If I could change blank...
There would be no such thing as parole or prison for rapists, murderers, and pedefile.
Instead, I'd build massive concetration camps for then and make them live like the Amish!
If I could change blank...
There'd be no such thing as pornography of any kind
Porno makers would instead make tapioka and oatmeal for nursing home residents
Porn starts would instead get councilingand financial-aid for college
And the closest thing to porn on TV would be the mating risutals of Arctic pegnuins
If I could change blank...
The Olsen Twins would stop making trashy cloths for 6-year olds
And the womens lingerie wouldnt be right next to the little girl's section in Wal-Mart
If I could change blank...
More people would start opening up their minds to what the waorld has to offer
They'd realize that like is so much more that what they do and see everyday
If I could change blank...
No girl under 13 would have to wear makeup OR a tube top to feel pretty
In fact...the word "tube-top" and that particular article of clothing would be abolished
If I could change blank...
Children would never get their childhoods snatched away
It would be ok for boys to play with cars and girls with dolls past age 10
If I could change blank...
All women could feel sexy all the time
We'd all be able to dance like Shakira....
And age would be such a big deal
(lack of elasticity would be hot!)
If I could change blank
Gay marriage would be of the norm
Innerracial reletionships wouldnt be fround uppon
People could live and be loved and no one would care
If I could change blank...
A pint of Ben &Jerry's would be 0-calories
Onlybeing of course if 1.)you jsut had a terrible break up and your friends trying desperately to console you
Or 2.) you've had a another terrible day ina string of terrible days and you just need that surgary goodness!
If I could change blank...
Theocracy would be nonexistent
People would instead take the time to biuld a batter tolerence for people of different religions and ethnicity
If I could change blank...
"Blank"...would be a thing of fiction
It would only be an understanding ot what I've written without the use of words
And sorry if youre bored with my poem...but to me its more of a realization than a rant