Airman90's Journal

Airman90's Journal


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9 entries this month

Ready to Practice again

18:36 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 294

So things have been going amazingly since the move, I am adjusting quite well to everything and am in the process of getting a new job (have an interview on Thursday) I am definitely ready to start reading up again on my wiccan studies and get back to the way things used to be before my life got so hectic. anyway I really hope you guys are enjoying my posts because I love writing them, anyone that tells you writing is not therapeutic is full of shit it has helped so much over the last couple of weeks. On top of that the friends I have made on here you guys are a very interesting bunch on here and I feel like a fit right in so thank you all so much and keep sending me your feedbacks, rates, and bites/ and or stalks I look forward to them. Write back soon my pretties stay safe out there .




breathing steady

00:44 Sep 22 2013
Times Read: 299

The last few days have been exactly what I have needed. I finally feel like I am living again, and not some undead creature that's only purpose is to cause mischief and unrelenting pain to each and every person I come across ( yeah that is what my family believes I have become) Anyway *exhales* I feel like I am getting back to me, the way things used to be, when I actually looked forward to waking up in the morning. This is a step in the right direction, that's a definite, well my lil pretties stay safe and may the darkness protect you and keep you from harm. Write back soon !




good changes

00:28 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 300

Well I have removed myself from some very stressful situations as of lately and I've got to say I am proud of myself. I have since been less stressed, more rested, and just generally have a much happier outlook on life than I did before my move. The weather has been interesting to say the least changing at the drop of a hat. Other than that I am starting my life over for one last time, this time will be the one :) write back soon my pretties




Starting over

00:35 Sep 19 2013
Times Read: 301

So as of lately I have found that in this life as hard as it is to trust people apparently even family members will if put in the right circumstances will even betray you. So I am writing this entry from my new location( yes I had to leave state over the last few days) its time for me to focus on myself for a change, I am done caring for individuals who don't take responsibility for there words or actions. I have had to turn my back on my family as of now, I have now officially entered a very dark period in my life, but I have my special dark little angel by my side we can get through anything. Bring it on! Write back soon my little pretties.




forces combine

17:27 Sep 16 2013
Times Read: 311

so another day in the life of this guy "points to himself" my significant other and I will soon be living together, I am so excited he is a very strong spiritualist and I could definitely learn a lot from him. I have been out of touch with my powers for awhile now but its about time to get back to the basics don't you think? Anyway this will be my last and final move I am so excited I cant wait for the time to get here ! Talk to you all real soon stay cool!




Are u kidding me right now?

23:58 Sep 15 2013
Times Read: 322

So I have officially entered a very dark point in my life, I have come to the conclusion that my family is selfish, needy, and unappreciative. I didn't want to have to do this but it looks like in order to have any type of happiness in this life, I will have to remain away from my folks. Brothers I love u dearly, but until some people change there ways and methods of thinking I am going to have to focus on myself, thank god I joined VR when I did I am going to have a shitload of things to talk about over the next few days to weeks to look forward to seeing more soon! Love u all have a good one



01:56 Sep 16 2013

Awww. Well you'll always have me.


Day 3

17:58 Sep 13 2013
Times Read: 333

Beginning to see some real progress on the site, definitely happy about that :D So today its chilly and rainy which seems to reflect my mood almost perfectly. I am tired of peoples constant bullshit, lies, deceit, and selfish ways. My eyes no longer hold any kindness towards those who want to act like this. People need to learn how to treat people with respect, my heart aches for those having to deal with this pain on a daily basis. I myself treat people the way they should be treated, if individuals cannot do this, they don't even deserve my gaze, why should I waste my baby blues on someone that's going to scorn me, question me, or judge me?




Day 2

22:04 Sep 12 2013
Times Read: 337

So another glorious day in the light. I did not wanna get up today the dark was just so inviting and so wonderfully comforting. Anyway I cannot believe how many views I received just over night (35!) call me a beginner but this shit is cool! Ive got a lot of updating to do and am going to start personalizing everything I am so excited I even got in a mentorship! Look for new and beautiful things to come. Have a good one my pretties and thanks for making me feel so at home




A new start

03:41 Sep 12 2013
Times Read: 342

hi there, so im writing this entry because I have in the past few years gotten side tracked and lost touch with my spiritual side. I am really hoping that by joining this site I can not only start this process over, but make something of myself. I am very excited to be focused on this part of my life again, it has always brought me such peace and comfort. I do consider myself a child of the night, I always have and I tend to see things that other people don't. Some consider this a gift, others a curse, me I definitely believe I was intended to have these gifts, now I just have to figure out what I was intended to do with them...day 1 here we go guys !



09:15 Sep 12 2013

A warm welcome!

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