Don't mind my last one I just poured my heart into it even though it was all negative feelings i still did. So please don't judge me for speaking from my own experience and if you have a problem with that keep it to yourself I don't want to hear it.
Why can't people see others good side? Why do they have to see our differences and then judge us because of them? Are we not good enough? Apparently they want all the people who are different to end like they did me. Don't get your hopes up they don't want to be friends. They just want to stab you in the back once you trust them.
Why do guys always assume they can use you and not cause any emotion when they leave or if they come back and ask for forgiveness they expect you to be on your knees at that moment? Guys if you do this? Just know that most girls will kick your ass if you hurt them before and you want them back. Please just leave it at the we're done stage or else other people could get hurt in the line of fire.
I will not be here but feel free to text me I'll get back to you when I get back on.