Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


11 entries this month

Origins of a Pain, or two…

14:18 Sep 30 2012
Times Read: 822

One amongst several, I was called for, so did the unthinkable, I ran down the corridor, from the breakfast area in the residential section, to the toilets in the daycentre.

A crowd had gathered round the main area before two cubicles toilets and, the male Officer-In-Charge, who normally looked so calm in his tweed jacket, with pipe and moustache, didn’t. He looked harried.

“He’s been throwing a fit for over seven minutes,” he had said: “Someone needs to go over the top…” ‘someone slim and stupid,’ I think now, in hindsight.

Well, I nominated myself and, went over the top of the cubicle, where the fellow still shook and, I lifted him twice, once upright, then after the lock was undone, another time to lay the fellow down safely, for him.

I say safely for him, as that’s the day left wrist and back went; exacerbated by falling on the black ice in Bromborough village thirty years late, when I had a cooked chicken in the bag on my back. Now, I have compression, displacement, compression and impingement of my spine, in that order.

I can just imagine the appointment I’m waiting on, with the pain management consultant: I sit down opposite and he survey’s the xrays of my upper spine. Then he looks at me, elbows on the desk, his fingers forming a steeple, as he looks at a fan over my right shoulder: the first of the two they operated on.

“Well… the thing is…” he drawled, in that cultured, nineteen fifties, clipped speech pattern of his; “we could leave it as it is, or we could operate. And, that has it’s own risks, as I’m sure you know…” Oh, I knew that alright; but with arm? Well, you need your arms, don’t you? So when a nerve got impinged and prevented their use; we’d dealt with it, right then left, as it were.

Heck, the whey they’d been growing, I used to joke that I had the beginnings of horns, or angels wings. I knew which would be the more likely.

They had opened it up, took the bone out, shaved it down and put it back, And, it’d given me my arms back, the left, then the right.

‘But the neck? The top of my spine?’ It did give one cause for concern. Yet, the left shoulder, at the front, was getting real bad now, with a tightness there and, constant pins and needles, with the it only dissipating when I had a really bad pain in the back of my head at the top of my neck on the left, ‘But, an operation?’

“That’s a scary thought”, I imagine I’ll think, as I look up to the sky above and the omnipresent grey clouds, layer upon layer. And leaving the consultants off, I’ll make my way across the hospital grounds, palms sweaty, with numb shock from all I might hear next and, I’ll head for the busstop.

Needless to say, it’ll be at that moment that the sky above decides to deliver the rain they had promised for hours and soon I’ll be sodden, as I cross the tarmac surface and walk to the busstop, annoyed once again that I’m not allowed to smoke there, as I’m sure I’ll be needing a smoke, by then…




Shade The Exlporer ~ The Conclusion

16:56 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 833

Chapter Four

Thea emerged from Shades Cabin dressed in a simple olive green sleeveless tee-shirt, camouflage pants, with enormous side-pockets and, highly practical tough thigh-length black boots.

She posed in the door, one leg crooked forward, hands on hips, “So how do I look?

Shade had returned to his seat in the doorway, to look at Thea once more, his coat already in place, his hair brushed back, his Stetson by his feet.

“You look… incredible,” he told her, seeing her not as she was, but as she had been, just a short while ago, in the shower.

“Thank you… lover…” Thea said with a light smile, as she gathered together some essentials and, placed them in her backpack.

“And we’re going where?” Shade asked, finishing his second coffee, this one liberally laced with whiskey.

“Well you can stop in a tidy,” she opined, looking around the main room, “Or you can come outside and play…”

Shade looked around the cabin, as Thea moved toward the airlock, backpack already in place and, he stared at her pert derriere.

“I’m coming,” he muttered, with a smirk; then he stood and followed his companion, as she led him outside and, onto the sandy earth.

Shade deactivated the cloak, feeling sure it was not needed.

“Are you sure you want to go back in, again?” He queried, his gaze still intent, as he followed her to The Dome’s airlock.

“Of course I am,” Thea assured him, looking over her right shoulder, “One bad experience doesn’t put me off…”

“Not all think like that,” Shade mumbled, following in her footsteps, as Thea led him to the airlock, which opened easily, for her.

The heat of the day had already got to Shade and, he was thankful or his Stetsons wide brim, for shade from the sun and, his way of wearing his coat as he did, for the fresh air on his chest.

“Well are you coming?” Thea called out, standing waiting for Shade.

“Uh huh…” Shade mumbled entering after her. And then, as Thea opened the second door he found that he stood next to a stupefied Thea, whose mouth opened and shut.

Finally she found the words she had been looking for, as she asked; “Do you see what I see Shade?” And, he did…

The city inside the dome was milling with thousands of well-dressed people, many of who bore faces that resembled Thea, in some respect.

A man walked passed the two, whose face looked somewhat like Shade. He turned to look at Shade and looked as shocked, as Shade felt himself.

The man called to a woman, who made her way across to the trio: “Do you see what I see?” He asked the woman, dressed in light silks.

She looked at Shade, then Thea and looked as surprised as the fellow had.

“Greetings Shade the Pilot of Thea the Mother,” He greeted, “I am Theo two, nine zero, zero… It is grand, that The Mother has returned to meet her children…”

The young woman in silks looked at Thea and bowed low, then said in reverence, “Greetings to Shade, the pilot of Thea, The Mother. I am Thea two two, zero nine…”

Shade turned to look at Thea, puzzled. “This city was empty yesterday and now…?”

“I know, I know…” She admitted: “This is all so… bewildering…” And suddenly the pair became aware that they had become the centre of attention, for many of those passing by the airlock.

“Come with me,” Theo two, nine zero, zero told them, “Come with me.”


“There’s something you must see…” Thea two two, zero nine added.

Thea, Shade’s Thea, looked at Shade and smiled, “Well, are you…?”

“Don’t say it it,” Shade mumbled with a grin, taking her hand as they were led by Theo and Thea, deeper into the city, with the crowds parting for them, at their approach…

“Why does everyone look so shocked and why does everyone look like…”

“A piece of you, or a bit of me?” Shade added, with a grin.

Finally they were where Theo intended: “See?” He told them, pointed at a round blue plaque on the side of the building, which Thea had touched, moments before she had fallen: “History of Thea the Mother…” He called out and, a hologram formed before them of a bearded man in white robes, holding a bust of Thea.

“This is the Mother of us all, whose selfless act generations ago, gave us Life anew…” the figure in the midst of the hologram intoned, “She is the one whose memories, energy and multiplying nanites brought back our people, from the land beyond…”

A large respectful crowd had now gathered around Thea and Shade, both of whom seemed quite perplexed by this information.

“The nanites gave us facets of the Mother of our people; to give us each individual identities and, so we revere her memory, as we await her return…” the hologram continued.

“Come, come…” Thea in silks enthused, rushing onward through the crowd of people, who parted quickly, for The Dome Mother.

And Thea in silks walked fast, leading the three through street after street, until they arrived at a main square, where she pointed toward at the centrepiece, a statue on a small green, of Shade, his coattails flapping, as he carried Thea in his arms, concern etched on his bronze face.

“Your people, your children… are so-pleased, that you have returned to us… our Dome Mother…” Thea in silks expressed in adoration, as she sank to her knees, head bowed. And, all around Shade and Thea, each citizen replicated her action, as they realized who was amongst them…

And a tear fell down Thea’s cheek, as she glanced around, at these people, her children…




21:00 Sep 29 2012

It is a very interesting conclusion.

21:05 Sep 29 2012

Interesting conclusion, sadness and joy.

10:14 Sep 30 2012

This is wonderful. The fifth from the end brings me to tears.


Shade The Explorer Chapter Three

01:05 Sep 26 2012
Times Read: 841

...it sought out what it knew, The Dome. And, for many cycles of growth, access could not be found; until a portion of the coalescing forms found the smallest of cracks; and They entered, once more.

‘That must be sealed,’ a voice within the growing collective acknowledged.

Chapter Three

Shade rose groggily from his bed, a dry mouth and an empty bottle the result of a thoughtful night.

“Light!” He called and, immediately regretted having done so, as he blinked several times and groaned. Shade had been thinking of Thea, again. Since he had begun travelling with the pleasure model turned freewoman Thea had become more than she had been, too him.

Thea had drive and curiosity and, loved to learn. Shade liked that about her. And, he had been thinking of her, lying with him, much of the night.

He set the laser raze down on the sink edge and looked at himself, having finally divested himself oh his coat.

He was tall, lean, with a scarred toro and a hirsute chest, that he shave from his nipple line, down to his waist, going inward, at the end of his ribs, to taper inward and ending at the waistband of his well-worn blue-jeans

Briefly he looked down at his threadbeare socks and, he mutted, “Where to buy socks, in a new Universe?” This thought, he found amusing, very. And, Shade’s face broke into a broad grin; until he recalled Thea.

“How is she?” H exclaimed, pulling on his boots and, calling out, “Door!”

The cabin door slid aside with a slight whoosh and Shade left, rapidly making his way to the cabinets’ alcove, behind the small craft’s cockpit.

And… it was empty. Shade stood there, before the empty cabinet, feeing scared for his companion and at a loss, fists clenching, jaw tight.

Then, he heard her light voice, from inside the shower. “I swear down Shade, I’ll never get this dust and sand out of me. I’m sure I have it in every crack and crevice.”

He watched her silhouette against the frosted glass, the curves of her slim body undulating, as Thee soaped up and. Shade envied the warm water, falling upon sweet-smelling skin and quickly he made a decision.

“Would you like some assistance?” He asked, undoing the button to his jeans.

“I’d like that Mister Shade…” Thea teased, sliding the door open and beckoning to him with the crooked forefinger of her right hand: ‘too long, too long,’ Thea mused, thinking back for a moment and their last time together.

“I… care…” Shade began, brushing gentle fingers across Thea’s left small breast, toward her nipple, each word faltering, “I care for you…Thea…. Very much…”

Lifting a shy gaze from his gowing manhood, Thea looked to Shades strong face, eager fingers caressing each scar on his chest.

“We’re together… Now, aren’t we?” Thea asked Shade, as he slid into her honey warmth, holding his Love in a tight embrace, as the water continued to fall.

“Thank Frell I’ve a good conversion unit,’ he mused, for all of a second, before giving his Love… the attention that she warranted and, as Thea wrapped her legs round the base of his back, he thrust back and forth in a slow motion, enjoying thoroughly, this new found unity.

And, time passed…

Shade poured a coffee, black and steaming. Then sitting in the cockpit doorway, holding his mug with both hands, he watched Thea move round the main room, holding it to her breasts, which draped down, finding the dimples at the base of her spine fascinating.

“You look good, this morning,” he said with a smile.

“Yes,” she admitted, “I do feel better…”

Briefly Shade looked to his mug and he muttered, “Well, you sure as Frell feel good.”

Then, looking up he asked, “What happened yesterday in the dome. Do you know?”

Thea looked up, with the beginning of an outfit in hand; “I really don’t know. I’ve never felt something like it before…. I just touched the wall and…” Thea paused, looking for the right words to express what had happened; yet could find none.

“Well, they say old buildings can act as a recipient for collective memory…” Shade mused aloud, as he continued to watch Thea, who had finally decided what to wear.

“I’ll be back in a moment,” she told Shade, looking over her left shoulder, as she entered his cabin, leaving behind several open cupboards and scattered piles of clothing behind her.

Shade looked at the mess she had left and he grinned ruefully, “Sometimes I wish that I had the room for a cabin of her own…”




Shade The Explorer Chapter Two

18:20 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 846

“I felt something, well someone… touch me, then they were gone and, it felt like my head were bein torn it two…”

“Sounds horrible,” he murmured, looking over her shoulder then around them both. He couldn’t see anything, or sense anything himself; but Shade had seen a lot on his travels, that didn’t always make sense, to him. So, he did not doubt Thea.

‘But,’ he mused, ‘that does beg the question, what did she encounter?’

Chapter Two

Sobbing, Thea wrapped her arms round Shade’s neck. Then whimpering plaintively, she closed her eyes and began to murmur, “So many voices… filling the void… So many…” Her eyelids fluttered, as if she were in a deep sleep.

‘But, she doesn’t sleep, not like me,’ he mused, as he carried her down empty streets and, back towards the airlock they had used to enter the dome; ‘She needs the cabinet, to rest and recharge and…’

He was concerned for Thea, in a way he had only felt for his wife and child. Yet, that was hard for the gunman to accept: ‘After all,’ he reminded himself, ‘she is a pleasure model and, they don’t…’ He was about to think that she didn’t feel like he did. But, for years, he hadn’t felt, as he had searched for the killer Ashton Friday. It was Thea who had given him the opportunity to end his searching and, find justice, for the wrong done to him. And, once more he reminded himself how much he owed this pleasure model. And, that thought stayed with him, as he left the airlock and made his way to his ship.

Once inside, he made Thea comfortable inside her cabinet and then made his way to his own small cabin, to rest.

He lay in the middle of his bed, one that covered much of the room, scattered with cushions aplenty, for a multitude of worlds.

Settling in amidst the thick duvet, he reached for his bottle of scotch, bringing the neck to his mouth, he itltid his neck, then chucked back several gulps of the fiery brew, made to his knowledge on Terra Nine; or so it was said.

Setting the bottle down on the side-ledge, he removed his hat and kicked off his boots, one by one; then opening his coat he ran his hand over his bare chest, toward his hardening nipples, Shade called out, “Lights.”

And as the lights in the cabin dimmed and Shade became occupied, Thea lay back into the cabinets moulded back, eyes closed her nanites recharging, unaware that a connection had been made. And, in the dark silent ship, Life had begun anew.

And as the ships occupants both rested, finally that spark of Life entered the ships air ducts, now filtering planet-air, whilst the filter’s recharged. It entered, then managed to circumnavigate the vent system, to the outtake and the planets atmosphere.

Once free, it sought out what it knew, The Dome. And, for many cycles of growth, access could not be found; until a portion of the coalescing forms found the smallest of cracks; and They entered, once more.

‘That must be sealed,’ a voice within the growing collective acknowledged.




Impingement and Communication.

15:13 Sep 21 2012
Times Read: 853

The impingement in my upper spine is similar to that of my shoulders, which had led to a distinct lack of use of my arms, at one time.

I now have a hundred per cent mobility in my arms. But, it had not been the pain that irked, it was not being able to use the buggers.

But, they would not do both at once, as I wanted it all over and done with. But, it had been explained to me that it wasn’t possible. Yet, there had been one consolation, they did the right arm first, as I had wanted the right done first, as I am right-handed; so needed it use, obviously. Yet, as it is I think the surgeon did the stitching on the right, not the left: and, the left gets sore sometimes.

I think the left shoulder was finished off by his registrar; a fellow with poor communication skills... It gets raw looking sometimes; recall it's 'on the bone.'

I say he had poor communication skills as he showed my x-rays to a bunch of white coats, with me present and, told them of the x-ray in broken English... But the one bit that he said clearly was, "…doesn't the arthritis show up well?"

Well, till then I'd not known I had arthritis.

So, with my dander up, I went to see the specialist, his boss my consultant... and told him the fellow had 'poor communication skills, that he needed them improving somewhat…'

I do feel fellows like him, in his position, should speak my language better.

It’s a real pity there's so many of colour here that make no attempt to do so.



18:32 Sep 25 2012

It is frustrating. I know what you mean. They are in a position of great responsibility and should be "on it ",

if you will


Shade the Explorer

12:15 Sep 15 2012
Times Read: 860

Chapter One

The air inside the dome was dry and warm. And, as Shade walked hand-in-hand with Thea, each stared in wonder at the many spires and tall buildings reaching up towards the curved surface of the dome.

The city appeared empty and devoid of Life.

“I think the ship needs a name…” Thea said, looking up to the stoic gunman, turned explorer.

A smile briefly touched the corners of his lips, before Shade sneered; the upper right top lip curled in contempt: “It’s a starship Thea, designate WKD965…”

Frustrated that Shade was so stubborn, she persisted.

“Most people name their ship Shade…” She reminded him.

Shade looked down to his companion of seeming Asian origin and, grinning mirthlessly he said in reply, “Do I seem like most people Thea?”

Thea sighed in resignation – during their time travelling, she had learned little of Shade, bar what she had been able to gleam through experience: The former gunman thought carefully about the situation, before shooting his adversary. He also had a distinct taste for bdsm as she’d been bound to find out, sooner or later; and he had a heavy hand, as her heated buttock flesh had found on several occasions.

But, it was his mode of attire that bemused her the most: For planetfall he had chosen to wear his wide-brimmed Stetson, tight blue-jeans and boots. He also wore his long, long-draping fawn-coloured leather coat, shirtless as usual.

And although she generally dressed as her profession denoted, Thea had chosen to dress for the occasion, as it were; tight light brown leggings, canvas and rubber black slip-ons and, an olive green shirt, with a multitude of pockets.

Shade had asked her why she wore the shirt open and her pert breasts ubfettered. In answer Thea had grinned, then flicked at her left nipple with her right fore-finger and thumb.

“Perhaps I know why you like to dress as you do!” She snapped, grinning wildly,

Then in a quieter voice she informed him, “So, I might just start dressing like you do more often…” She told him this, knowing full well her programming would not allow it. But, the remark had garnered the response she sought

“I kinda like the way you dress…” Shade had mumbled, as they’d exited the ships airlock.

At this Thea had smiled to herself, as she followed him.

And then, having cloaked the ship, ‘just in case,’ the pair had walked the short distance, to where Shade had picked up the transmission.

The pair had initially walked in silence, which Shade had appreciated, while Thea had not. Finally she had said, “Do you believe we might find life here.”

Shade had simply glowered at her, from beneath the broad brim of his Stetson, which he’d tilted forward a little, to shield his eyes from the sun.

“You heard the automated signal, same as me,” he spat out; “Hell, for all I know, there’s no-one here. But, we’ll not know till we enter, will we?”

‘It is at moments like this,’ Thea thought, ‘that I’m reminded just how methodical he can be…’ Then, watching him survey the dome for an entrance, Thea was till quite regretful that she’d had assumed the appearance of his late wife, in order to help him and, herself of course.

‘He can be patient, like no that I’ve met.,’ she had mused aloud, as Shade continued his search round the domes perimeter, for a way of entrance.

Finally he had called out, “Thea, I’ve found a way inside!”

They had entered the airlock he had found, then after decon they entered the dome itself, finding themselves looking at a series of metal spire’s, the centre one running skyward, towards clouds. Toward the base were other buildings, walkway’s and a monorail that ran throughout the domed city: The seemingly empty, sterile city.

They had walked for hours, looking for signs of life, which the wrist-band equipment that Shade used illustrated there was life, in abundance. Yet, they saw none.

Then, as they turned a corner at an intersection, Thea stumbled, bracing herself, by placing her left arm straight, palm outstretched and pressed against the smooth metal of the windowless building,

“Shade!” She called plaintively, falling to her left knee, clutching at her forehead with her right hand.

He turned at the sound of Thea’s call, concern evident on his face, as he approached his companion.

“Are you alright?” He quizzed.

“Does it look like it?” Thea snapped frowning, evidently in pain; pain that she was unused to, being able to shut down sectors of her system, if pain were involved in a customers requirements.

Helping Thea stand and drawing her to him, Shade asked, “What happened?”

And, feeling safe, in his arms, Thea looked to his unshaven face, as Shade looked toward her kindly, “I felt something, well someone… touch me, then they were gone and, it felt like my head were bein torn it two…”

“Sounds horrible,” he murmured, looking over her shoulder then around them both. He couldn’t see anything, or sense anything himself; but Shade had seen a lot on his travels, that didn’t always make sense, to him So, he did not doubt Thea.

‘But,’ he mused, ‘that does beg the question, what did she encounter?’




“Wishes are dishes and horses are courses”

16:18 Sep 12 2012
Times Read: 866

The rain had continued for hours, bouncing hard on the pavement. James Garvey had spent his busfare home, so was walking, his cap well down, his glasses spots of rain and, his hands deep in the sidepockets of his fawn green carcoat, the collar rolled up. And, the walk home seemed interminable. He sighed, long and hard; “I wish I didn’t exist.” Well, the next morning, James was reminded yet again to be careful what you wish for, as he awoke to a digital clock, that read 00:00 and, once dressed and out on the street, the passers-by, passed him by. Truly he didn’t exist: Garvey had been expunged from recorded history and, though he lived and breathed to the world, he no longer existed, in the same fashion that the multiverse suddenly existed… a wish had been granted.




Shade's Payback - Epilogue

13:09 Sep 08 2012
Times Read: 872


Shade removed his waistcoat, revealing a somewhat battle-scarred lean torso. He was hirsute, but shaved around his areola, then straight down from his collar-bone, to his waistline.

He picked up his coat, where Thea had carefully folded it up, as if to be packed away.

Then Shade donned his favourite item of apparel, his coat; enjoying the feel of the rough leather graze against his body.

Thea had tidied the starship whilst he’d been on his mission and, though his last beer was not wear he’d left it, she did have the space that she needed for the cabinet.

And, while he washed and dressed prior to the flight, the ever-adaptablre pleasire model had fitted the cabinet, near the cockpit, where Shade now took his seat.

Flicking a switch above his head, twentieth century softrock played, as he engaged the ship thrusters.

“Okay, now I’m ready for…” Shade muttered.

Shade engaged the main engine, which kicked in hard, the g-force tearing at the ship, as he geared the ship into unknown space and, the rough leather grazed Shade’s nipples, hardening them.

“Well, she wanted to get way from this planet and, I want…” Shade muttered.

He needed to escape; after all he’d encountered in the previous years. Now, like Thea, had a destination, into the unknown…

“Space,” he muttered. “It’s a big place… and, there’s adventures to be had.”

And time passed.

Shade had entered hibernation, at Thea’s insistence. She had now piloted the craft for nearly fifty years, as they travelled into the Outer Fringe itself.

Now she smiled.

Thea had dressed well for the occasion, in a diaphanous multi-coloured silk robe, sexy lingerie and black high-heels; highly impractical. But, today was a special day; today was her Shades wake-up day, now they had entered this new Universe...




Shades payback - Chapter Three

00:54 Sep 06 2012
Times Read: 878

Chapter Three

Shade drew his pistol from its well-oiled holster. And, with the powerful weapon in hand, he kicked at the louvred bat-wing doors.

As they swung open Shade entered the saloon. And, his gun held at the end of a straight arm, he traced an arc from to the left, then back slowly, to the right, before directing the killing end towards the rooms sole occupant, the cleaner.

“Where’s Tucker?” Shade snarled.

The cleaner looked up from his chore, his rheumy eyes showing fear. He was a short fellow, with the appearance and colour of a prune given human form, in a pair of dungarees. He had been pushing broom, but stopped at the sound of Shades voice.

Talking a couple of paces forward, Shade directed his long-barrelled pistol towards the cleaner’s head.

“So what’s your name fella?” Shade asked.

“Name’s Carlson Mister… please… don’t… shoot me…” the fellow entreated, clutching the brush handle with both hands.

“Now Carlson, the thing is, if you get that empty cabinet onto a trolley and to me, there’ll be no reason to shoot you dead…”

“The cabinet? The empty cabinet?” Carlson queried, sweat dripping down his heavily furrowed brow, his eyes riveted on the killing end of Shade’s powerful weapon.

Shade sighed and, used his right thumb to click back the pistols hammer.

The sound of it clicking home filled the empty room and the cleaner gulped hard.

“You had two Pleasure Model’s. Now, you have one. I’ve come for that empty cabinet, etc…” Shade told the old man.

There was a quiet menace to the gunmen’s voice that was not lost on Carlson; and his gaze had not wavered from the possible threat of death posed by his weapon..

“The cabinet, it’s fixed in place… it… it’s…” he stuttered.

The man’s dark skin was now heavily beaded with perspiration; and the old man blinked several times, as salty-sweat dripped into his eyes.

“Makes no never mind,” Shade muttered, loud enough for Carlson to hear.

“Who told you?” Carlson stammered,

“Told me?” Shade quizzed, a smirk on his face.

“Who told you about the cabinets?” the old man asked, now sweating profusely, causing the man to blink again and again.

“Thea told me,” Shade admitted.

“You know Tuckers won’t like this, don’t you?” The man questioned, with a nod toward Shade’s pistol.

“I know it like it was sung to me at bedtime,” Shade mumbled, in response.

“Ah, so you know Tucker…” Carlson stammered, “you know he won’t like this?”

“Carlson,” Shade interrupted, “like I assured someone else, in another time and place… Tucker’s Lucks Run Out…”

The old man gulped.

“Now fella,” Shade began, “where is this Tucker?” Shade asked curiously.

“Tucker… Mister… er,” the old man glanced back and forth, his gaze finishing on the manager’s office: “He’s in his office. He’s busy…”

Kane paused, for a moment’s thought.

“Well fella, you know what I told you…?” Shade asked.

“About… Sir?” Carlson managed to say, with his dry mouth.

“The cabinet, the trolley and, it’s removal,” Shade reminded the older man, as he eased the hammer back, with his thumb and sliding the gun back into it’s holster.

Carlson nodded, his eye glancing back and forth, as if he were seeking escape.

Then all-in-one motion, Shade withdrew the gun again, swirled it round on his middle finger, finishing by allowing the butt to slip back into the palm of his hand, then had directed his weapon towards the old man’s head once again.

And Carlson looked at Shades unshaven, chiselled face, framed against the light of the window and, that streaming through over and under the bat-wing doors.

It was… almost a moment of man-lust. And though the wizened felt as he did, the long-barrel of the gun quickly provided an end to this reverie.

“Yessir, I recall whattcha said, I’ll… I’ll get on with whattcha said…” Carlson stammered, turning away slowly and, setting his broom against the bar top: “An Tucker? He’s in his The Manager’s office, with the other pleasure model…”

As he walked away to get the trolley he would need, the old man looked back over his left shoulder, as Shade strode purposefully toward the Manager’s office.

The old man suddenly felt sorry for his blustering, bullying manager; then thinking again he smiled, recalling all the times he had been at the blunt end man’s temper.

And, his right-hand fingers flexing once more over the butt of his pistol, Shade knocked on the door, “Tucker!” He bellowed.

“I’m busy!” Shade heard through the door.

“Yeah yeah fella… so am I…” Shade muttered, through gritted teeth, well aware that time had passed by, while Thea waited on his return.

Snarling, Shade lashed out with his left foot, kicking the door inward, so that it crashed to the floor, landing scant inches from the bunched up trousers round Tuckers ankles.

He had been taking Thea over his desk, when Shade had interrupted and, the man’s fleshy buttocks wobbled, as he withdrew from the Pleasure Model, wilted manhood still dripping his cream.

Then Tuicker reached for a pulse rifle, stood next to his desk, as the blonde Thea, turned to look at him, “I take it we’re finished here Sir?”

“Oh… he’s finished…” Shade informed her, as Tucker sought to engage the powercell’s in his rifle and, level it toward Shade.

Shade pulled the trigger, once, twice and then a third time, into the corpulent body, now lying on the floor, blood pumping from the large open wound.

“Yep… he’s finished…” he mumbled, with a light smile, sliding his weapon back into his holster, as the blonde Thea began to dress.

Shade turned, then walked back through the doorway and back into the barroom.

“Now, let’s see if I have some Banth loading to do?” He said to himself with a light smile playing on his lips.




Shade's Payback - Chapter Two

01:45 Sep 04 2012
Times Read: 888

Chapter Two

Although the ride to town wasn’t a long one, it was long enough for Shade to formulate a plan. And, as the plan was simple, he was pleased with it.

“Little to go wrong,’ he considered, once again looking at the timepiece on the four inch wide wrist-band of brown, that he wore on the left.

“Just over nine hours to go now,” Shade mused, “I gotta get a move on!”

“C’mon you beast!” He called out, kicking his heels into the beast’s flanks.

The Banth snorted trough large nostrils, then made to rear. Shades quickly brought the animal back under his control, then pressed his heels into its flank, once more.

“C’mon move it!” He shouted and, suddenly the animal gave the burst of speed he knew it was capable of.

The Banth of Pikes Sati was a powerful beast, capable of carrying heavy loads and, when called upon, moving at great speed, when ridden by an experienced rider.

Currently, it was.

And, as the second of the two moons followed the arc of the first, into the night sky, Shade steered the Banth toward town, aware that time was moving and, that Thea’s time was running out.

Finally, he reached the edge of town, having passed several mines on his journey, each floodlit and being worked through the night.

He pulled on the reins, to draw the Banth to a halt, then surveyed the one road town, off which several side streets ran, taking one into the small residential section of the small town, known as Dickens, after it’s founder; the first to make planetfall, just over twenty odd years prior.

“Place looks quiet,” Shade muttered, running his fingers across the butt of the pistol, in his well-oiled holster. And, dismounting he smiled, “But, that’s gonna change, soon.” And, it would, he was sure of that.

He gazed down the slope leading to town, surveying the area, for access and egress from the saloon, where the he’d find the cabinet that Thea needed.

The smile left his face slowly, as once more his fingers toyed with the pistol butt

No matter what happened, Shade needed to know he’d tried, for Thea, at he camp.

“I mean,” he found himself muttering to himself, “it’s not like she’s really alive. But she is so real, to me.

And she was, real to him. He wanted to help her, though what she’d asked of him was so, unusual. Yet, he’d been alone so long and; on the trail of the killer, for too long.

But, thanks to the Asian Thea, his quest for justice was ended; he had some company and, once more a reason to fight, for a cause.

“A cabinet, so that she can have what she wants,” he snarled, “Well, I’ll ensure that she continues to…” and, he stared ahead, into the far distance, seeking the right word, ”live. I figure I owe her that.”

Thinking of Thea, Shade remounted his Banth. Kicking his heels hard into the beast’s flanks, Shade reminded himself that he had a mission and, ‘unlife to save.’

He steered the animal onto a small trail that led downward, toward the town. Then, nearing where Main Street was tarmac layered, Shade could smell the town’s cesspit, on the early morning breeze. The sky had lightened, with the promise of sunrise.

Shade slowed the Banth, noticing that there were a few early morning risers, already out, on the boardwalk to his right and left.

No-one kept his gaze though, as he traversed down the thoroughfare, as his demeanour and, exposed weaponry suggested that this was not a man to whom one did not say ‘good morning ro;’ without being approached first, after being greeted with a smile.

The saloon where he had headed was at the other end of the tarmaced Main Street and, was the last building on the left, before the gates to the small spaceport.

Shade made his way slowly, warily looking to either side, aware of the odd twitching curtain. He moved extremely cautiously, as he didn’t want undue attention. Yet Shade knew he’d be noticed though, when he made his move.

Then when he came to the hitching-rail outside the saloon, Shade dismounted, his shis heartrate increased, senses now heightened.

He stepped onto the boardwalk and took the two steps needed to get to the louvred bat-wing doors, fingers already itching. He was ready for action and, that’s what he needed Now.




Shades payback - Chapter One

02:48 Sep 02 2012
Times Read: 891

Chapter One

The bounty-hunter sat with his back to a lightning tree, his wide-brimmed Stetson at his side. It was apparent to Shades companion that he sorely needed a haircut, or a severe trim at the very least. But, there was noway that the attractive woman across the fire was going to tell him that.

Of Asian appearance and wearing what appeared to be a traditional dress in royal blue, with gold patterning, Thea had just answered his question.

Now he knew what she wanted, for the help she’d provided back in town and, the information left Shade deep in thought, as he stared into the flames. He owed Thea, of that there was no doubt, ‘But…”

Then Shade scratched at the three day-old growth of beard, rose and groaned, as torn ligament and worn muscles added to the pain in his joints, flexing the fingers of his hands again and again. Then he began to pace back and forth.

“Least you don’t have to put up with… this!” He exclaimed, holding his gun hand up, annoyed the pain in his joints often prevented him from doing what he knew he could.

“You complain about aches Shade. If I don’t return to my cabinet, I’ll literally fall apart in the twenty-fifth hour…”

‘The cabinet,’ he mused, ‘there it was. She’d struck the deal to end all.’

The pleasure models looked real, in all aspects, but their existence depended on the cabinet, that imbued the nanites with sufficient cohesion, to last twenty-four hours, then the model had to return, until it’s nanites were powered up, once more

‘And, Thea wants her cabinet and freedom from the role she’d known since awakening…. Not much too ask…’ he considered.

Shade flexed his right hand and a muscle in his lower arm engaged a spring mechanism: and, the blade inside his coat slid into his palm.

“Thea, I don’t welch on a debt…” Shade told his companion, as he stared started picking at his left forefinger nail, with the blade of his knife, “but…”

Thea looked up and smiled sweetly, “But… you’re thinking of doing so now?”

Even deeper in thought now, Shade paused before answering; “So…” he began, “remind me what happens if you’re not in that cabinet within twenty-four hours?”

Thea picked up a stick and idly poked the fire, then answered, “I fall apart and die…”

“As simple as that?” Shade quizzed in response, his right eyebrow arched in his bemusement.

“Well…” Thea opened with, after a long pause; “I could have given you the rest…” She looked up and noted the puzzlement evident on Shades face.

Slowly, she explained; “Without the cohesive force that the cabinet provides, my nanites will separate at the end of twenty-four hours… and, I die.”

Running the open fingers of his right hand through his hair, Shade looked down as he shook his head a little, ‘That cannot happen’, he thought. Then he lifted his head and looked directly at Thea, “Well, I pay my debt, don’t I?”

“So you need the cabinet…?” Shade mused aloud.

“Hence the deal,” Thea expounded, “I need the cabinet and, I want a Life; away from this accursed rock.

The ‘accurse rock’ she spoke of was a class M planet, with verdant pastureland, upon which herds of creatures roamed, all of them species that had previously been unknown to man.

It was some of this fine pasture that they’d crossed on the way to their current campsite. Yet, the corporation wasn’t concerned with such as the green.

The corporation was concerned with the mineral rights; and free access to those very minerals that they would need, to build the nex generation of spacecraft.

These were intended to be the craft that would take the corporation’s Pioneer Corp into the next universe, to establish if profits might be made there.

There was a long silence between the two, while Shade looked at his options: there were two, just two…

Either he kept up with his end of the agreement, or he did not. ‘And if he did not?’

If he did not, Thea’s nanites would lose cohesion and, her sentience would be lost.

‘That can’t happen…’ Shade thought. He ceased pacing, unclasped his hand and turned to look at Thea: “Guess I’m heading for town,” he told her.

So, having made a decision, Shade slipped out of his coat, which he carefully folded and placed on his saddle, leaving him in waistcoast , shirt and black pleather jeans, worn over his heavy duty boots. He then threw the saddle over the back of his Banth, a quadruped that bore little resemblance to that written of by Edgar Rice Burroghs, but it’s what the miners called the beast, that they had tamed, for use, where vehicles could not traverse. And, on Pikes Sati that was much of the planet.

As he tied off the strapping, Thea stood and asked, “What can I do?”

“How long have we left?” Shade asked in response.

“Before what…?” Thea coolly answered, then smiled and told him, “Ten hours and then, I’m gone and, drifting nanites on the wind....”

“Then I’ll have to acquire what you need…” Shade muttered, from where he was crouched at the side of the Banth.

“Tucker, the Manager won’t let you just walk in and take the cabinet…” Thea told Shade, as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Well Thea, Tucker’s plain outta luck, if he thinks he can keep it…” He assured her: “I’m prepared for most eventualities… little Lady.”

Shade stood and opened a saddlebag, from which he took out a large barrelled pistol, that he slipped into the holster, which he’d tied off on his thigh.

“Here take this!” He told Thea, passing her the smaller handgun, that had previously been his weapon of choice, “You pack up camp go get into my ship.”

“I don’t want the gun,” she told him.

“You take it….” He ordered; “With what I have in mind, there might just be… a little feedback, shall we say…”

Sullenly, the pleasure model took the proffered weapon, grimacing.

“You know how to use that?” Shade asked, as he put his left foot into the stirrup.

“Yes…” Thea told him as he mounted the Banth, “Ensure the safety is off, point and shoot. That’s it, isn’t it?”

“Uh-huh, that’s right…” he told her with a broad grin: “Now, would you mind passing me my hat?”

She did as he bid, then asked; “So how do I find your ship?”

“Ah, stupid me,” Shade muttered. He took a small device that was in a pouch attached to his gunbelt and pressed a few buttons. And, slowly the starship became visible, just metres from their campsite.

He threw the device to Thea, which she caught two-handed and drew toward her.

“That’s the controller.,” he told her: “Once you’re inside, use the cloak, alright?” And so saying, he wheeled the Banth in a slow turn, ten begun to ride toward town, leaving Thea to stare down at the small rectangular module in her grip.

“Now all I have to do is work out how to use this thing?” She mused aloud.



20:53 Sep 05 2012

WOW!! Good one now on to chapter two. Love it

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