Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


35 entries this month

Karl pulled a blinder.

23:36 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 1,184

Karl pulled a blinder. He had got me a present for my birthday, off the net; and fed my liking for ‘Dark Angel’, by getting me a model of Max, for my shelf.

Thing is, I’m the sort of collector who doesn’t keep boxes, as I appreciate the thing, the article, not it’s collectable value. And, if the weather hadn’t been as cold as it had been, I wouldn’t have noticed the condensation on the figures blister pack, which showed up the fact that there’s an image etched into it, of Max, (Jessica Alba.)




I upset someone.

14:13 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 1,224

He's obsessed with the fact that I criticised his language toward a young lady in my coven. Now he's leaving oscene comments in my journal.. etc.

nice fellow.




I deleted it.

13:57 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 1,220

It seems I struck a chord with a previous post and got myself into a somewhat Stikki-mess. When I logged on at nearly midnight Saturday night, I found some quite juvenile ranting left in my journals comments box, as the fellow concerned tried to justify his obscene language, toward a young woman here, thinking his behaviour A-O.K. And, I can’t really recall, but it may have been in the first, second, or third comment, he called my Mother a c**t. Uh-huh. Strangely enough, I deleted it.


Then, I read through my 'comments' made on my poetry, just to see yet more of his drivel, again relating his opinions on my Mother.

maybe I should feel honoured that he feels this obsession about me. But, I don't.


Again, I deleted his vitriol.



14:15 Nov 30 2008

Speaking about your Mother or anyones Mother in that way... Is just plain Gutter-stink..

Bring him over to me.. I'll make him pee pee his knickers.

Saying that about anyones Mother, (who isn't even directly involved) is the pits, and makes my blood Boil!

00:37 Dec 01 2008

you know anyone to sink that damn low to call someones mother that isnt playing with a full deck and i have no respect for this person. he wouldnt like it if his mother was called such a name. my mother and i dont see eye to eye on alot of things but i defend her to the death and hes lucky his mother probably even acknowleges him. dont worry about this fools attitude neil. what goes around comes around.


I'm going to try for...

00:37 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 1,231

I'm going to try for a job, with 'Adult television.' I found the vacancy over at Sencia.. had to apply at the jobcentre.. on the phone they giggled.. then at the jobcentre.. she said, "Oh, that one..!"

It's kinda taking calls, must have a good voice and not get embarrased:

the one with it, had similar details and was for a topless work.

I can only imagine it's SDA exempt!

When I showed the security guard, he smiled.



01:52 Nov 30 2008




Change of subject..

23:45 Nov 28 2008
Times Read: 1,243

Change of subject.. There are days of the week when I really dislike making coffee, anytime after 7:00 p.m. as it means I end up watching t.v. with the folks and at that time of the evening Little Mother is watching 'Emmerdale'; and for awhile now, they've been running on that darn show a story that leaves me feeling uncomfortable, everytime I get anywhere near to thinking of it!

Take Marlon Dingle, take him please! He's a chef, a young man, from a family of rapscallions. His wife is a policewoman. They have struggled to get what they have. And then, there is Ross Hopkirk, the coloured half-brother brother of Paddy, the vet, who gets him a room, with Marlon & Donna, who he works with: and, their relationships develops.

And boy - does it remind me, ever-so much, of Debbie my first ex & Barry, my ex best-friend. Like Marlon, I'd been naively unaware of a relationship blossoming inder my nose. So now, I currently avoid 'Emmerdale'. For me, that soaps too close to real-life.




... royally shafted

23:57 Nov 27 2008
Times Read: 1,255

I did a whole days work, on that tv show, so the dolewill 'get me'

I declared it as the fuckers have 'got me' once before. It just irks me, when I see others use the system and get away with it.

So I tell the truth and get royally shafted.



00:04 Nov 28 2008

Ah, the joys of the jobcentre. I feel for you, I truly do. *hug*


The best bit.

23:48 Nov 27 2008
Times Read: 1,258

I'm an ex-policeman of 11 days, who served time, for selling weed and had five attempts on his life.

Best bit was seeing Spiderman, for real, as I looked out of the window in my first week of training.

But, that's a story for another day.




'Cha ...

23:44 Nov 27 2008
Times Read: 1,260

.. just found out that 'coz he was rated a 5, Misterstikki called a 'nice young lady a c**t.

So, for the heck of it, I rated him a one..

..I mean, he called her that 'coz she rated him low.. 'Cha, I'm SO impressed. Ain't that a hero!?!




... more, rather than less.

15:40 Nov 27 2008
Times Read: 1,264

Thursday morning and three laptops on the floor when I woke this fine fluffy sunny morning. And, the results of last nights good night with the cheese meant a fluffy-head. So, I got out of bed, and pink fluffy thing in hand, dusted the back of the house, in my robe, beneath which I wore nothing more. And, the folks saw to their chores, as I tidied away the laptops and decided to see if the Omnibook would work. as I hoped it might. And, I guess if this makes it to my journal, then it works.


Saying that, I hope it does.. just so I can say, "I saw The Robin!"

I mean, we'd thought, 'all the birds have left the garden.'

And, then as I looked out the back window, I saw the Blackbird, then The Robin, hoping from one branch to another.

Well we've had no avian visitors for about a month now, so little Mother was as pleased as I was, to see our garden's guests.

And there was me, putting a coat on her, nuts in hand, to put food out for them. The nuts had been in the front and not been touched and little Mother had used the last of their bread, for the birds.

And, we were lucky we had gone out when we had, as I type this now, the rain is positively bouncing off the road's surface and I had to stare carefully at the screen, as I do, as the sky suddenly went dark.


And, as I rolled my rollie just now, I look to the warning this picture printed on my new packet of Amber Leaf. Now on this one is a picture of bleeding gum's. The other day, when I bought my tobacco in the newsagents I had picked up the packet and staring at the picture, I'd smiled.

There on the packet was a picture of a few sperm swimming ~ to illustrate that smoking reduces your chances of having healthy sperm. I had smiled as finally I've realised I'll be staying single, so why do I want children.

So, following that line of thought, I'd suggested to the lady behind the counter that perhaps I should be smoking more, rather than less.




.. a little easier.

23:18 Nov 24 2008
Times Read: 1,277

It was sunny today, between showers.. and, things are.. okay. Not brilliant.. not bad.. and, if I can finish the story I'm working on, they will be better.. or, if I can find a way to afford Christmas .. and, our two volunteers from the project who went to China, to see her family are back this week.. oh-boy I've been looking forward to that. It'll make my Thursday's on the project a little easier.




... what's the difference between an addict an a junkie?

00:23 Nov 24 2008
Times Read: 1,289

Do you know what the difference between an addict an a junkie? (Well, in my opinion.)

An addict doesn't blame everyone else for their problems, a junkie does.

There a lot of people who have a junkie mentality – and, find a need to bring those around them down.



00:26 Nov 24 2008

Spot on!



14:27 Nov 23 2008
Times Read: 1,297

The money I earned, for the one days work I did, will detract at least half my benefit and the interview I have at Liscard Jobcentre, for support work, is at the same time as I sign on: so it already looks like next week will be interesting.




a friend… ?

23:16 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 1,305

After being disappointed, again by someone I considered a friend… I was a tad stressed today and through a distinct bout of lethargy; decided I didn’t need to eat, again.

My folks returning homes, with leftovers changed my mind, somewhat: and in the end, I ate Italian tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Tortailanni and one and a half, homemade bacon wrapped faggots! Mmmmmm …


Later, in the evening.. I had been going to fill in a form, but had a story to proof-read.

And we can guess which I chose to do, can’t we??



09:52 Nov 23 2008


23:48 Nov 27 2008

What might a bacon wrapped faggot be?


Quel surprise!

00:29 Nov 21 2008
Times Read: 1,319

And, it was sunny and windy when I went to the shops to get a stamp to send someone ‘Death Train’; ‘Meat Train’; or something like that. Anyways.. it has Vinnie Jones in it and is based on a Clive Barker story. I learnt. So was I.. ? Uh-huh. It had been pleasant, past tense. Then when I had chosen to leave the house (bungalow, you going to quibble about a storey??) and what happens? Then when I’d left, the blue sky had turned to black and it was raining. Quel surprise! I go out on a Thursday.

And, talking of Thursday’s: I was given a space-cake, from Roger, who’d gone to Amsterdam. ‘It was my first in over 36 years, (or so!)’ I’d assured him.

I think I’m right… And, I can still recall walking from college and through the woods, one sunny afternoon, after a light rainfall; and, I’d met the fellow in the Budweizer tee-shirt, with dirty-blonde hair; blue-eyes, dirty-blue, somewhat baggy jeans and a bit of a beer belly.

“You smoke.. don’t you?” He’d asked.

“Uh huh,” I’d retorted, indicating my rollie.

“Nah, I mean, ‘do you smoke??’” He expanded, with polite frustration.

I must’ve still looked blank, ‘coz he’d clarified what he’d meant – and, I’d smiled with comprehension. It’d had been a real ‘duh’ moment, if ever there was one.




Dreams.. an Immortal Legacy.

13:59 Nov 20 2008
Times Read: 1,333

dreams.. hold them near and dear always..



14:14 Nov 20 2008

so true.


.. musing.

13:24 Nov 20 2008
Times Read: 1,338

.. last night I gave me Dad a chocolate eclair toffee and the feeling I felt watching him, was akin to watching a small child holding a snowflake that’s fallen into his hand.


.. the rest of the week since Saturday's work has been somewhat of an anti-climax.




I'm not very pricey.. it seems...

00:14 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 1,343

But I took ages to recover from Saturday.

I misbehaved, given the chance at the end of the night and being paid was the chance.

I mean, work was alright.. misbehavin with money was.. great!

* *

But, to quote my scrawl, from the journey homeward…

“At the end of the night and hyper mode finally slowed enough, so that I can finally comprehend what has happened through this night. When we’d finished at 6:00 I took, or guided Ryan to a bar I feel comfortable in, a lapdance bar, ‘Atmosphere’ in Liverpool and I had the birthday I wanted, back on the tenth.”

* *

Then, Tuesday at jobclub I sold myself .. well.. priced myself.

weirdness. and.. strangeness. £15.85 an hour £185 for a few hours work.

I'm not very pricey.. it seems... compared to some, who do voiceover work.



13:53 Nov 20 2008

Hmmm so that's why it took you so long to reply to my message....lmao

15:23 Nov 20 2008

Hey! That's about $30 an hour USD. Doesn't sound shabby to me.


... the 'Real Deal'.

23:27 Nov 17 2008
Times Read: 1,354

“Oh my God, the next station is Hillside and I’m ten miles away from my duvet and the coffee, left at the side of my bed.”

* *

Aye.. I’d got anxious, as I looked at the time and the journey seemed interminable.

* *

“Oh my God, the next station is Birkdale. And if they were having a sale on raw emotion, then I’d sure earn a lot.”

* *

But, I had met up with Ryan, (the fellow who told me of the vacancy) on Southport Station. Turns out, he’d been on the same train.

We had got there before eight though, on a very cold, wet morning.

The group had been split up easily, the newbies and those who’d done it before.

There was Tina and Claire who took reception and Jenn who just seemed a natural.

My job ended up being the one who filled the urn, the provided the hot water the others used to provide the drinks that were asked for.

We also got issued with radio’s and ear-pieces: my job ended up being the one who filled the urn, the provided the hot water the others used to provide the drinks that were asked for. The good thing about that was I was able to go walkaround.

To get the water, you went to the kitchen, as that was arranged.

To get there, you went through the heat of the pool area, across the café seating and into the kitchen, where a Swedish Chef worked, with her husband.

I even got the chance to talk the little Swedish I know through my pen-friend Pia… and, lunch had been excellent.

I even did some background fill-in work… yet, the day was long and very tiring.

But, I am recovering VERY slowly.. I have achy muscles. That’ll be from the lifting, I had done quite a bit of that at the event on Saturday. And yes, David Dickinson looks as smooth in real life, as he does on camera. Then again, there is a full team making him look good (and I’d been there, one of several, helper the team.)

And, his perma-tan isn’t. In fact, Mr. Dickinson had been the same colour as you and me, which I hadn’t expected, after seeing him on tv, all these years.



21:04 Nov 20 2008

Shatter my illusions of the orange-ness, why dontcha.... *pouts* ;)


a poetic begining

00:04 Nov 17 2008
Times Read: 1,364

Fallen leaves of golden brown, lying in heaps and scattered on the ground.

* *

The rainfall ceased but awhile ago, and the scent of the trees and the leaves underfoot, as I stroll the length of the platform, are the new smell you get, that you can’t put in a bottle and sell, for a couple of quid. It’s a kind of rebirth smell of musk and dusk and dawn; of sandalwood, pine and earth.

Ah, smell of wet grass, glistening with a fine dew, that lasts until well after noon, so the lawn misses out on another day, you could have worked on it.

But you don’t mind, there’s an afternoon film on TV to watch with your cocoa.

* *

Folding down the cellophane cover I paused and asked the guard the date.

“It’s an expensive mistake, to cross off the wrong date.”

So I don’t, thinking to myself, “I won’t do that again.”

* *

I trundle along, my bag at my side, as the train shudders and judders. And, I can’t help but wonder if it’ll stop any second and a voice will say, ‘this train is out of service.’ And, as I think this, my paranoia of it happening increases, as does my anxiety, slowly, but surely. And, I’m quite sure, that with each sudden judder, as we leave a station, my bladder will be gladder, if and when I find a urinal.

* *



01:07 Nov 17 2008

love the poetry.:)


he’ll be there

23:25 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 1,373

So there I was on the way home from the project and a blonde walked passed me on the station underground, as I sat next to a black fellow with dreads and a cycle, to his left; and her look wasn’t polite. So needless to say, as she sat with her friend to her right, on the seats far to my left: She was getting look like daggers.

And sods Law, I sat to the right of the aisle, with my back to the drivers compartment, she was ahead of me, in the next compartment, her friends back to me, her face visible through the middle of the two seat, as she sat there and spent ages, ever-so slowly, applying powder, the equally slowly, smoothing it in place with a brush.


And, as I learnt on the way to the project, wearing dark blue jeans, of soft denim, in a European cut, (ie: they’re cut for a flat-stomach, not for a full bladder) is not good when you want to pee and you have buttons on your fly, instead of a zip.


And, I got home to find a message, from the Real Deal people, seeking confirmation I’d arrive. Well, after all the work I did on Wednesday researching it all, I’m glad that little Mother had told them ‘yes’, he’ll be there.




rambling to myself

23:12 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 1,375


... Real Deal is a TV show here. It's in Southport, a seaside town thirteen miles from where I live. I am sitting in jobclub Now getting directions on the PC as how to get there.. and the machine that I'm is old (and, or been working too hard) and, the floppy drive doesn't work.. so, sent this rambling to myself, via my alter-ego, who writes more erotica, than I do!!




I got the job with Real Deal..

23:14 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 1,389

I got the job with Real Deal.. I was shortlisted.

Won't help, after the dole gets me finacially, but it will be interesting: and, boy, will I have to be up early, to be in Southport!

But, you know I'll be writing about it!


I got the wrong bus today on the way to 'sign'on'; and as the sun shone orage through the grey blue clouds, I went on a tour of Bromborough, seeing bits of the area, by the River Mersey, I haven't seen for years.


What's more, it must've been a subsidised service, as it was cheaper than my usual bus.. when I get it, instead of walking, that is.



07:25 Nov 12 2008

Congratulations, sugar- hope you have a great time at it

13:01 Nov 12 2008

*hugs* I am happy for you and I missed your birthday..:( but am so happy to see you once again since im back on the computer! Happy Birthday my friend...BIG HUGS!

21:11 Nov 12 2008

Yay! Congrats on your new job... interesting is good!!!


a fluffy day

12:36 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 1,396

Tuesday morning was a bright and fluffy day. And, prior to going to ‘sign-on’, I saw to my office-work, concerning the dole and Sencia, pleased that the little Packard Bell has a floppy-drive, so I’m not tempted to use the net, as I work away on the tower.

Half-way through the mail arrived and I got a couple of cards (and, a lottery scratch card) as well as some fella appropriate present, from my Wallasey penfriend.

As I saw to the rest of my onscreen paper-work, my Father saw to the scratch-card for me, as I don’t gamble. And, that said: I won £2, the money paid for the lottery ticket.

Then, when I logged onto the PC, I found an email greeting from Miwa, in Japan.




A Birthday

12:26 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 1,397

It was my 49th birthday. I received hardly any cards, which was a bit disappointing. But, before I went to jobclub my parents gave me a bit of as fuss, my new jeans & shiney shoes. It was much better than it could of been.. It was a real runaround day! But, no friends around. But, I found some work… as I leant on my brief return home, prior to going off to the dentists. I have got a job, for this coming Saturday, on the TV show David Dickinsons Real Deal.

It’ll be in Southport, Saturday the 15th

Now, I've done two indie films, given the opportunity to see the other side of the camera, I wanted to take it. (re: expirydate.co.uk; treeofdeath.com)

I’d gone travelling, after the dentist.

Pity on, none of my friends were in, including Vicky, one of my oldest friends.

Thankfully, when I got home, there was a good animated film to watch as distraction, ‘Renaissance’, with Daniel Craig as the lead voice in it.



13:40 Nov 11 2008

Now don't go getting all starstruck lol....hope it goes well hon.

21:25 Nov 15 2008

smiles i can say when you get famous.. I know him! lol


Come Sunday morning ...

08:52 Nov 10 2008
Times Read: 1,401

Then come Sunday, the tower began showing more faults. I’ve already had trouble with the printer, as it’s linked up with the scanner and there are problems with that. Now, after Saturday night and my problems with Moviemaker I re-loaded XP Service Pack 2 onto it. Come Sunday morning, everytime I clicked on the shortcut for Explorer, a copy of it was created. It drove me nuts. After several hours and running two different virus scans I had to go travelling. When I got to Karl’s, I helped him proof-read a little of his work and appreciated the downloads he gave me. He gave me an HP Omnibook 500 which in its bed, is still smaller than either the Packard Bell Easy One Dc, or the Dell Cpt

Granted, it hasn’t got a large hard-drive, but it does have a floppy and a DVD drive, although I have to update it’s drivers…

That said, on the way to the station, we stopped off at The Fireman’s Arms and he got me a whiskey.

Once home, the Rosé my Father had left for me to drink with my meal soon had me fast asleep and thankfully more relaxed than I had been earlier.

So I’d gone onto VR awhile, before bed, still a bit miffed with the tower, just not as much as I had been earlier in the day.




.. needing clarification

23:39 Nov 09 2008
Times Read: 1,409

I was up early Saturday morning, to go to the bank with my Dad; as one of my accounts there needed clarification. Then later, I got the windows done between showers, after a trip to the doctor’s to pick up my Mothers prescription. Once I’d finished, I got to watch a really good episode of ‘Stargate Atlantis’. All in all, it’d been a very productive day.


That said, Monday’s going to be a very interesting and equally fruitful, I think.





23:48 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 1,422

... catch this, Birthday Monday. where will I be?

doctor's having flu jab; job club; then dentists.. two and bit of teeth came out after eating a burger at the end of the night, on the project.



00:25 Nov 08 2008

Wow....you know how to have a good time lol


... a burger of all thing's!

23:48 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 1,437

I applied for a job as a runner.. on David Dickinson's Real Deal on T.v. and got a call-back .. and applied for some voice-over work.. with a company using an .mp3 file, or two as examples of what I can do! Come 10:30 I was absolutely shattered after the project this Thursday and lost teeth, I can ill afford to lose, eating a burger of all thing's.



07:20 Nov 07 2008

Good luck with the jobs!

And must have been a very crunchy burger? Lol... you poor thing.

11:25 Nov 07 2008

Good luck for the job.

20:09 Nov 07 2008

well, good luck with the job, and if there was something in the burger, jump in the resturaunt's shit too...who knows, might net ya something there too...lol


... writer’s block?

16:26 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 1,446

I’d had six and a half hours sleep, after sending a .wav file’s of me reading a piece from the show ‘Casanova’, with David Tenant in it, to two vacancies for voice-over work, and then I had been writing through the much of the night. The next morning, there’s frost on the lawn. There was a firework embedded tip down in the front lawn: and for a moment I recalled how my brother and I used to rush out the day after Bonfire Night, to see how many had landed in the garden.

And I had gone into the back room to get it ready, for my Dad, I looked out the back window and saw another dead firework lying on the lawn.

I am amazed at how much I got written during the night, shortly after telling someone that I had a writer’s block.



17:36 Nov 06 2008

I'm very pleased to see that you broke through that block :)


I got to talk.. and was pleased...

23:13 Nov 05 2008
Times Read: 1,454

Neil Kendrick: long day

Neil Kendrick: applied for a few jobs

Neil Kendrick: doing voice-overs

***** ********: and how did it go?

Neil Kendrick: just applied hun

Neil Kendrick: sometimes

Neil Kendrick: sometimes you never hear back

***** ********: well i mean was it difficult finding applying etc

Neil Kendrick: never thought of looking for media work

Neil Kendrick: though I do it

Neil Kendrick: never thought of applying before now

***** ********: always time for a change

***** ********: i can definitly say so

Neil Kendrick: howso?

***** ********: African American president

Neil Kendrick: can I ask a question?

Neil Kendrick: actually

Neil Kendrick: two

Neil Kendrick: why are people calling him black, he's just as white as he is black??

Neil Kendrick: (my ex was half-caste)

Neil Kendrick: and what's with American American?

***** ********: because 'half' isn't a 'race' here

Neil Kendrick: Arn't you all American??

***** ********: ofcourse we are

***** ********: its a classification

Neil Kendrick: Isn't here either.

***** ********: simple minded one

Neil Kendrick: But, surely the colour shouldn't be the issue

Neil Kendrick: for me

Neil Kendrick: what's more important

Neil Kendrick: is that

***** ********: it is when it comes to the presidency apparently

Neil Kendrick: he is a / was a working man who made good

Neil Kendrick: and

Neil Kendrick: isn't Bush..




A wonderful way to end the day.

23:16 Nov 04 2008
Times Read: 1,459

On a dank Autumnal day, I was up early with the folk: and, dressed to impress.

Well, that’s what you do for the funeral, of someone you love: my neighbour, for forty odd years, my 'Aunty' Betty.

And, as crematoria go, Landican is okay. And, the service wasn’t bad, as these thing’s go. Then, on the return, it was off to the local Azda, to buy clothing to fit, for my birthday. All well and good, till the end of the day, a full bowl of water and my Fathers temper, which led to reminders of many mistakes I’ve made in the Past.


A wonderful way to end the day.



05:15 Nov 05 2008



**Inserts disc** Nother no show…

23:22 Nov 03 2008
Times Read: 1,464

Bout 9:00 and I’m wearing 30inch jeans as I sit here before the Dell. I am theoretically 32, 32, but I’d eaten well. And man, the jeans felt tight. And, I’d been topless as I sat down after discovering the Packard Bell won’t play every .avi, so watching Sanctuary’ the pilot is out of the question.

Needless to say, the Dell saw the file, but I’m typing on the Dell, so I’ll continue to work through the small pile of discs, I’ve acquired during this last week.

I’m topless and the funeral is tomorrow, so I needed to go out, particularly after reading back about not travelling. So I had faced a few demons and went out, to Wallasey, after going to ‘the jobclub’.

Well, there’s another one it won’t recognise, I wonder if the Dell will.

I’m saying that …

**Inserts disc**

Yep, I got thumbnails. ‘Fringe’ and ‘Sarah Connor Chronicles’. Even without DVD player, the Dell sees it find. **Inserts disc .. muttering** Uh huh, Packard no see, ‘Flash Gordon’. Next one…

**Inserts disc** Nother no show… “Okay Dell, what is it?”

‘Fringe’ 1:03 and ‘Secret Diary Of A Call-girl’ 2:07 & 2:08’. Uh-huh? Next.

“What is it??”

Uh-h, the Dell sees ‘Skinwalkers’, thank gawd, I wanted to see that.

I’ll try a DVD. Uh-huh. Sound, no picture. Darn, that’s codecs, again!

It’s a copy … and though Windows Media Player won’t see it, Cyberlink DVD player will, which is good. I think I might use freeware and turn it into an .avi file, then the Dell will be able to see it! **Grins**




.. seven day's to go.

00:52 Nov 03 2008
Times Read: 1,476

This thing with Simon is really getting to me. Computers aren't real Life.

But, if I didn't have VR, I'd be going nutso Now. No weed. No job. And, though I started a job scheme, nothing yet.. lot's of apps in, but nothing... everyone lives in Wallasey.. where Simon lives; and, for some inexplicable reason, I don't fancy going there. Yes, you'd be right, I'm feeling sorry for myself... but I felt betrayed by him, like Debbie and Valentina... and living ten miles from everyone... I feel like I may as well live in Timbucctoo... (sic)

Aye, I needed to vent, I can't exactly say all this to the folks.. my Mum's Now better and we're going to one of her last friends funeral on Tuesday.. I'm feeling lonely...

Wish I had one a hug, Now.



01:42 Nov 03 2008


16:04 Nov 03 2008

*Big squishy hug*


Big boy's and their sharp toy's.

01:00 Nov 02 2008
Times Read: 1,486

No early evening sleep and, the Dell laptop still needs work to it; and, physically the bodies’ cream crackered.

Whilst the folks were out, at lunch, then my Mum’s Aunt, I decided to see to my chores for the day, instead of the laptop, which I was starting to find most annoying.

At one point, I’d quizzed the neighbour, as to how he had trimmed the tree outside his place. He’d just answered, “It was easy.” Then he’d told me he’d show me how.

He’d got to the back of his, the returned, moments later, with his shears on a pole, which is how I can best describe them, in just a few words.

With his help, I’d used them, to trim the tree outside our bungalow.

I’d got real busy and cut down a lot of branches, which had surprised the hell out of my folks on their return.

Well, as they settled down for the evening, I continued my tidy-up, after a second and third hot chocolate: although, I’d had to rest for five minutes, before seeing to the patio brush-up.

Later, after getting part of the XP reinstall done on the Dell, I watched a DVD I’d been lent, ‘Midnight Meat Train’, with Vinnie Jones in it. It’s not out yet – and, is based on a short story by Clive Barker, made with his involvement.

It was one of the bloodiest, most brutal, films with a plot, I’ve seen in years and I think, it’s to be recommended. Speaking of brutal.. I’m glad we don’t give birth.




... should be committed?

01:39 Nov 01 2008
Times Read: 1,320

They say, that to keep a project like ours being successful, you need committed volunteers. Well, as of Thursday 30th October 2008, I figure I need to be … committed to an asylum, that is.

I’d got the station, after the soup station, to read on a chalkboard, that the trains were off and assumed I’d have to get a bus from Hamilton Square, to Bromborough.

Then once on the platform, I’d learnt there’d be a train to Hooton and anyone going to Ellesmere Port or Chester, would change there.

‘All well and good,’ I’d thought.

There had been a wait, but it had arrived. I’d boarded with the others passengers, then once at Rock Ferry, the train had stopped at red lights.

“Because of a problem with rail traction at Hooton, there’ll be delay’s and cancellations” … we’d been told, being told to disembark.

Well, about a hundred people were there, in the bitter cold, with me and there was no replacement bus. What interested me was that we all just seemed to take it all in our stride: such is the nature of the British commuter.

Some went for taxi’s. Others like me, waited for some news. Another train came along and I’d got on, after swapping a lighter for a cigarette.

The train hadn’t left the station, while I was still there.

I’d got off the train, after awhile then walked to the nearest bus-stop and waited.

While I waited, I saw the train I’d been on pull out of the station.

Thinking that the line might be open I walked back to the station, missing a bus home on the way.

I got to the station, to find the queues were still there, just as they had been.

So, I left for the bus, thankful that Roger gives me expenses for my travelling, as after quite a walk to the next bus-stop after the one nearest to the station, I was able to get a bus, almost all the way home.

Once home I ate, checked my emails then sought a well-needed rest.

And I’ll say here and now, nights that make you appreciate having your only bed to sleep in, at the end of the night.

All in all, if anything, it’s all the more reason to keep on doing my voluntary work.



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