I suppose I will try to update everyone on the wedding next June as I go. Right now I am just starting to look at prices of things so I can set a budget that I can work with. Less than a year to go and the way things are looking I will need every day and every dollar!! LOL Oh well, it will be an adventure!
As I have patiently anticipated, I was inducted into the Orbis Angui family. Now if I can update my profile page to reflect these "new beginnings", I will feel a bit more comfortable as my HTML skills are not the greatest! Wish me luck!
Hey, we're always on hand with any tips on coding if you want it :-)
22:59 Jun 30 2009
Good luck! Weddings are so expensive! Let me know if you need help, I have been married twice, afterall. LOL. I think the cheapest you can go,and still have a great wedding is about $20,000.