AlucardVampiress's Journal


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3 entries this month

Vampire Boarding School (Ch. 3) by Brokenshadow12420

03:53 Jun 09 2009
Times Read: 511

I stared at the door, which was the entrance to my room. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to knock, or stare at it. After minutes of torturing myself, I raised a fist to the door. I know it was my room, but I felt it would still be proper to knock. My fists tapped on the door, causing an echo to role through the hall. I froze at the sudden noise.

I thought it would take at least a little while for someone to come to the door, though I was wrong. Seconds later the door opened partially, and a guy stood halfway in the hall, and halfway in the room, leaning casually against the door frame.

“Hey?” he said sounding confused. His eyes didn’t leave mine, which made me feel slightly better, but then I had thought to soon, when his eyes lingered down me. I folded my arms across my chest.

“Umm, yeah, this is room 921, right?” I asked, sounding shy and quiet. He bit his lower lip with a crooked smile and a nod.

“I guess you’re that new roommate they told us about.” He said. “But I also guess they forgot to mention the sex of the person.” He said with another smile. I nodded, with a shrug. “I mean…you know this is a boy’s boarding school, right?” he asked. I nodded.

“I’m not a student…if that makes you feel better,” I said in a smart-ass tone. He stared at me confused.

“Then what are you…entertainment?” he asked, sounding pleased with his come-back. I rolled my eyes.

“No…umm do you care if I come in…this hallway is freaking me out.” I said looking back behind my shoulder. I heard him take in a quick breath.

“Oh? Yeah…yeah, yeah come in.” he said with enthusiasm. I slipped past him stepping inside. The room was huge, a set of stairs led down to what looked like a living room, a fire place beneath a giant flat screen T.V. The room was slightly dark and I stared down yet another hallway, with doors a lined.

“I’m still confused about that, you’re not a student thing?” he said stepping in front of me. “Are you like…a visitor…a reviewer?” he sounded eager, and I just looked at him awkwardly.

“Yeah…umm, I’m not sure what I’m here for,” I lied. “They sent me here, before the pass closes up…you know?” I said. He eyes suddenly went wide, like he was scared of something, but then they returned to normal.

“Yeah…you’re totally okay with being stuck here for a month?” he asked. “I mean, it’s on thing to not be able to leave…but then I mean it’s another thing that you can’t leave.” He shrugged turning around. “I’ll show you your room…it’s in the back.” He said urging me forward. I walked beside him, being silent. The moment finally got so awkward I was relieved when he spoke.

“There are more guys than just me…four, actually. They’re somewhere around here…the school anyway. I guess that gives me time to give you a heads up on all of us.” As he spoke we passed several doors, and I noticed one that was a little farther than the rest of them, set back at the very end of the dimly lit hallway. I knew then I t was mine.

“I’m…pretty easy to get along with.” He said confidently. I smiled biting my lower lip.

“Pretty easy?” I asked sarcastically. He laughed.

“Yeah, most likely the nicest guy in this dorm. But don’t worry…we’re all cool. I’m Eli by the way.” He added. I licked my lips, feeling suddenly vulnerable as we got nearer to the door.

“Alex,” I said. The name sounded weird on my tongue, I wasn’t used to introducing myself rather than Ms. Hartley, because I wasn’t in school anymore…though this was going to be my first teaching experience, people still called me that, and I loathed it entirely.

“Here we are,” he said hesitantly stopping at the door. Suddenly he opened it, and a rainbow of sunlight streamed through. My heart suddenly leaped in my chest.

An entire wall was a window, curved in a half circle hugging the room. A massive bed with black silk sheets sat in the center of the room, pushed up against the glass wall. The ceiling was high above my head. The floors were a golden-red wood, smooth and warm. There were several dressers, a vanity, and a desk. I noticed a door off to the side, which had to have been a closet. Sitting in the dead center of the room was all my luggage.

“Wow.” was all I could say. The view through the window was a massive river, and beyond that a huge forest, and even farther beyond that mountains. The entire scene glistened with snow. The sun was setting behind the mountain, giving the room an orange glow. It set the lake on fire, as crystal-like colors shot through the glass.

“It’s one of the best rooms in the entire school.” he said, leaning back against a wall. “They said you were a special guest?” he shrugged. I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. “Don’t worry about the window though…it’s set from the rest of the school. I’ll just let you unpack,” he said, sounding a little sad. I turned back to thank him, but he was already gone…I never heard him leave. It suddenly brought back what had happened in the elevator, or at least what I thought had happened. My breathing began to quicken, though I slowed it down, taking deeper and slower breaths.

After unpacking, which took me a good half-hour, I decided to take a shower, though still feeling cautious. I had figured that the door that I thought was a closet actually happened to be a bathroom, and a large one at that. I took a long one, really in no hurry to do anything else. I wasn’t looking forward to meeting anyone else

When I was done, I put on pajama shorts and a long sleeved white shirt. I had to put a tang-top beneath it for it hugged my curves too perfectly, and was slightly see-through. I wasn’t sure why, though the heat in this room was very intense for how cold it was outside. I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and walked over to the massive bad.

Mr. Neel had given me teaching folders of the standards I would be teaching. I just sat cross legged on my bed, and skipped through the pages. It was getting darker out side, and the wind began to push against my window. I constantly looked back, expected to see something that I didn’t want to see. I wished I had watched the sunset a little longer, for in three days it would be gone entirely for the next month.

A knock on the door, made me jump. I looked to it, feeling unable to answer for a moment.

“Yeah?” I called back, sounding annoyed, which wasn’t the message I wanted to give.

“It’s Eli…uh, can I come in?” I heard him ask innocently. I didn’t know why, but it made me breath a laugh.

“Door’s open.” I said. I started flipping through the pages, trying to look busy as he opened the door. From the corner of my eye, I saw he entered with two more people. I glanced up, feeling highly uncomfortably.

“They wanted to meet you…and you were quiet for a while, so I guess I wanted to come check on you,” he said. I glanced at the two guys he was with, before my eyes instinctively darted back to the folders.

“Hi,” I muttered out, sounding like I didn’t care. I heard him cross the room, the other two followed.

“You busy?” I heard him ask from beside me. I looked up to him with a shrug.

“Just looking at the standards…I mean the classes,” I lied, closing the folder. He nodded, using his arm to gesture to the two guys, who looked as though they hadn’t taken their eyes off of me.

“This is Jimmy, and this…is Seth.” He said with a shrug. “Guys, this is Alex.” He said with a smile.

“Hey,” they both harmonized. They didn’t even seem to notice.

“So…” Jimmy said. “You new here,” he added nervously. I raised an eyebrow to him. Seth beside him breathed a laugh, pulling it back.

“Yeah…” I said sarcastically. He shook his head nervously, looking as though he cleared his mind.

“No…no I meant, you’re new here.” He said with a crooked smile. Seth rolled his eyes.

“Stating the obvious?” I said with yet another sarcastic tone. Eli laughed.

“Sorry, it’s been a while since we had a girl here…no, scratch that, we’ve never had a girl here.” Eli said. Even though I knew this, that statement suddenly made me more uncomfortable. I was going to lock my door tonight.

“So how old are you?” Seth asked with a crooked smile. I smiled with a shrug.

“Seventeen.” I said. He seemed to take this in.

“Hmm.” He said. “That sucks, you’ll be in the junior classes,” he said.

“She isn’t a student dip shit.” Eli said looking back to him. I breathed a laugh.

“So what is she?” Jimmy asked, looking confused.

“She doesn’t know,” Eli filled in for me.

“They sent me here before the storm, and the night stretch, so who knows,” I shrugged, taking control of the answer. Seth and Jimmy suddenly had the same expression as Eli had. It hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“What?” I asked. They looked at me confused.

“What, what?” Jimmy said innocently.

“What…as in why is it so weird that I was sent here before hand.” I asked.

“It’s just we go into-

“Nothing…it’s just that it’s weird that they would send you before the month of the night stretch, rather than afterwards.” Eli elbowed Seth in his side. I stared at him confused. Not that I wanted to change the subject, I knew it would then be less awkward.

“So what about the other two?” I asked. Eli stared at me for a moment confused, before he nodded.

“Oh, the other two are still around…hey you should be hungry…right?” Eli replied. I shrugged. Truth was I wasn’t hungry, not at all, though I hadn’t eaten since last night. He nodded.

“You wanna come out…I mean you must be bored sitting in here.” Eli said using his eyes to gesture towards the door. I nodded, sliding off the bed. Eli took a step back, though I was sure Jimmy and Seth had taken a step closer to me. I raised an eyebrow to them, seeing we were only inches apart.

Eli laughed, slipping behind them, walking towards the door. I had to slip between the two dazed guys who obviously weren’t moving today. I took to Eli’s side, as they followed close behind me.

“Hey…Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dum…wanna give her some space.” Eli said rolling his eyes. They didn’t say anything and continued to follow me like loyal dogs. Eli looked at me with a crooked smile, and ran his fingers anxiously through his hair. We made it to the living room, and I just sat down on the couch. Suddenly two figures sat on either side of me, causing me to jump. Seth and Jimmy were sitting a little to close for comfort I hadn’t seen them move?

“Is everyone here like cats?” I asked. Eli nervously coughed, clearing his throat.

“So…it’s about nine…the other two should be here in a few minutes.” Eli said. Seth yawned, and I felt something around my shoulders. I turned to look at him. He had his feet up on the coffee table, and his arm was around my shoulder. I laughed, pulling it around me dropping it in his lap.

“Really?” I laughed. He looked at me with an innocent confused look, and a shrug.

“What?” he said.

“Seth she obviously wants me.” Jimmy said scooting closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. I leaned forward letting his hand drop.

“You guys are so fucking gay,” Eli laughed.

“Oh Jimmy I want you so bad.” Seth joked. I laughed.

“I knew it.” Jimmy said in a serious tone, though he was kidding. “I knew he was gay, I knew it.” Seth rolled his eyes, obviously disappointed that Jimmy didn’t follow in his joke.

“Alex you wanna sit here?” Eli said patting his hand next to him on the opposite couch. I said yes with my eyes, sliding off the couch and moving over to Eli.

“There you go Seth…you scared her away.” Jimmy said with a crooked smile. Eli scooted over allowing me to sit next to him, though I could have in the first place, it would just have been awkwardly close.

“So what about your parents? They just let you come here to Alaska…and you don’t even know why?” Seth said. I shrugged.

“My father is in Russia on a medical business trip…and my mother is in South America doing field research on an endangered species.” I said with a shrug. They umm, got the letter a few months before they left, and they were happy about it.” I smiled. Seth stared at me curiously.

“So…for no apparent reason…they just let you go?” he added. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to have to hide the fact I was teaching here, my parents were ecstatic for most teachers start at a public school and work their way up, but I happened to be accepted into an excellent school to teach. I couldn’t tell them that that’s why my parents had let me go.

“I guess…I don’t really know how their minds work.” I shrugged. Eli was about to say something when suddenly I heard the sound of a door opening and a gentle close. I felt Eli look back, and Seth and Jimmy’s head’s jerked up. Instinctively I followed their stare, my heart nearly exploded in my chest. My breathing stopped and my lungs painfully felt like they were being ripped apart.

I knew that face…I knew it.

“Hey Shawn,” Eli said facing back to me. “Oh Alex, that’s Shawn…the other roommate.” He shrugged casually. I froze staring at the guy I’d personally met in the elevator. His eyes locked on mine, a crooked smile suddenly spread across his face.

“Umm…I have to go do something!” I leaped of the couch and darted towards my room. When I made it I slammed my door, locking it and sliding to the floor. Tears streamed down my face. I wasn’t dreaming; it wasn’t my imagination. He was real, and he was here…and I knew he was going to finish what he started. I couldn’t stay here anymore…I wasn’t going to stay here, I had to get out.




Vampire Boarding School (Ch. 2) by Brokenshadow12420

03:52 Jun 09 2009
Times Read: 510

Before I could think of anything else, I felt a pressure pain in my back. The back of my head hit something hard, causes me to fall into a sudden unconsciousness, though something was holding me up. My vision was blurry, though I knew I had come out of my sudden fall out. I tried to bring my hands to my eyes, but something strong and firm was holding them beck.

My vision finally came to a clear, and I noticed what was happening. The elevator had stopped, I was sure of that, but it didn’t crash. When I was finally able to make out the scene, I noticed that the guy, who was previously standing next to me, was pinning me to the wall. Still slightly dazed, I tried to move against his grip, because his strength greatly exceeded my own.

“Get the fuck off me!” I managed to choke out. His body fit to every curve of mine, his right leg pinned between mine. His massive arms pinned mine above my head.

“Stop shouting,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Who the fuck do you think you are!” I snapped back, still trying to wiggle free from his grasp.

“Relax,” he whispered, his ear brushing against my ear. I bit down on my tongue, hoping the elevator would start back up again. His hand slid up my side, wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath caught in my throat.

“Dude?” I heard a faint whisper from behind him, though it seemed to make him more frustrated. He pushed me harder to the wall, and I thought at any moment I would break. His lips pressed to the side of my neck, as he gently bit his way down my throat.

“Get the hell away from me!,” I snapped, using all the strength I had to force him away, though still he was unaffected. Though I knew my chances of getting to an all boys school, and nothing happening to me were small, I still felt I had to come. I knew…I mean I knew something like this would happen, though I wished it were to happen in a place where I stood a chance.

Before I could say anything else, he brought his lips roughly to mine, his fingers grabbing at the roots of my hair, pulling my head slightly to ht e side. I tried to fight back, though each time my efforts just got harder and harder. He forced his tongue to my lips, and as hard as I tried to keep them closed, he just seemed to be stronger every time I tried anything. I put my arms against his chest, though he didn’t budge an inch. His hand slid to my inner thigh, where he pulled my legs apart.

There was so much edge to him, something that made it nearly impossible for him to let me go. Someone cleared their throat behind him.

“What Kyle?” he asked in a harsh tone, still keeping his mouth on mine.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” I heard a reply. The guy sighed, his breath sweeping across my tongue. I nearly fainted at the sweetness of it. I shook myself back into consciousness, still trying to fight against his deadening grip.

“Does this conversation have a purpose?” the guy whom was holding me said with an angered tone. I heard an unfamiliar voice reply.

“Shawn this isn’t the time…let’s just go.” Another voice called. He pushed me to the wall harder, making a small cry escape my lungs.

“Do you know how long?-

“I know…but think about it.” I heard Kyle say. Shawn paused for a moment, keeping his lips on my jaw line. It sent series of shiver down my spine as he exhaled onto my throat. He sighed, and suddenly I began to feel the pressure on my body slowly release. There was a jump in my stomach, and I realized now that the elevator began to slowly move upwards. My heart stopped in my chest at the sudden coincidence of the moment. His arms still pinned mine to my sides. The elevator came to a slow stop, and I heard the doors quietly open. He pulled our faces away and I got a terrifying close look at his face.

His features were untouched by time, perfectly flawless. Even for the climate here, his skin had a soft warm glow. His eyes were the most dominate feature of his face. They were dark, crimson maybe…almost black. I froze in fear as he placed his hand on my shoulders, keeping me on the wall.

“I’m not done with you,” he threatened. Suddenly I blacked out for a moment, not hearing a single noise, or feeling anything. My vision refocused, and I was sure to see them standing there. I took in a deep breath, to see I was alone.

The elevator still silently continued to pull up, and I knew we hadn’t stopped on any floor. I began hyperventilating. My fingers grasped the railing that ran along the small room, and I was sure it was the only thing holding me up. It wasn’t logical…they were gone? I didn’t know what I was thinking…whether I was more scared of the event that just passed, or the fact I could have just imagined it all.

My eyes darted to the ceiling, and across the walls, to see if there had been any sort of ventilation…in which maybe I had been drugged or gassed. There was nothing. I felt the elevator come to a slow halt, and the doors silently opened. I stared at the empty hallway before me, not knowing whether I wanted to get out of this room, or continue down the hall.

The doors slowly began to close, and I snapped back into my mind. Quickly I slipped through the small space in which was left. The doors closed fully behind me. I saw a bench, sitting casually next to a plant. I sat on it, burying my face in my hands with a sigh. A few moments had passed, when I realized my head had a sharp pain in the back. My hand instinctively moved to the back, where I felt a small bump that hurt incredibly when I touched it. I flinched at the pain.

I had hit my head on the wall…which indicated part of that event was real. It all happened so fast…we had to have been stopped at a floor. But what was the coincidence that the elevator would stop so suddenly, and move as quickly as it had come to a halt. The timing was perfect…planned. I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. I slowly stood up, looking down the hall.

Taking in a deep breath, I began down the hallway, counting the doors as I went. I finally came to a door that said 921 above it. I took in a deep breath, as chills were sent down my spine. I was only going to be here a few months. Three days a storm was supposed to be coming, and it would be dark for about a month only a few days after that. Technically I was stuck here for at least that month, for all the flights would be closed in and out of the town twenty six miles from here.

I never really thought it was weird that this campus was so isolated, though now I really began to think. Whatever just happened somehow linked to that, and somehow I was somewhat scared of finding out.




Vampire Boarding School (Ch. 1) by Brokenshadow12420

03:50 Jun 09 2009
Times Read: 513

“Ms. Hartley. We’re ecstatic to have you.” the woman’s voice was high pitched, and kind. I smiled weakly, watching as the bag boy dragged away my luggage.

“Here’s your room key.” she handed me a key with a tag that said 921 on it. I took it, though she continued to smile at me. “So how do you feel about being at an all boy’s school?” she asked curiously. I shrugged.

“It’s not really all that hard, seeming as though I’m going to be teaching here.” I smiled. She smiled back.

“Teaching…at seventeen. Amazing.” she said. I smiled. I was about to turn, when she continued the conversation. “So what are you teaching?” she asked in a hyper tone. I turned back to her. I really didn’t want to go into a long conversation, so I decided to name the subjects she most likely didn’t know anything about.

“Physics and Calculus.” I said with a fake smile. She tilted her head in confusion.

“Anyway hope you enjoy it here.” she said looking down to her desk. I smiled victoriously and turned to walk towards my room.

Yeah, you heard it right. I was in an all boy’s boarding school. And you also heard the fact that I’ll be teaching here. I know it sounds unlikely, but I graduated high school three years ago, me being seven teen. That was what always amazed people. Adults still called me a baby, and yet I was smarter than them all.

I got full scholarships to many collages…but I’ve never really been interested in going to school. Luckily I was able to go, and get my masters in teaching in half the time, seeming as I passed every exam with A’s across the board. Then I got a letter accepting me into this school, which I had never applied for, I thought it sounded interesting. Set back in the beautiful mountains of Northern Alaska, it sounded amazing to me.

So I accepted their acceptance and here I am. Mr. Neel, the principle had already shown me my classroom, which was an enormous college style room with elevated desks. It was pretty cool to me, though I doubted I would get any students with my advanced knowledge, though Mr. Neel had gotten me a set of advanced students in both math and science for my benefit, and a handful of understudied guys…seniors, for me to also teach. Mr. Neel expects me to teach them better manners, and what not.

I stood in the elevator as I clicked the ninth floor. I had to dorm with students because of my age, which was totally fine with me. The elevator rose to the seventh floor and stopped. I leaned back against the corner of the elevator, running my fingers through my hair. The doors slid open and three guys stood casually waiting. There eyes locked onto me. I smiled weakly, leaning my head back against the wall. They stepped in, one of them standing uncomfortably close to me. The doors closed, and they clicked the first floor button. The doors slowly closed, and I felt as we began to move down.

“Hey.” the guy standing closest to me said. I looked at him with a smile, and a shrug. He was huge…muscles wise anyways. His arms looked extremely powerful. His eyes were dark, almost crimson. He was incredibly gorgeous, though deathly frightening. His eyes continued to focus on me.

“Are you a visitor or something?” he smiled. I looked back to him, slowly shaking my head.

“Student.” I lied. He smiled, staring at me wide-eyed.

“Ah, so I’ll be seeing a lot more of you,” he smiled. His friends smirked behind him.

“Don’t count on it,” I said feeling annoyed. I noticed his eyes skipped down my body, as I saw from the corner of my eye, he licked his lips.

“What’s your name?” he asked. I looked over to him.

“Alex,” I said, looking back to the ground. He took a step closer to me. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly the elevator stopped, though we hadn’t reached the first floor yet. I stared at the number, it was in between five and four. My stomach lurched up to my throat. No…don’t tell me the elevator just stopped working.



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