whispers in the night
wrongun's speaking out
fear in the hearts
their voices trembling
demons and dark ones
the story of my life
a queen sat high up yonder
fear not the words of fools
they protest themselves too much
their jealousy ooozes out
those who cannot fear cannot hurt
those who come closer in the night
i who have no soul
feelings not fears
trust only those you want to be trusted by
let the bitches rot
let the scoundrels die
foolish ......
life is a lesson not a rite
teach those who fail
one day ...........
one day .........
one day...........
returning to the hallowed place
feeling the blood drain
my heart torn
my mind split
waking the demon inside me
his devilish soul beckon s hatred upon
a dirty little secret
kept from the eyes of others
a keeper of the sacred key
her emotion cold
her gaze fixed
her head spins
a bite between friends
a link that time cannot perish
a blissful fantasy shared with thy other
crimson red locks shadow my thoughts
a return and yet a parting
memories happy playing with thy head
not despondent but flourishing
no regrets no regrets
lingering through the aches of life
always watching
Welcome Home,My Angel of Death...
thank you my lady always a pleasure to return to your realm ~kneels in honour~
wandering through those halls of memories
forgiven but not forgotten
where art thou lady
the blazen red
i have been forgetful
my honourable standards slipping
gazing at the stars above
seeking the comets tonight
wishing on a star
seeking those eyes so bright
for those who seek answers
i have none
for those that seek the truth
i cannot lie
but i can omit
feeling dazed confused slighlty neurotic
take the tablets man
calm will come again
but like always right before the storm
fear not that you displease me siren
i slept well last night
angels singing in my head
songs of torment dont repent
01:08 Jun 21 2013
-kisses your cheek-
Thank you,Darlin'.
01:12 Jun 21 2013
your welcome
even when im gone im here
with you
forever and always
~kneels before thee~