Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


22 entries this month

'damnation alley’

00:33 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 773

Someone got hold of ‘damnation alley’, for me...


[[Jan Michael Vincent & George Peppard, in a story by Roger DelaZaney]]

It was the first, or second Post-Holocaust move

others being ‘I am legend’ and ‘the beach’.

[Vincent Price and Gregory Peck respectively]




Lentil & Spinch Bake [Redux]

15:32 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 779

This was created, when I had found that the only cheese available was frozen and, I wanted a lentil bake quickly, to serve with some smoked Haddock. As it was, this alternative to the original recipe was just as nice as the original and worth taking a note of, I thought.

Take half a mug of lentils and, put them in the base of your microwavable casserole dish, with a couple of chopped garlic and, half an onion also chopped. Add a LITTLE boiled water to cover. This is the point at which you can add your sauces to taste, for example, chilli-dripping sauce [with garlic, Mmmm] and perhaps, a little mustard.

Add a little boiling water, to kinda cover the lentils, before you place the lid on the dish and place in the mike, and ‘cook’, for 3 minutes at three, meaning above defrost. Given the ding, take it out remove the lid and stir; place the lid back on and let it stand, while you finish your coffee and get the spinach out of the freezer. Washing your hands again, just ‘coz you should, perhaps do so, before continuing.

And then, remove the lid, to the casserole dish and place four pieces of frozen spinach in with the lentils and the garlic and onion and stir, with a wooden spoon, or metal, that bit doesn’t matter, but add a teaspoon of granules, from Bisto cheese sauce, does [other products are available, of course]. If you were able to slice any cheese off the block, add them no. Place back into the mike and ‘defrost’ for about three to four minutes, then remove from the mike once more and stir in the lentils and the spinach, then cook, for 3-4 minutes, stopping to stir, at least once. Leave to stand, on a ‘safe’ surface, like a wooden chopping board, while you finish the rest of your meal. About two minutes before serving, take the lid of and place the casserole dish beneath the grill on a low light.

It’s ideal, with fish and lamb, or even with scrambled egg or an omelette.


Here’s a tip: Onion’s

Here’s a tip: try using just half an onion and placing the other half unpeeled, in an empty, washed Flora container. Place the tub in the fridge, to use at the latest, within a few days. BUT, if you don’t leave it TOO LONG, when you come to use the onion, you peel and it will be crisp to cut; AND there will be no irritation to the eyes.



14:11 Apr 27 2011

This one looks good.


Pepppered Mushrooms

13:49 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 788

Take two mushrooms, about one to one and a half inches in size, ideally Chestnut mushrooms, for example.

[[And, use a microwavable mug and, saucer to go on top.]]

Take the stems out of two mushrooms and place the first one in the cup and, then pour into the well a few drop of chilli dripping sauce, ideally the one with garlic in it.

[[one could use any stems, with garlic and a little onion]]

Next, sprinkle some black pepper over the sauce, in the well and, place a couple of squares of cheese on top of the filled mushroom well.

Then, do the same with the second mushroom and, place on top of the first.

And cook, full whack [[power]] for two minutes, leave to stand and, eat.

Can be served with a portion of Chinese stir-fry veg and an omelette.

Including the omelette and veg… cooking time 10-12 minutes, the meal.

Or, enjoy the peppered mushrooms on a batch: all juicy and VERY tasty.



19:28 Apr 21 2011

That does sound good!

07:42 Apr 23 2011

*drools like homer simpson*

Ahhhhhhh, man....Why are you so cruel lol. God, that sounds yummy!


Doctor Who actress dies

12:47 Apr 20 2011
Times Read: 806

Wed Apr 20 09:40AM by Paul Johnston

Elisabeth Sladen, best known for her role as Sarah Jane Smith in 'Doctor Who', has died at the age of 63.

The BBC confirmed that the actress died yesterday following a battle with cancer.

Elisabeth first appeared in the popular sci-fi series with third Doctor Jon Pertwee back in 1973. She went on to appear alongside Tom Baker's Doctor and years later reprised the role of Sarah Jane Smith when the series was revived by Russell T Davies.

In 2007 she was given her own spin-off show, 'The Sarah Jane Adventures', which ran for four series.

Speaking about the news, Russell T Davies said: "I absolutely loved Lis. She was funny and cheeky and clever and just simply wonderful."

Current 'Doctor Who' executive producer Steven Moffat praised her as a "ferociously talented actress". He added: "'Never meet your heroes', wise people say. They weren't thinking of Lis Sladen. Sarah Jane Smith was everybody's hero when I was younger, and as brave and funny and brilliant as people only ever are in stories.

"But many years later when I met the real Sarah Jane - Lis Sladen herself - she was exactly as any child ever have wanted her to be. Kind and gentle and clever and a ferociously talented actress, of course, but in that perfectly English unassuming way."

CBBC controller Damian Kavanagh said: "I'm deeply saddened and shocked by the news of Lis's untimely death. Lis brought joy, excitement and a sense of wonder to her many fans in her role as Sarah Jane Smith. She was adored by our young audience and I know all of them will miss her as much as I will."



13:12 Apr 20 2011

*sighs sadly*

13:21 Apr 20 2011

I was lucky enough to meet her. Nice Lady.

13:27 Apr 20 2011

Well that is a sad thing for you and other fans.

22:28 Apr 20 2011

I enjoyed the most recent show and thought she was an excellent actress, seems we're loosing so many of the good ones these days

22:39 Apr 20 2011

As soon as I saw this, I thought of you- sorry you lost an idol


part 1 of Pauline’s Trip to England... and, a comment from it's co-author

22:52 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 810

The lady I wrote part 1 of Pauline’s Trip to England who is from Chile, received her copy and, this is what she wrote...

I'm so impressed!

all that you wrote ... i mean you described the places so well... I could even smell the trees, the flowers...

and now I have my lines in DRAFT because I don't know what to say...

damn it! you're so good!!!!




disappeary people...

00:22 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 812

And it occurred to me strangeness indeed, the way that when you get to know some people well, on the net, or realtime, the way they pull away and, just disappear from your Life. I can think of not one, two, three, but many more examples of this, in this year alone…




Don't read this.

13:15 Apr 16 2011
Times Read: 819

[[spoiler Alert!]]

... chapter three of the second of my new non-Adult stories is two-thirds written... but it's in chapter four where you learn a little of the power of the sparkly thing.

"Keep it under your trilby!"




Bi-Polar Awareness

22:27 Apr 15 2011
Times Read: 834

Gawd, I feel sorry for the way the press has outed Catherine Zeta Jones.

BBC News - Catherine Zeta Jones treated for bipolar disorder

14 Apr 2011 ... Oscar-winning actress Catherine Zeta Jones receives treatment for bipolar disorder after husband Michael Douglas's battle with throat ...


And, Charlie Sheen organizes an awareness day.

And meanwhile, I’ll concede, I feel more than a tad hyper today… just… the way of the day.

And... for me, the flipside of manic deprerssion.



01:47 Apr 16 2011

Wow, never knew that about Catherine.


a difference

13:24 Apr 15 2011
Times Read: 840

...if some of my stuff isn't to your taste, then my new story, which is a kinda observation piece dash love story ish not as some don't like.

set where I live, toward the end.

gawd knows where it'll go though, that's down to a certain South Smerican lady, who drives this one.




Mobile Phones Kill

23:46 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 849

You won't be needing that for a while! Texting motorist who killed OAP is jailed after she turns up at court carrying mobile phone

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:13 PM on 11th April 2011

student who knocked down and killed a grandmother as she read a text message while driving arrived at court today to hear her sentence clutching her mobile.

Keisha Wall, 20, carried the device into Reading Crown Court before she was jailed for two and a half years for causing the death of 63-year-old Christine Lyon in Reading in February last year.

Wall was sitting alongside her mother - a driving instructor - when she lost control of the Suzuki Jimny that she was driving home from a shopping trip.

Wall, who had only passed her driving test months earlier, was looking at the message on her phone when she mounted a pavement.

Mrs Lyon, from Maidenhead, was crushed and killed instantly, a judge was told today.

Wall was last month convicted of causing death by dangerous driving at Reading Crown Court.

She claimed her mother grabbed the wheel from her passenger seat in an attempt to avoid the incident but this evidence was rejected by a jury sitting at her trial.

Judge Stephen John said that the crash came under the lesser category of 'avoidable distraction' under level three for the sentencing guidelines.

'Before you began your journey you had been exchanging text messages with your boyfriend and a girl friend.”

'It was within a period of less than a minute before the collision you had received a text message on your mobile phone.

'I am satisfied that you opened that message and either read or attempted to read it.

'By that action, you lost concentration, left the road and caused the lady's death.

'The jury must have rejected your evidence that your mother had inexplicably grabbed the wheel and herself caused the accident. Your mother was not called to support your evidence,' said Judge John.

'I think it very likely that she did indeed grab the wheel in the moment you left the road in a vain attempt to avoid the catastrophe occurring but she did not cause the car to mount the pavement.

Sentencing Wall to 30 months in a Young Offenders' Institute, Judge John said: 'By your actions that day, you deprived a loving family of their mother and grandmother and a husband of his wife of more than 40 years.

'The simple fact is that she would be alive today if you had not behaved so irresponsibly.

'This was a wholly avoidable accident, which caused a wholly avoidable death. Only you are to blame.”




Ah ... they do thrive on attention.

00:26 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 870


Apr 10 2011


And... this afternoon, MrNobody in my journals...

just two of those listed who have gifted me a one, then immediately blocked me.

Ah ... they do thrive on attention.



00:28 Apr 11 2011

I am certain there are more pleasant ways to seek attention than to do this childish activity. The best way I found to seek attention is to be nice to people and respect them. It is true, what you give is what you get. :)


New Journal Comments

13:16 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 882

New Journal Comments


Friends Online:


i am nobody



...well as I'm blocked, as these owards always do after leaving you their 'gift' offa a one, I can hardly thank him and his ilk, for taking some much interest of late in my journals... Now can I???

It's almost a pity, as I wanted to stroke at some pink fluffy fur, to show 'em just how much I really care...


[[Now where's that 'delete' key?]]



00:26 Apr 11 2011

This individual must have friends or split personalities, lol. I have had the same instances and it was before I rated them. I block back now. I do not like to do that as this is merely a website but what else can one do?

MrNobody [ Unblock ]

thexshitxradu [ Unblock ]

Umustdie4 [ Unblock ]

xRebirthx [ Unblock ]


Text says they are...

13:00 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 885

Text says they are nobody and it’s true, for to be somebody you must acknowledge the world around you and the hurt and pain caused, as their selfish self can whine all the time on about those around, thriving on the attention, like a small child being naughty, so their Mummy will notice them, as they so rarely have, I would guess; as they seek redress, by poking fun at rules that allow them to play the fool and truth be told, look like a tool, damaged and useless.




VR as a safe place?

11:37 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 916

I was introduced to VR as a safe place, to platform my artwork, stories and poems; and, make connections, with like-minded people, if we both wished.

Yet recently, certain individuals have flouted that idea of a social-network, by mocking it, its members and system, by leaving a one on peoples profiles, effectively acting as a childish schoolyard bully, by utilising the VR systems, to garner attention to themselves, level down people on the site with their one’s then block them.

Heck, if they don’t like VR and, its members, as it seems, “why are they here?”

And, one could ignore them… those that leave one as they do... but one never could ignore a bully, as one always sought to let others see them as they are: and, the right of what one sees, even when it means they might read of what one has to say about them leaving a one. And liking the attention, they did come, “Aw eh, isn’t that ever-so cute ‘n fluffy?”



11:59 Apr 09 2011

I believe this would be on the minds of most members. You have only aired what is true. Mayhap it is because they have no other knowledge of what real life is potentially capable of.

18:06 Apr 09 2011

well hear what your saying my dear. I feel the ones who leave us a rated 1 and then block us without even knowing us is a bit childish and wanting to prove the point that many will retailiate to them and therefore give them the attentionas well as to prove many do not like being rated a 1 after putting in alot of effort toward a profile they have worked on here, which to me is really wrong and acting as a bully or just an asshole in general. yet, Cancer does have all 10 #'s in the sytem to use a rating. sooo, I myself just ignore them and move on because to me they are just showing ignorance and well I feel most on here is above it and react as I do.. go rate them and leave it as is.. I rate fairly also yet, not many get less than an 8 from me and that is because they just have nothing realy on the profile yet. Different strokes for different folks just, ashame that we who keep it real has to suffer from the assholes rating games. ....

Cute and fluffy? Well put my friend LOL

00:35 Apr 11 2011

i love what you have to say. i also find it amusing to see that some people would stoop so low just to be called a child. it is people like that that get thrown out of places just because they aren't capable to understand that they aren't the center of the universe.


what is 'macho?

00:36 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 926

what is 'macho?

it is to be a man. But...

the image, not the reality.

to be a tit, amngest your

male friends, as you act

with bravado, before your girl.





23:44 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 942

like AYW and Antichrist... there's now MrNobody?

why can't the Admin do something about these characters??




An Irritator... a little, little irritator.

00:24 Apr 05 2011
Times Read: 972



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You are blocked from sending Antichrist messages.

“Hmmmmm?” So the fellow blocks me, [[like someone else awhile back]] after leaving a one.. and, I don’t know him… like the other one’s other two profile… seems the other one has a new little friend… operative word being ‘little.’

And, you have to wonder why the Admin let these twerps play their ‘little’ games, when they know who they are…? Or, am I looking too deep?



09:25 Apr 07 2011

Thats why I get so pissed with Admin here. They never seem to punish these idiots and they need to crack the whip on them! *shakes head*

Whats even more stupid about the whole thing is that usually 'the twerps' who pull that bullshit have THEEEEEE LAMEST profiles on VR. No effort is invested in them at all...no talent...no nothing!

*rolls eyes*


'bout says it...

00:17 Apr 05 2011
Times Read: 974

“I’ve got a problem with authority, lean toward people who are emotionally unavailable… and, all of the above…”


“Have you ever gone a week, without rationalization?”

“… it’s from The Big Chill.”


C.S.I Series Five Episode thirteen





15:54 Apr 02 2011
Times Read: 991

Advertising works and thrives on its use.

Psychiatrists and counsellors use it to empower us;

Private shoppers and self-help books apply it, so that we need them;

Our partners use it, to attain the Wants and Needs.

Artists, like Kreskin, Penn&Teller and Derren Brown use it, so that we let them fool us; So, why do we allow others to manipulate us, so easily?



17:20 Apr 02 2011

Honestly? Because we find it so much easier to let others make decisions for us or direct how we behave. We humans are lazy! We like to be led.

Rare is the person who isn't influenced by something.

07:54 Apr 04 2011

I agree with Selkie.

It's hard to be yourself when the world expects you to be just like everybody else. They try to pour us all into the same molds...

and really, whats the fun in that?! :P

Screw manipulation in any form, I say.


new pictures...

15:44 Apr 02 2011
Times Read: 993

new picture up .. emphasis on the new.

and, I'm still narked someone called my new story porn.

it's EFFIN emphatically not... I even posted my respons in Misc, I was that miffed.

they hadn't even read it properly...






23:25 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 998

... mia amore [[only Italian I knw.. in context, an all.]] .. oh and 'Ciao Bella Signora'




A fence, a gate, a hedge

23:08 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,000

Someone read one of my ‘adult’ stories, labelling it porn.

I take pride in writing literate erotica, so had taken offence at his undestanding of my write.

So I had responded, ‘point of my stories is.. read both layers.. not just the obvious Tsk, Tsk.’



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