Beneath his goggles flint-grey and blue eyes widened as the disc-shaped craft appeared before his Spitfire.
He banked the fighter-plane to the left, 20mm cannon still blazing and, the Stuka he’d been tailing swept up and away from the field of combat.
“Blast!” John Mathews exclaimed in frustration, trying to level the small plane out.
He bit at the fingers of his left gauntlet and pulled it from his hand. Then wiping at the sweat dripping from his forehead Mathews looked through the dirt-encrusted cockpit from all the available angles, for the silvery-craft that had appeared from nowhere.
Suddenly, the powerful Merlin engine screamed its protest, as the craft fell into a spiralling dive, that Mathews knew could prove fatal, if he couldn’t pull out of it soon.
Yet, as the earth came toward him at nearly four hundred miles an hour, a moment of clarity filled his panicking mind. He had seen thing’s in the last two years, the V1 and V2, things that few men would have believed were credible, just ten years prior: ‘But this?’ He tried to get his head around what he’d seen; while in the silver saucer, the student Tamarind Mathews stared with wide-eyed fear, as her grandfathers plane began to spiral out of control, plummeting earthward.
From inside the craft’s central dome Tamarind watched what happened, truly fearful of the consequences that she’d been warned of by her history professor, “Be careful not to interact with those you study,” he’d droned on, “Because if you do, there may well be consequences to your actions.”
‘Yes, I was warned,’ Tamarind mused sadly; as she watched her grandfathers Spitfire land hard and then erupt into a ball of flame.
“I have to get away from here!” She yelled at no-one, bar herself and, Tamarind looked to her hands, holding the central joystick, hands that began to shimmer and fade, as did she, moments later…
01:53 Jul 02 2013
Foo Fighter encounter ?
02:28 Jul 04 2013
I enjoyed this entry thank you for sharing