MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE. If there are those who don't believe in it, this next part still includes you. May today and everyday after it find you and your's happy, blessed , and in good health. Lots of love 4ever.
Wishing a very Merry christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone on Bloody Feathers. May all of your holidays be blessed all the way through the New Year and for many more to come. Lots of Love.
What i it to the world?
You hear the music
See the decorations
Hear the ceremonies
But where's the soul
The emotions.
It's like it's all staged,
You should show the world
You're grateful for the sacrifices
That were given to preserve
these rights.
Many have fought without knowledge
Without question.
Many have lost lives
Many have lost loved ones
Many have come back and
And will never be the same
Many will never return.
But they have unselfishly
Given of themselves.
Let me give all my thanks to you
Bump the gifts
I've been given 1 major gift
Life and love.
My love is eternal.
So, for you, I celebrate this Christmas
Merry Christmas To Everyone
This the 411 on me since the last time I wrote in my journal. My boo is out of town for a minute so I'm aggrevating the heck out of my sister and bro-in-law. Lol. Sorry it's been so long my friends. My cousin dropped in and currently expecting to drop her 1st in January so I'm keeping her company. I think her baby girl is having a party in her stomach because she kicks me in my back at night when I'm trying to sleep. Lol. I can't wait. I have none of my own but I love to babysit for my family. I really don't want any of my own. My cousin says I better be in the room with her when she has her's. It'll be a real experience for me. I'm happy for her though.
That's all for now. TTFN.