I didn't know his name...And he didn't know mine. But we both wanted the other in a way that would make 2 sexed crazed naked perverts in a locked bedroom blush.
He did things to me that was beyond anything I have ever done....And I did things to him that left him in shock.
With him I could let go and be who I wanted to be....And he let me. He wanted to see all the dirty little things that turned me on and I wanted him to do things to me that would have made me melt in shame with any other person.
I was free with him...Just for a little while.
He was my dream....The perfect man that every woman wanted. And for a few hours he was mine. And I used him like there was no tomorrow.
Just the way he used me.
And it was perfect.
Being used never felt so good. ~Grins~
I want to make the right choices...But I don't know what those are.
I'm stuck in a place where nothen seems right anymore.
And I can't find which way to go to get out.
I'm just so tired of walking around in the dark.
no way to know what the right choice is without making a choice and seeing where it leads.We all make mistakes and we learn from them.Your not gonna know what the right choice is until you choose.
17:53 Oct 30 2015
keeping things anonymous ..serving one anothers needs
fulfilling every lustful desire with no strings attached
complete and total sexual satisfaction...now that is the best way to give everything to another..no taboos..nothing held back.
17:59 Oct 30 2015
Yeah...My point exactly. :)
Sex..lust and no chance of hard feelings afterwards. Just go your seperate ways. No clinging or jealousy.
Just a little soreness and a few bruises to remind you of it. Perfect. Lol