Since the full moon passed the weather changed radically and albeit the skies are constantly grey, there's been days and nights of rain, with the most dramatic thunder early one morning that I've encountered, for years.
I went to the dentist, yet again: Like the previous time I'd had to wait outside, for a few minutes, until the exact time of my appointment. This time I'd been in the surgery for about fifteen minutes, after going through the same investigation into recent medical history.
On the bus journey there I'd witnessed yet another young pretty woman getting on the bus, with her young children and none were wearing a mask. Like the other times I'd have witnessed such a thing, the driver had not said anything, which by then hadn't surprised me.
Days and nights of rain continued.
On Sunday I'd entered the kitchen having cooked dad's meal earlier and, just adored the smell, of cod and cheese combined. Come the very earlier morning I was woken by the weirdest sound, I've ever heard. Finally I'd worked out what it was, two foxes making out, noisily. I'd risen and gone to the back door, which I'd opened carefully. But as I opened the door, I'd heard them scurrying away. I'd still clapped my hand loudly, after all, they had woke me up. Well, needless to say, I'd well awake by then, so put the green bin out on our drive, ready for collection later that morning.
I had another fall and this one had left me wondering if I'd recover. Now years ago,
I'd hurt my back in a lifting injury as a care assistant; then nine weeks after my Mum died I fell on black ice with a chicken in my backpack, intended for Christmas dinner. The chicken had survived, to be cooked and eaten. My spine had not survived so well, it decided to separate from itself. Then, the other day my robe caught the rocking chair as I walked through the living room and I'd fallen, hard.
The bruising on my hand looked the worst initially, then I'd looked at my left knee, which had looked black. Next, the pain in my sacrum gave me more irritating pain that I'd been able to imagine. Then next my right big toe gave me a lot of pain, indeed, with bruising to the bone I assumed.
I went to the dentist again, to see about getting my new top set. As I lay back in the seat my back felt great, cracking in the right place, at the right time.
I'd been shown the plate and remarked, “It looks like your getting me used to a false teeth...” as the plate was larger than my previous one, encompassing much of my upper mouth.
He'd smiled at that and said, “Of course, that's what we've been talking of.”
I'd tried the new top set and found it moderately comfortable.
I'd been told I'd get used to it and, to phone for an appointment if needed.
No matter how bad a day gets, I'm always looking for a positive, even if it means dwelling, a little too much.
I phoned my doctors and spoke to a fellow eventually, who was the locum with covid, as he'd told me and working from home.
I had been seeking antibiotics for my chest and explained about my copd as I did so. As he spoke he had explained I needed to take a covid test.
I'd asked, "Do I get the antibiotics I need?"
"I wasn't saying you would not," he had responded.
I had dialled 119, as suggested and received my home test kit the next day, which I had used, after phoning 119 again to confirm its acquisition.
I'd posted it later, then waited. Come the Saturday morning I'd opened my email account and found a message from the NHS informing me that I was negative. Good news indeed.
Saturday night I slept better than I have for a week or so and that had been sleeping through a stormy morning. My fractured rib, gained through coughing or a fall, ached less and except when I have a coughing bout, I am hardly aware of it, thankfully.
I had slept well, having spent the evening working on a recently acquired machine, that looks like one of my own; yet has a windows 10 operating system on it. I'd slept well, knowing full well that come Monday I'd be going to the dentist yet again, after housework.
The previous week I'd been going to have a mould made of my upper jaw to have a new set make, but as it happens, it had been decided to remove a root, from a tooth broken off. The job had taken quite awhile to do, yet had been far less painful than I'd imagined.
Then on the Friday I phoned to admit to the dentist practice, I needed another appointment, as the cap had come off, the one on my upper right that supports my false set of teeth.
“As long as you have the cap, we might be able to cement it back on.”
“Thank you,” I'd conceded, “I had been panicking a tad.”
So I'd slept well, having only woken once through the night, which was rare for me...
So come the Monday I went to the dentist once again and, once again I'd needed to observe protocol and enter wearing a mask. And, once again I'd not had to answer a multitude of questions, before entering the surgery, as I'd answered most of them the week previous.
I'd given the dentist and, very quickly it had been cemented back into place.
Since then I've rediscovered some of my early Doctor Who stories which have been a pleasant distraction from the vicissitudes of Life today. Besides which, I've acquired the older Windows 10 machines I wanted, one of which I've already seen to, putting all programs on it that to my Need.
Currently, we have a robin that is our sentinel, ion the front garden: I figure he/she has a nest nearby. I have been watching it grow fat, ready for winter.
Two jars of Bramley apple sauce equals one crumble, equals one happy Dad.
On Saturday dads had his favourite pudding/sweet: apple crumble with thin custard.
"Big puddings these..."
{methinks: shurrup}
I smiled & said, "Enjoy."
At least he's here, to enjoy my cooking: I asked him to tell mum I fed him well, when he sees her, eventually.
It might sound maudlin, but he understood. I'm sure.
Talking of looking out the front window... I'd been looking at the little privet and had said to Dad, "When did you last do the hedge?"
I asked, as it still looked trimmed.
"About two weeks ago,"he told me.
"It still looks good," I told him.
"Well," he explained, "I did tell it that if didn't behave, I'd slap its bottom."
He had said it with a straight face and serious voice; and, I'd laughed long and hard.
And that's it, for now...
15:50 Nov 15 2020
This whole Covid situation is nuts; I don't understand why anyone would refuse to wear a mask. I'm glad your test was negative