Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

"So Einstein was wrong, was he?"

23:27 Feb 23 2012
Times Read: 630

Scientists who thought they'd disproved Einstein's speed of light theory found errors in their experiment. (“What a surprise!”)

Hitches emerge as culprit in 'faster-than-light' particle

By AFP | AFP – 4 hours ago

Scientists who last year found particles that appeared to break the Universe's speed limit are looking at two technical issues that could have skewed the controversial finding, CERN said Thursday.

The European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) confirmed a report by the US journal Science on Wednesday that the team were verifying a cable connection that may have caused a flawed result.

"It may have caused a slight discrepancy, and they are checking to see if this is the case," CERN press officer Arnaud Marsollier told AFP by phone.

They are also verifying a timing instrument called an oscillator, he said.

"This is a complicated experiment with a multitude of cables and equipment," said Marsollier.

"The physicists have checked things out, are continuing to make checks and will check again. It (a technical flaw) is always possible, but they have been saying this from the very beginning."

The fuss began in September when CERN's so-called OPERA team cautiously announced that sub-atomic particles called neutrinos had travelled some six kilometres (3.75 miles) per second faster than the velocity of light.

The neutrinos were timed at their departure from CERN's giant underground lab near Geneva and again, after travelling 732 km (454 miles) through the Earth's crust, at their arrival at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy.

To do the trip, the neutrinos should have taken 0.0024 seconds. Instead, the particles hit the detectors in Italy 0.00000006 seconds sooner than expected.

The findings sparked widespread scepticism because they contradicted Einstein's theory of relativity, which says the maximum velocity in the Universe is the speed of light.

The report on the Science Insider website of the prestigious US journal said the "60 nanoseconds discrepancy appears to come from a bad connection between a fibre optic cable that connects to the GPS receiver used to correct the timing of the neutrinos' flight and an electronic card in a computer.

"After tightening the connection and then measuring the time it takes data to travel the length of the fibre, researchers found that the data arrive 60 nanoseconds earlier than assumed," it added.

"Since this time is subtracted from the overall time of flight, it appears to explain the early arrival of the neutrinos."

The fibre optic cable is eight kilometres (five miles) long because the GPS receiver has to be placed above ground, Autiero explained.

The oscillator, also being verified by the OPERA team, is designed to synchronise the timing of each neutrino at their points of departure and landing.

In a statement, OPERA said the two issues "could significantly affect the reported result... (but) in opposite directions."

Dario Autiero, in charge of analysing measurement data for OPERA, told AFP he hoped experiments would resume "by the end of March," when CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) starts up after the winter break.

Marsollier said the OPERA team are scheduled to report back in May, and there were no immediate plans to bring forward any announcement in light of the checks.

The OPERA team went over their results again and again for six months before going public with their announcement, where they sounded a loud word of caution.

"Their findings were a shock to them, which is why they have asked others to replicate the experiment and to carry out the same measurements," Marsollier noted.





old, emaciated, gaunt and gnarly....

23:59 Feb 22 2012
Times Read: 639

From: Neil Kendrick

Subject: Re: A Song f't celebration ~ recorded in '89, in Liverpool. [[I was there.]]

To: "******** ******" Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 6:39 PM

tho I'm old, emaciated, gaunt and gnarly?

"And... She wrote..."

You are not old, emaciated, gaunt and gnarly. You are kind, thoughtful and worth knowing. You are my friend. And that's all that matters to me. You're a good person. A person I'm proud to say is my friend.

"I'm fortunate, to know those I do."



00:36 Feb 23 2012

Just as we are fortunate to know you.

23:55 Feb 23 2012

Her words are very true hun. I have told you almost the same exact thing numerous times.


I float… peacefully…

01:05 Feb 21 2012
Times Read: 641

I float… peacefully… in the womb of the… earth mother…. Feeling…. Nurtured… in the green. I seem to recall… another time… such as this… when I hovered… newly formed within… a woman’s body. But the woman was flesh… and blood… and tissue… throbbing and hot… not the peaceful cool nurturing… of the earth mother.

And I was taken… from the womb… to s world of… flesh… a world I left… in a burning symphony of pain. I was hurled from that world… and I want no part of it… for it wants… no part of… me. There is pain there… and hurt… and memories… that give me sadness… not like here… in the green.

Above me… is the peace of… the swamp.… I am one… with it… with the swamp…. I have no need for… earthly concerns. Why should I… when my concern… is the earth itself? Let the flesh… go on about… its small concerns. I have no need… of the flesh. I have the dirt… and the grass… and the leaves. I need… nothing else.

I am… whole.

Quote: Alex Holland {The Swamp Thing}

From:~ ‘The Return Of The Swamp Thing’ by Peter \David. Based on a screenplay by Derek Spencer and Grant Morris.





17:12 Feb 16 2012
Times Read: 654


17:11:09 - Feb 16 2012

Times Read: 1


'It was the best of timesit was the worst of times. It was the age of wisom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going to Heaven, we were all going the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of it's noisiet authorities insisted on its being recieved, for good or evil, in the comparitive degree of comparison only.'

Quote: A Tale Of Two Cities

Charles Dickens




"What becomes of the Broken-Hearted?"

23:33 Feb 14 2012
Times Read: 658

"What becomes of the Broken-Hearted?"

As I walk this land of broken dreams,

I have visions of many things.

Love's happiness is just an illusion,

Filled with sadness and confusion.

What becomes of the broken hearted

Who had love that's now departed?

I know I've got to find

Some kind of peace of mind


The fruits of love grow all around

But for me they come a tumblin' down.

Every day heartaches grow a little stronger,

I can't stand this pain much longer!

I walk in shadows,

Searching for light.

Cold and alone,

No comfort in sight.

Hoping and praying for someone to care,

Always moving and goin' nowhere.

What becomes of the broken hearted

Who had love that's now departed?

I know I've got to find,

Some kind of peace of mind.

Help me..

I'm searching though I don't succeed,

For someone's love, there's a growing need.

Oh, he is lost, there's no place for beginning,

All that's left is an unhappy ending.

Now what becomes of the broken-hearted

Who had love that's now departed?

I know I've got to find,

Some kind of peace of mind,

I'll be searching everywhere,

Just to find someone to care.

I'll be looking everyday,

I know I'm gonna find a way.

Nothings gonna stop me now,

I'll find a way somehow.

I'll be searching everywhere...

Jimmy Ruffin Lyrics ~




R.I.P. Whitney Houston

01:43 Feb 13 2012
Times Read: 666

Singer Whitney Houston dies aged 48 –


Press Association – 59 minutes ago

“Whitney Houston, who reigned as pop music's queen until her majestic voice and regal image were ravaged by drug use, has died. She was 48.

Publicist Kristen Foster said that the singer had died, but the cause and the location of her death were unclear.

At her peak in the 1980s and 1990s, Houston was the golden girl of the music industry and one of the world's best-selling artists.

Among her hits were How Will I Know, Saving All My Love for You and I Will Always Love You.

She won multiple Grammy’s including album and record of the year.

Her success carried her beyond music to movies like The Bodyguard.

But by the end of her career, drug use took its toll as her record sales plummeted and her voice became raspy and hoarse.”

Bobby Brown has a lot to answer for…




Fifty-five minutes and counting. {{Redux}}

00:24 Feb 04 2012
Times Read: 678

The firefight between the Earthforce ships and their enemy raged on, without Simon Chevalier, as his starfighter had crashed an hour earlier.

Although it’d become standard practice to be hooked up to life-support during a battle, so as to conserve the pilot’s suit power, Simon was glad of his paranoia, which had meant he would go into battle fully suited up; and with little or no reliance on the ship.

This time, his penchant for self-preservation in combat had saved his life. Yet…

The ship had taken a hit.

But, Simon Chevalier had been on a run and caught in that moment of Now, he had not noticed the small red light indicating a power outage.

And, that’s when his ship had begun to behave as he’d been taught it shouldn’t and as the small craft lurched violently out of his control it had been caught in the asteroids gravitational field.

And then he had been dragged toward planetfall, far faster than he had expected.

He’d tried several bursts of retrofire… which should have been sufficient to slow his rapid descent, under normal circumstance.

But, for Simon Chevalier this had been anything but normal circumstance: he was right in the middle of a battle: - a life and death experience that he’d just escaped alive from.

Yet, as he had descended, laserfire tore at his craft, doing further damage… and that was when the hit to his craft had taken out the ships stabilizers and life support system.

He hadn’t known the crash itself, which had cracked the cockpit and rendered him unconscious.

And abruptly, Simon was awake once more: his time in battle; time-spent unconscious?

Chevalier panicked, momentarily.

As a vestige of sanity retuned, he began to calm down somewhat: and survey his surroundings and then, any damage done to the craft.

“Okay,” he began, as he looked at the gauge on his wrist, “so have much air have I got left?”

“Fifty-five minutes of air left and counting...” He mused aloud.

>“Simon, are you okay?” It was the radio. It was Raeo, his WingCo.

The radio? Why hadn’t he checked that already?


‘Fifty-five minutes of air left and counting...’

>“Simon, are you okay? C’mon answer?” It was the radio, he reminded himself; and it was Raeo, his friend and WingCo.

Simon Chevalier picked up the mike and spoke slowly, as he calmly explained his position.

Raeo in turn, explained that the battle was nearing its apex - - and he needn’t worry: they’d be there, for him.

And, Simon Chevalier thought mournfully, ‘Uh-huh…and counting.’

Time wasn’t on his side and he knew it.

But, he had no choice: he was here.

He needed rescue.

And, before rescue could be attempted he would be dead through lack of air.

‘But,’ he mused, ‘it is as is… what can I do about it?”

He was stoic about his situation.

Simon picked up his map-reader and read in his current coordinates.

“So, where am I?” He asked, hoping that something might distract him - from his thoughts of a probable slow death, or a very improbable rescue.

And, he knew which was more likely.

But, to his surprise, this rock, AZ1472, was listed, as his reader told him.

Granted, there was little atmosphere, but AZ1472 was big enough to have gravity, as he had learnt to his cost.

It also had some form of primitive life - - ‘one form being a lizard, which would poison itself, in order to ride out the solar winds that could tear at the asteroids surface.

In suspended animation, the lizards would live on, while around them many would die.

Adapted variants of this lizard had been found in several known stellar systems.’

Hearing this, Simon smiled, a little: “There’s hope.” He said, aloud.

The idea of its self-imposed hibernation gave Simon Chevalier an idea.

If his heart rate were slow enough, he would need little air. He might have enough air to survive long enough to be rescued. It was simple. But… how?

>“Raeo…” he called, keying in his Mike.

>“Uh-huh, ears on. Go on Simon. What is it?”

>“Sorry to disturb you Raeo. I’m going out awhile…”

>“Simon, wassup?”

>“Nuthin fella,” he told his friend; “just needed to ask summat. Kay?”

>“Yeah!?! Gowan?”

>“When you get here – don’t forget… I’m alright. Kay?”

>“Simon, you kay?”

>“I’m fine,” Simon Chevalier reassured his friend.

>“I just needed to tell you that…” he finished, then killed the line to Raeo.

Simon stepped out of his craft and turned slowly…

“And, I’ve got to find a lizard, on this barren hunk of rock… and then get it to bite me!”


And, near his right boot, one beady eye blinked.

It’s companion nearby blinked both his eyes and they thought:

“You hear its words?”


“You understand its words?”


“Do we help it?”

There was silence.

Its companion was distracted; watching the various exploding colours, as the firefight continued above them.

“Do we help it?” The lizard asked its friend again,

Then it too became distracted by the myriad colours of the firefight; and both lizards, watched the battle above with increasing fascination.




Emily Dickinson says ~

16:47 Feb 02 2012
Times Read: 700

“One need not be a chamber to be haunted:

One need not be a house:

The brain has corridors surpassing

Material place…”

Emily Dickinson




COMMENT ~ Anonymous, of course

15:57 Feb 02 2012
Times Read: 704

Feb 02 2012 -4 slime is higher than you

Feb 02 2012 -4 icky

Feb 02 2012 -4 white van no windows?

Feb 02 2012 -4 stay away from them [you know]

Feb 02 2012 -4 creeeeeeepy old man


Then again... she does usually like a lot of attention. Strange she's anonymous this time.



02:30 Feb 03 2012

Some people are very strange, you are not one of those people.

01:25 Feb 11 2012

My god, seriously? There's some NASTY little girls on this website that think SO highly of themselves. Geeeez, man. I'm sorry. :(

00:11 Feb 24 2012

Wow, I am sorry hun some people are so mean and cruel. Well, I have taken the time to get to know you and you know how I feel. I have made it clear. Don't let them bother you, you are above that.




15:54 Feb 02 2012
Times Read: 705

Spinal degeneration, the companion that never stops giving... PAIN.



17:02 Feb 02 2012


01:22 Feb 11 2012

My god...


18:16 Feb 16 2012

It sucks, why do you think I love my pain meds? lol

00:11 Feb 24 2012

~HUGS~ So sorry hun. Wish I could take it all away.

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