I have no life but this,
To lead it here;
Nor any death, but lest
Dispelled from there;
Nor tie to earths to come,
Nor action new,
Except through this extent,
The Realm of You!
Emily Dickenson
What really pisses me off is people who give really low ratings then don't offer a reason why. This jack off rates my port a 3. So I think, ok, why? So thats what I ask him. Nothing... typical.
I don't believe fancy glitter shit, so many pictures and a layout that is so full of crap you can't read the content is what a profile or portfolio is for. Its to express yourself and to show others a little bit about who you are. I'm a low keyed type person, with simple classic taste. Why in the hell would I fill my profile with a 'loud" layout and fucking glitter? Thats not who I am. If you think my profile is soooo horrible, don't rate it and move the fuck on.
A glimpse is all it can take to awaken from an awful dream.
After a relatively good day yesterday, BAM!
I'm not going to go into much detail, but would like to send a personal "Fuck You!" out to the world, and a special "Fuck Off" to some really deserving people.
Well its friday. Thank God. Big big plans for the weekend, poker probably tonight and shopping for halloween costume tomorrow. Thats probably my most favorite thing to do all year, that and decorate the house for Halloween.
Still not sure what I'm going as. Last year I was a "naughty nurse" with knee pads, and a huge rectal themometer. I would love to be a vampire again, but I lost my custom fangs...waaay too exspesive to replace. Blame that on the "green slime' shots.
Lilly, my Jack Russell is all set with her lil devil costume. Ozzy, my golden usually chews up anything I get for him to wear, so he's going sans costume this year.
The house looks great, lots of tomb stones, a coffin my brother made for me and an 8 ft skeleton I call eddie. I dress him up in an Iron Maiden tee and ripped jeans. Some of the parents who trick or treat with theirs kids at my house get it. Most don't. What a lame town I live in. Oh well. The local newpaper took pics of my house last year. it was cool to be featured. Then a neighbor complained about my strobe lights and the cops made me turn them off, because someone might have a seizure....gimme a break, I'm a nurse, i would have handled it...lol.
On a more sad note, I put my car up for the winter. Man, I love winter, but thats the only thing I hate. See you in the spring my precious. Now its back to the Montero, and looking like a fucking soccer mom. God I need a new truck. Lol, maybe a hearst with 4 wheel drive?
Well went out last night for dinner and had a few too many libations. Stayed up waay too late talking on the phone with my new VR friend. He was pretty buzzed too, I think. Rambled on about some girl whos crushing on him, not sure if its a passive agressive attempt at trying to make me jealous or not. Probably just venting.
Tried a new shot last night. I usually dont do shots but it was my friends b day, I usually stick with dirty martinis or beer.
Pineapple upsidedown shot
1 shot vanilla vodka
splash of pinapple juice
smidge of grenadine (for color)
its doesnt sound good, but I swear to you it taste just like pinapple upside down cake. Realy tasty.
Soon I'll be putting my baby away for the winter. I'll miss her, but the winters here are too harsh for something so pretty. Then it'll be back to four wheel drive, dirty salt filled slush molesting the cold steel of my trusted SUV. No more 6 cd changer, no more feeling the front end raise up as I shift her into second. Oh how i will miss you my precious...
*sobs hysterically*
*grins and winks, thankyou thankyou I'll be here all week, dont forget to tip your waitresses*
Well its a brisk 40 here in lovely NW Indiana. The leaves are turning and my yard is full of them. I just started a pot of homemade chix noodle soup, and made some choc velvet coffee, which I plan on adding a smidge of kalua too. *grins*
The day couldn't be more perfect really. Met someone new today who seems pretty cool.(and very easy on the eyes, yummy) The only way it could be more perfect was if the Bears were playing. Here in the Chicagoland area they are doing a contest for Super Bowl tickets. You have to rewrite the old "Super Bowl Shuffle" rap. I think I might give it a go. I haven't been back to Miami since I moved after hurricane Andrew, would be alot of fun.
Just to forwarn anyone who is reading this. I'm feeling pretty randy today, so message with caution. *grins big*
Hope you all are having as great a day as I am!
Sunday morning and I'm feeling pretty good. Fell asleep last night watching SNL, sober, for once. I lost a bunch of money playing poker last night. I tried not drinking, thinking it would improve my game. *note to self...don't try that again* It was fun sitting around listening to the drunken ramblings of my friends, they are pretty funny. Wow, come to think of it, I only had one beer all weekend, this must be some kind of record. *makes a phone call to Ripley's Believe it or Not, and Guinness Book* hmm, they wont take my calls. Oh well, maybe they are closed on Sundays..lol.
I miss you John. *smiles softly*
More love
lots of vodka
" I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobatomy."
I don't think Confuscious said that, but I like it!
Well, here I am writng in my journal for the first time. I have so many thoughts,but I think I'll just stay on one subject per entry.
Todays thought:
What in the hell is going on with the kids today? How many shootings have occured in schools in the past two months? 4 That is just insane. Me being probably much older than most members here, maybe some of you younger ones can give me some insight.
Lol, in my day we were terrified of getting into trouble in school. You know why? Because we could get swatted in school. Yes, I know thats hard to believe. The teachers had paddles. Some of them even drilled holes into them so they could get more air on the downswing.
The worst part of getting swatted in school was not the actual swat, but what happend when you got home. What happend you ask? Well I'll tell you, we got our asses beat much worse by our parents. In that day (the olden days) kids didn't call the police on their parents for spanking them, they straightend up and prayed it didn't happen again.
No one ever brought knives or guns to school then. The only thing we worried about was who was fighting who at the bike rack at three that day. Someone got their ass kicked and that was it.
I would appreciate any comments anyone has, old or young on this subject.
I wish you well.