far as you can

If they come back, or follow. they’re yours.
Let things have its course.

They all belonged with me.
But none meant to be.

I’m an alpha
Without a pack

All we attract are other alphas
That wanna mate

Walking lone
With none to howl with
Into the vastness of the sky
A song of
The Wolfe’s cry




Whistle bitch

09:57 Jul 30 2019
Times Read: 672

There’s some people in this world
With exstraordinary gifts.
We don’t ask to be special
We’re just born that way.

Some of us can make objects move with our mind
Some of us our thoughts, your own
Some can see the future
Some of us can make music
With only one sound.




16:14 Jul 26 2019
Times Read: 712

Curling parents. Those fuckers gets on my nerve.
Even more so their little fucker spawns.

Little one SCREAMING in the train,
No! I want the LEGO one!! Screams hysterically.
The mother, well, may I give you the other kind? The LEGO is at home.

No! Shut up I want the LEGO one, screams again..

It took everything in me, not to turn around, and tell her to shut the child the fuck up.

May I give you what other one??

Privileged spoiled little fucking human spawns


I don’t like children



18:12 Jul 26 2019

It's the parent's to blame. I will never forget this one doctor visit where this lady had 3 kids who were all over the place, yelling, running... clearly hyped up. It was about 9 am in the morning. What does this mother give her kids while they were clearly on a sugar rush already; she pulled from her purse poptarts and gave each kid one. I was never so glad to be called back to see the doctor.

18:17 Jul 26 2019

I know it’s all the parents faults which just makes it worse.
Scares me to think what kind of adults they will turn into.

21:00 Jul 26 2019

I think some parents don't day no because it's easier in the short term, at first. Then the kids get used to getting what they want and think they're entitled.. they throw tantrums when they don't get it

21:01 Jul 26 2019


22:15 Jul 26 2019

I totally agree, but as you Said, they are just doing them a bear favor, short term. One can be a proper parent and put their child in its place without being abusive.
It will teach them respect consequence and that they ain’t entitled to shit they didn’t earn.

People so busy getting kids yet they have no clue how to prepare them for the world.

What they gonna do all grown up and not getting what they want?

Parenting classes should be a fucking law since humans be so busy breeding

And don’t seem to know simple psychology


13:35 Jul 23 2019
Times Read: 736

I just discovered Noel fielding and
I’m fascinated lmao




11:45 Jul 23 2019
Times Read: 743

I have a beautiful soul
But I also have a gun
A shovel
And a alibi 👌🏻




Conversations with the elder

19:24 Jul 22 2019
Times Read: 754

“Well it’s not that I don’t want to help I just don’t know how to put up the curtains.
I could try but let’s admit it, that shit will fall down first time you pull it

So lemme just sit here allready and tell you to call the man of the clan to fix it.
- that’s what they are for, isn’t it? “




Psi sang I don’t care we all hunger

16:33 Jul 22 2019
Times Read: 761

Little mr, you’re abit thin skinned aren’t ya? (Fragile)

What??! He responded in confusion.

Oh never mind don’t you worry, that’s perfect
I haven’t fed in long. ;)




Impulsive rambling

16:24 Jul 22 2019
Times Read: 763

I miss 3 and 4.
Like a seed in my chest, growing
I don’t really miss 1 and 2. Which
Is weird considering I been bonded
And loved those the longest.

They all gone away
It’s easy to admit your flaws
When it’s all over

I know I have yet to learn
For the world never fail to let me know

Your faces, your names
Appear everywhere

It was never love
If it is not still




08:15 Jul 22 2019
Times Read: 771

I learned the other day that
If you’re a Dane living in danmark and
You have public dept, if you then move
To Germany and stay there for 5 years
Your debt in danmark will get erased.

If this work with other countries too
Such as the UK/France etc
I might ACTULLY move.

I need to do some research on this




09:38 Jul 21 2019
Times Read: 788

Cancer, we all miss the cam function
Im sure it would help make the site more alive again
As Well.

Turn it Down for what?

That is all




18:29 Jul 20 2019
Times Read: 803

I have a sister in sweeden that i have never met.
3 other sisters i have not seen for a decade.
1 other sister i dont wanna see.
And a brother, the only one i am in touch with these days.
a father i have not seen in 5 years and a
wicked mum.

To put it lightly

bitch you cant bother me.




21:08 Jul 17 2019
Times Read: 835

It’s the third time this place appears in my nightmares.
Same location or, same house. Different dream.
And I can’t tell if it shows me
Warnings to come
Or underlying fears.

This house is not a house I know.
Yet i keep appearing in it lately.
With a different happenings each time.




17:50 Jul 17 2019
Times Read: 842

Beautiful things are prone to break me
The sad just makes me wanna do better




14:02 Jul 15 2019
Times Read: 874

I have payed the punishment
Of my crimes
A decade of torment.

I have learned &
I have grown

Time to walk out of this prison
It’s my time to shine
My time to love and lead

I’m out

You’re either with
Or in the way.

Now let’s go



19:52 Jul 16 2019

Ooooh cool poems!



12:22 Jul 14 2019
Times Read: 895

He was there.
so sweet and pretty.
And then I was like, fuck
Suddenly he was the first thing I thought of in the morning
And last thing in the night
Even during the day a constant linger.

That’s when you know you’re fucked
Isn’t it



05:06 Jul 15 2019



20:39 Jul 13 2019
Times Read: 908

Come, walk the night with me.
Let’s spend life, in each other’s company

Take my hand, you won’t be alone
Midst of wilder free to roam

Accept who we are &
Love for the same
Explore the world
Bury the pain




09:19 Jul 11 2019
Times Read: 972

The minority in my land
Have faith in the god.
You get looked at strange most likely
And set yourself up for discussion
If you even speak of god like a relative

As a matter of fact
We use the devil more in our language
And matters of speech

This is written before fanden/the devil got shoes on
(Meaning very early in the morning)

And it’s true
I’m still in bed.

Haha kidding
(Maybe ;))

Christ in crisis




Impulsive ramblings.

23:02 Jul 10 2019
Times Read: 985

My magic took a shift
I guess It’s
Cus I close off.

Had enough life gone can’t
Afford to loose more

Now I’m lost but are we not all?
They all drifted off me.

I wonder
If I can draw them close

Does their mind drift upon thoughts
Of me when I
Channel in
And otherwise?

Does my mind drift upon theirs at the same moments?

No way to know cus
They all gone &
I don’t trust my instinct

And if they would know of my attempt
Would it just make them resist?

Let it come
to a test
Or rest

Then again it would be selfish right?
Would be like a puppet master
Gathering the puppets just cus,
He can.

Not considering it would be
Best for all parts to just leave it be
Or how it affects the other persons feelings

For it’s all a game.
All a test

Cus no one gets to be let in easy
Or out.

And unfortunately something very
Satisfying to be able to do.
When they bow.

Either way it’s part of
The whole learning experience





impulsive rambling

20:03 Jul 09 2019
Times Read: 1,017

I get sincerely uncomftable when people touch me
If im not the one initiating it.
for that i mean everybody.
even when they mean it a lovely way.
wrap arm around me.
hold me.
hug me.
wanna handshake
touch my arm or leg
specially the back.
or my face.
just touch in generel.

it is very very rare
that i have been able to be
comftable with closeness.

even tho WHEN it happends
Its the best therapy

All in all
I guess the two of me respond different to
human contact.
depends which one you get and either way
you'd have to get trhough the one whom
if not fond of it.

why bother right?




impulsive rambling

19:47 Jul 09 2019
Times Read: 1,019

You'd look fine over there (points to the bed.
Learning to roll me a fatty. ;)

Conversate through it all
watch and observe
Guide and show
till we got it right.

I'll join you there when done
Oh what fun
Yes, come




22:04 Jul 08 2019
Times Read: 1,048

You’re one sick fucker aren’t you?
Oh wells, who am I to judge 😁 😇

I just miss another one while you thinks
This is all about you..





17:06 Jul 08 2019
Times Read: 1,057

i don’t know whom spilled blood in front of my door or why.
But I’m intrigued.





13:37 Jul 07 2019
Times Read: 1,078

Marriage is like bad politics
A lot of empty promises.

Looking all beautiful and true.

It is not
Do not get fooled.
You don’t step into some magic fairy tale
You step outta being in love

It is what
You make of it
Both of you
Hard work

You be lucky if you find A right for you
Where both parts are willing to better themselves
And the commitment.

I’m sure that I won’t be so lucky
As I am also sure I won’t breed
And I’m not sure that I’ll miss out

If I fill the space with just another
Kind of love.
The kind that last..

Commitment but not for one
Just for the two of it
Like friendship
Soul mates
But better

I’m not here to play human

We are different
Are you with us?

Let’s walk




09:46 Jul 07 2019
Times Read: 1,088

But u love me anyways

Annoying isn’t it?




Sorry that I lost you

23:42 Jul 06 2019
Times Read: 1,112

I just need
To know that you’re ok.
That you’re alive and well.

I know we don’t play anymore
I just worry.





17:34 Jul 05 2019
Times Read: 1,133

: Well imma call you in the morning before the devil gets shoes on.
and if i dont, im dead.
So if i dont call, you know why.

thanks for the warning, dad..



17:52 Jul 05 2019

Jeg elsker dig, even tho you hate when i say it. and never say it to me.
you always said, aaaarg, wait till im dead for that shit..


20:42 Jul 04 2019
Times Read: 1,157

You were mine
& now you’re not

It become a wast memorie
Of some that used to mean everything

The world makes me uncomfortable
Actually it chills me to the core
It’s brutal

“What about the beauty
What about the light
All the good and pure”

All beauty is pain.

Ignorance may be bliss
But annoying for the knowing



20:47 Jul 04 2019

There is no beauty in this world.

20:48 Jul 04 2019

Ugly is the new black

01:45 Jul 05 2019

Black is the new color to the people who have been burnt.
By many including family.
indulging isn't it?

02:18 Jul 07 2019



15:11 Jul 04 2019
Times Read: 1,172

You did it, again.
Great shaq.

Pushed everyone away.
Must be some kinda special talent

I always do this
Don’t get me wrong I like my own company

But everybody gets pushed out
I’ve also gone very cold lately
I almost feel nothing all the time

Also feel this urge to get away
Just get away from everything
To somewhere I can breathe and rest quietly
Just enjoy
In my own world.

No one gets close
And if they do
Someone in me sure will
Give them a hard time

Maybe I’m just better of alone.
And I don’t even mean that in a sad way



15:20 Jul 04 2019

I'm exactly the same way. You express things exquisitely.

15:30 Jul 04 2019

Thank you mr 👌🏻🙌🏻

01:47 Jul 05 2019

I'm the same as well.


12:16 Jul 04 2019
Times Read: 1,184

Some lady at work either cant remember or speak my name. (not that, that is anything new.

So she calls me sulaima.

and im like, Do i look like a sulaima to you? Raised eyebrow.

im a redhead, pale skinned with blue eyes


Its islamic/muslim and means ''flawless''

could not be more wrong.




17:51 Jul 03 2019
Times Read: 1,193




Impulsive rambling

21:08 Jul 02 2019
Times Read: 1,213

Growing empty and cold
Able to switch off
Frankly I’m fine
I don’t wanna feel a thing

And I don’t
Nothing bout friends
Nothing bout family
Nothing bout people

Sure it’s love less
But I don’t need that pain right now
Tho I’d love to find my kind

And yet I can’t define whom that is
Cus it’s opposites
Everything and

I have a heart
One that is gold

But oh does it feels nice to let go
And turn cold



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