Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


18 entries this month

**scratches head**

00:26 Aug 31 2010
Times Read: 912

there's always a dichotomy, between desire and fulfilment.




Home Remedies .. No. 2

22:58 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 914

Sore gums bothering you??


Take a teaspoon of Seven Seas

[or other cod liver oil]


swill round gums, before bed.

You will notice a difference, for the better.




Dreamin, again.

02:16 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 918

Angelus: Goth/Emo Latina GoGo dancers, even better.

02:15:13 - Aug 29 2010




Home Remedy .. Mine [I think]

02:03 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 921

Cold sore bothering you??

Apply a little Natural yougurt.


first the irritation goes.


With 5 days you will notice a real difference.




Saturday 17:52

17:53 Aug 28 2010
Times Read: 925

I'm off to rest the stomach.

~ apple crumble, with custard... Mmmmm.



18:40 Aug 28 2010

mmmmm is so right!!!!!


.. few stop, to notice.

01:13 Aug 26 2010
Times Read: 941

Being of the belief that Second Life is for those dissatisfied with the “First Life”, I was intrigued and, repulsed in turn, to find a Blog devoted to and glorifying spending ‘hard-earned’ Linden™ Dollars [Second Life currency] in a fashion world, within Second Life. This site was put out by two enthusiasts Nikkita Auerbauch and Jhuzen Ketsugo on http://slfashionaddict.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html

On these pages, these two virtual fashionistas discuss the merits of clothing, accessories and Lifestyle, with an enthusiasm that someone else might have for the breath of Life.

So it was with this in mind, I sat to watch ‘Surrogates’, wherein the Avatars have been given form, to live out the lives of their controllers, who stay at home, safe in the knowledge that nothing can touch them. And, nothing can, until people start dying.

This was the basis of the new Bruce Willis movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend highly.

Just wonder, why do some need to immerse themselves in Second Life.. As they do?? I mean, there’s so much more to do: but, that's all that many of the X-Box generation do.. fill time, or escape from reality.

what's wrong with gardening, or going a walk instead??

you know?? Divert onesself, with the beauty of Life!

I spent years avoiding what's real through class 'A' s

same sort of thing. It isn't LIVING!!!

I'm on about..

.. a healthy balance.

The Green is beautiful.. and yet, few stop to notice.



04:02 Aug 26 2010

I notice it!

And, have never owned a gaming console! Ha :P


Piranha 3D

00:43 Aug 26 2010
Times Read: 944

Piranha 3D is a 3D horror film and the second remake of the 1978 film, directed by Alexandre Aja and featuring an ensemble cast including Jessica Szohr, Adam Scott, Elisabeth Shue, Kelly Brook, Richard Dreyfuss, Jerry O'Connell, Christopher Lloyd, Ving Rhames, Dina Meyer, Cody Longo, Ricardo Antonio Chavira, Paul Scheer, and Eli Roth. The script was written by Josh Stolberg and Pete Goldfinger, the writers of Sorority Row.

And.. I was able to see it!!!

Previously, my red-green colour definicienct, didn't allow me to see such films.

But, with the system they use now, I was.

And wow.. was it it worth the extra £1:50

Heck, as well as 3d, the film had a plot.

Though, truth be told, it 'borrowed' heavuly from Joe Dante and Johm Sayles...

But, so far I have seen every one of the Piranna films. Sheesh, call me a completist.



16:43 Aug 26 2010

Awesome ! I can't usually see 3D either unless it is that special IMAX 3D.


Pirhanna 3d, or 2d??

17:31 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 950

I am soon gonna see [?] if I can see 3d with this new system, to 'see' Pirhanna 3d

[am red-green colour deficient, the 'old' system didn't work, for me.]

I have seen all the other Pirhanna movies.




thea gilmore_murphy's heart

18:40 Aug 24 2010
Times Read: 953

I heard a songstress on the radio today playing three tracks from her new album and, being blown away by her material, I’d been stoked, when I heard her reply to Billy Butler, when he asked Thea Gilmore why she’d named her album ‘Murphy’s Heart’.

She had replied, something like, “It’s a bit like Murphy’s Law, for the heart.”




the wrong ditherer

23:02 Aug 22 2010
Times Read: 957

two files on the desktop and I ran the wrong one through windows movie maker..

.. so, when I titled it 'the ditherer', it was the wrong one.




A bull jumps and, a ‘reasonable’ dividend?

15:06 Aug 19 2010
Times Read: 965

It seems a Bull jumped into a stand at bullring in Spain, in northern region of Navarra on Wednesday. Now, although figures of between 30-40 were given as injured: I can’t help thinking, ‘Oh dear. Oh well, nevermind.’ After all, these sports-lovers went to see a bull, this bull, die at the hands of a matador, after being prepared for his combat, by several picadors.

A bit like watching a cowboy film and rooting for the Indians: I root for the bull.

* *

And, the hosepipe ban across the North West of England has been lifted after weeks of wet weather.

Richard Blackwell, United Utilities' supply demand manager, thanked customers for their patience.

United Utilities said its customers saved about of three billion litres (880 million gallons) of water during the ban.

“Aye, while ‘they’ choose not mend the leaks; while continuing to pay share-holders a ‘reasonable’ dividend.




favourite tv show.. [[**Grins**]]

23:47 Aug 17 2010
Times Read: 971

can I count the crossover between eureka and warehouse 13 please? please, please pretty puh - lease?? [[Or, C.S.I, Or.. True-Blood.]]

**Stumbles over a pile of discs**




the angles

01:12 Aug 16 2010
Times Read: 974

am too busy seeing the whole picture, I forget the angles.




Robert Gaines-Cooper

00:58 Aug 16 2010
Times Read: 975

So Robert Gaines-Cooper is fighting the tax man, yet again.

This is a man whose ilk are ripping off the country billions: but these are conservative cronies and, many get away with their tax evasion, while that same government pillories the weak and the poor, with their divisive cuts, on sickness, housing, policing etc.. while the tax evader continue to get away with it.




Just… Don’t get raped in Hull.

01:09 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 992

I was stupefied to read the headline on this Thursdays Metro: ‘I was raped and left for dead… now I’ve been denied help because I cried.’

It seems a rape victim who was beaten and left for dead, has been refused counselling, because NHS bosses ruled she would find it too upsetting.

Louise Harman had to wait three years before being told she was not suitable for therapy after she wept, in preliminary sessions.

The 41 year-old was on a night-out in August 2007, when Michael Olsen dragged her down an alley and repeatedly raped her and throttling her in an unprovoked attack.

Ms Harman, who waived her right to anonymity, after the refusal, has hit out at Humber NHS Trust, who made this decision.

The mother of one from Hull, who has been signed off till 2015, due to post traumatic stress-disorder said: “The are saying the appointments make me anxious but what do they expect – laughing and joking?”

Ironically, her attacker, who was given an indeterminate sentence, with a minimum of five years, might get out early, if he attends a sex-offender, counselling course, in jail



14:43 Aug 13 2010


the system is so screwed up!



14:13 Aug 12 2010
Times Read: 994

ANYWAY.. voluntary work onna a showery day, with enough money for a whiskey day.. is what it is.




... Cannabis?

01:25 Aug 05 2010
Times Read: 1,009

having had a chequered past, I don't consider cannabis drugs.

booze, that's drugs.. for all the damage I see it doing.

and courtesy of what I see onna Thursday, I could honestly say I see how it destroys lives.

Meth.. H.. Alchohol.. all the same, destroy brain cells forever.




"I'm not alone."

01:05 Aug 04 2010
Times Read: 1,019

Looking back on a Forum thread of Sexy's I liked what JustinV said, "I'm not alone."

My comic's tutor told me and a classful that very same thing.

"You sit there scribbling away in the early hours, each thinking you're the only one.. and, you're not."

He had paused, for effect; then added:

"There's a classful of you only one's."



02:40 Aug 04 2010

Very true :)

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