Why does it seem the world is sooo obsessed with technology? nearly ever single commercial on tv, radio, and even magazines are littered with cellphone, computer, ads? And worst of all it seems they're doing their best to get even younger kids in the mindset ' I'm not cool unless I have a certain type of cellphone.' since when do 7,and 8 year olds need the newest hightech cellphones? and what's with those who never let them just ring, and or just go to message. it's not like they're gonna' litterally die if they miss one call, or text. it's ridiculous how some people seems as though they'd be nothing without they're precious cellphones, like they're litterally attached to them, the way the never go anywhere without them, and any, and everytime they ring they just HAVE to answer, even when they're already doing something with someone, and they just xpect the other person to not to care if they get ignored for some meaningless call that could've been left to retreive later. . . I'm just sayin', it's idiotic to rely on something so trivial. . . we servived just fine before them, why are we all sooo depenent on them now? it's not like they're so damn important, seriously, all they are in retrospect is more then a crutch we rely on to make us look more important then we are, and not to mention a major waste of hard earned money that could be used for more inmportant things. feel free to drop me a line if any of this rant makes any sense, and or you'd like to further descuss this subject. . . Blessed Be.