slick dark imagery flows from her pen again, as the ink drips from the quill, to leave one to think and dwell, on the meaning an all, an all.
... to enthuse, write, re-write, reprograph, photograph, articulate and manipulate, text; to fit the form and texture I choose; with company, or alone. Though I do like it when I work with others, it is preferable, to do it alone.
fevered thoughts.. scribbled down.
elucidate, the mixed metaphor's of
my vapid whirling vortex, that some
might call a train of thought, whilst
I might say, it's just my brain and a
strain of concsiousness.
Written for an amusing muse.
Hedgerow Ivy clings to the part
of my heart, that resembles a wall,
where little sunlight can fall, as it’s
so tall. Yet, a bright pink wild rose
grows amidst the Ivy, its colour
providing light midst the grey of
yesterday, the thorns a reminder
of why the wall was built. And,
I never say never again, not ever:
So one day that bush may grow,
it’s flower having power to shift
away the grey… Just not today.
00:42 Aug 16 2010
now this is so sweet lol
to have a friend like you is priceless
22:08 Aug 25 2010
can feel how You love to read her work.