Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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15 entries this month

10:25 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 655


Less people, more cake...

Yeah, now you got me considering just having a party for myself and Ryan. :P



15:58 Oct 30 2009

I agree!


I'm freaking out about Aurora's party, hun. There's people I have to invite, if I don't then they will hold it against me. In our new apartment is the location and the invitations are going to 36 people. Lord help me! I'm scared to death and wishing it was only few!

Make it special, let Ryan help you bake the cake! And don't be afraid to make a little bit of a mess. *smiles* You're a great mom! *hugs*


21:27 Oct 29 2009
Times Read: 671

I've been in a good mood today... it happens about once a month so I decided not to let it go to waste and finally paid a visit to the hairdresser... I've been meaning to do it for 2,5 months now but never did because I feel like it's pointless, I'm ugly anyways, and all that jazz.

It's done now though and I'm really happy with the hairstyle, for ONCE my hair actually looks like it's been cut and nicely too... When I went there in April it's like that hairdresser didn't listen to me, she only cut a bit on the front and gave a stupid looking fringe.

It's all good now though... My sister insists I should dye it but I'm not really ready to go that far... at least not yet... I still don't see the point with it. Besides how will anyone know I'm Ryan's mother when we don't even have the same hair colour? hahaha.

He's asleep now... spent the day happy but overtired again, took an hour to fall asleep just like last night. Will this madness ever end? He fell asleep at 9 PM just like yesterday and will most likely wake up after 7 AM... 10h of sleep is way too little for him, but he won't fall back asleep once he wakes up in the morning... and then he won't go to nap before having been awake for 5 hours unless he is truly exhausted... then it can take 3...

I'm trying to plan for his birthday, well there's not much to plan really, I have no one to invitre... He has no friends apart from my siblings who might show up with my father... Depending on if he'll be too hangover or not.... My aunt is working that day... My grandma hasn't got a phone so I can't call her, and she hasn't showed up her for over a month since I lent her some money which she probably can't return... My cousin hasn't even phoned me once since I came back home and you can't count on him to show up for things anyways... My best friend is in Barcelona... Yendor is in Malta...

Yep, it'll just be me, my mother, my sister, possibly my mother's friend and the only friend I keep in touch with... Ryan really loves her.

I feel lonely... He's supposed to be surrounded by friends and family and he barely has any. I feel guilty about that.

However... I remember last year I swore that we would bake a cake ourselves for his 2nc birthday so now I'm having a hard time deciding on what kind of cake to bake... A train? A car? A teddybear? And how the hell do you make a car or a train or any other fancy cake for that matter?


I've spent a sum of money buying him much needed new toys now... Though honestly he just seems content playing with cars all the time, changing cars from time to time... Even if another toy interests him for a few minutes, he always comes back to those cars.

Speaking of birthdays.... I can't believe how big he is now! I just looked through some old pics of him... I MISS him as a little baby!!!

Just look at this...






I can't believe he was so tiny... Oh God where has time gone?



10:07 Oct 30 2009

As long as he's with people he loves I'm sure he wont mind..besides, less people...more cake lol


14:04 Oct 27 2009
Times Read: 687

I've been trying to get Ryan to accept the idea of his "titties" going bye-bye.

Yesterday I explained to him that he is a big boy now and bog boys don't nurse...

He simply replied:

"No, Ryan little boy, Ryan have titties!"

This is not going to be easy.




13:50 Oct 27 2009
Times Read: 690

Ryan has entered yet another "I'm constantly overtired and can't sleep" phase and this is about where I lose my long bottled up temper with him.

I can live with spending my days only with him, always with him, constantly minding him and stressing about what's in his best interest... I don't mind doing this, not all the time, because I love him and I want him to grow up feeling happy.

However when it comes to his sleep issues I just explode, I am tired, stressed out, depressed, irritated and just extremely frustrated with him and all too often let all my feelings run out on him before I find the strength to stop myself.

I need a break and nobody's giving it to me.

I can handle much but sometimes, too often, I have a meltdown... And I am tired of having them. I want to be a constantly patient, loving, happy mother to him and instead I find myself being just the opposite. How is he going to grow up happily if I make him feel like he's done something wrong when he hasn't?... Well, sometimes, playing with the food when I tell him not to IS wrong and I need to show him that... but on days like these... I might get just a bit too angry.


On days like these I can't do anything but pray he gets back on track with his sleep again soon, try to stay patient and just spend a lot of time outdoors kicking ball.

It's when it's time to sleep when it gets the best of me, laying there for an hour with him not falling asleep... last night it was so difficult, he had slept only an hour during the day, spent the evening (and the morning for that matter) being overtired and fussy and by bedtime I was so stressed out and ended up falling asleep before him... so I've got no idea when he fell asleep... in fact I think I recall waking up only to seeing him STILL nursing and not falling asleep... and half an hour must have past...

Then he woke me up at 7.30 AM in the morning, not rested despite having slept a probable 12h, spent the morning inside because I was too tired and irritated to care... Now he fell asleep at 12.30 PM, took him half an hour to fall asleep which it usually NEVER does, he woke up crying after an hour unable to fall asleep so I eventually got so frustrated I just took him out of bed and put him down.

Now he's eating and I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to get through this day with him most likely going to be difficult to put asleep... again... and tomorrow he'll wake up tired, again... And I just don't know how to get out of this mess... again.

And I can't just ignore the fact that he's tired because it affects his behaviour SO much... When he's tired he shouts, kicks, throws, has short attention span, doesn't listen to me, is extra hot tempered and stubborn and it's just impossible to do anything with him... And I am already bashing myslef for being such a bad inefficient mother, not teaching him things, not showing him things, never being good enough...

Now I should probably stop my writing therapy and tend to the matter of him using the fork to brush his hair instead of eating his chicken.




Picture update

20:10 Oct 25 2009
Times Read: 709










00:17 Oct 26 2009

He,s so cute , especially sitting in the kitty basket.

05:34 Oct 26 2009

He is a stunning child!

02:51 Oct 28 2009

So handsome! Love the one in the kitty basket.


19:41 Oct 25 2009
Times Read: 710

There are certain things about myself that I really can't stand, and what's worse I don't know how to change them. Can you change your personality?

My life is going to waste mostly because of myself, if I was more ambitious, more active, more efficient, intelligent and with a more positive outlook on life... I could be so much better off.

Instead, I chose to wallow in my misery by not actively trying to change it. I give up so easily... I gave up a long time ago. Now it's all just about seeing myself and my life falling apart... And I lack the courage and motivation to do anything about it.

I can't even honestly say that Ryan is enough motivation to try, he makes me want to try to change, to DO something in life... well, he makes me want to make sure that he doesn't turn out to be like me... that he becomes a fighter, that he doesn't end up living my life, that he goes after his dreams, finds love and happiness and all that... everything I have failed in.

My only worry is how on earth I'm going to guide him through it... How I could possibly make that happen? The thought of his life going to a waste because of me is more than I can bear... I want him to experience life and live it like I never have. I am giving all of myself, as much as I can of my time and attention, to him... because he is the only hope I've got left... the only good thing I might accomplish in life. If I fail with him, my life has simply been nothing but a shame.

He's sleeping now, fell asleep at 7.40 PM even though I had him in bed ten to eight... it takes such a long time for him to fall asleep still, regardless of how well he has rested during the day and the night before, if he is very tired or not much tired at all... He has nights when he falls asleep in 20 minutes or so, but most often it takes 30+ minutes.... sigh. I've figured out though that he is completely rested during the day if he sleeps for 12,5h at night... then he stays alert and happy throughout the day with an 80 min nap... Only problem is that it can't happen every night because he is awake for 11h a day, with no exceptions, and you can do the math I guess...

See, that is my life now, only thinking, talking, worrying about and being with him. I can understand why I am depressed, who wouldn't be without any friends or love to speak of? I don't know how I could possibly change it though... I fear going back to school or work because of having to face people, having to pretend to be happy and god knows what else...

Which reminds me, I never got to begin with those courses I signed up for because Ryan was sick and I had no one who could babysit... And if you don't attend the first day, they write you off. It was for the best anyways as I see it... I couldn't possibly balance studying with taking care of him... especially not when I stress about keeping him active all the time... not that I manage very well with that.. I too often feel like we're wasting time because I am such a time optimist and tend to take it easy with things...


Should I even bother though? If the parent is a failed, miserable mess the child is probably doomed to the same fate...

I'd like to believe otherwise though, which is why I keep stressing and worrying for his life not to end up like mine.

Now I better stop because he will most likely wake up soon.




14:27 Oct 19 2009
Times Read: 732

The truth hurts and I am tired of being a single mother. Though I don't really have a way out... I just wish there was, because I find myself envying people who love their kids, love spending time with them, who talk about their kids giving them so much happiness and being so wonderful.

Why do I not feel that? Why do I wake up every day hoping for someone to shoot me, both of us? Why am I just so tired, cranky, impatient and constantly losing my temper with Ryan?

Poor child, poor poor child.

He's going to grow up with a depressed mother who has failed to give him the good things in life, failed to give him confidence, happiness, ambitions and all that...

And with an idiot for a father who lives far away from here.

It's like his life is already doomed when he's barely 2 years old...

... Or it's just my pessimistic view of things which calls armageddon when it's not even close.



14:37 Oct 19 2009

Hmmm well you could mabe take lessons on looking on the bright side *hugs*...lol

15:47 Oct 19 2009

My advice is smile at the small things! You need to stop stressing over every thing with Ryan. You are doing good! You're a great mother!

Try to start thinking more positive thoughts. It works, trust me!

Try to write out three to five of your strengths and five positive things. Keep them in a binder, notebook, or heck, even in a file on your computer.

I admire you, sweetie. I look up to you so much. With Brett moving out, I'm scared to death but I know I can do it because I've been reading about you doing so too.

*hugs* I'm always a message away!

06:34 Oct 25 2009

it probably doesn't make sense to say this: but everyone has it pretty equally bad. even those that seem like they have everything are missing something. i think it's part of the human condition.

when all else fails, just smile and be grateful you're not the poor bastard that's even worse off than you. sounds jaded, but it works.


14:06 Oct 19 2009
Times Read: 733

Well, things are not getting any better. Ryan woke up at 8.30 AM, fell asleep now at 2 PM... I'm gonna have to wake up after at 3.30PM at the latest, even that is too late.... He will continue to be tired and whiny until he might fall asleep at 9 PM. He was tired at 11 AM, went to lay down in bed and told me he wanted to sleep... but after having tried several times I gave up because he couldn't fall asleep and he got restless.

I think I'm through with sleeping over at my father's, it's gonna take days and probably weeks to get Ryan's sleep back to where it was now.





21:31 Oct 18 2009
Times Read: 747

No, I didn't mean that Ryan wakes up at 2 Pm... Christ, he wakes up from his NAP at 2 PM not his night sleep...

Usually he wakes up at 7-7.30 AM, goes to nap around noon and wakes up again at 2 PM... Goes to sleep for the night at 8 PM. Sometimes though he sleeps until 8 and so his nap is delayed by an hour and thereby his bedtime... Once a month or so he refuses to nap and ends up going to sleep before 7 PM in the evening... And it happens that he doesn't go to sleep for the night before 9 PM or later...

It just varies a lot, not easy to keep it strict but for the most part I manage... It's just really stressful going around every day worrying about his sleep.



00:34 Oct 27 2009

Sounds like Ryan is on the same sleep schedule as my son Mitch. Though is it bad that I let him stay in his room for a bit before getting him?


21:23 Oct 18 2009
Times Read: 748

Ryan has been SO overtired today that it's not even bearable to look at anymore... He only slept for 9 hours at night, went to nap an hour late, only napped for an hour and half and spent the rest of the evening EXTREMELY fussy and crying over everything... Wanting every single toy either Adrian or Nicole had and when he didn't get it he put up such a tantrum each time... Usually on his rested behavior he is always willing to share and plays happily around them... the only thing which kept him from clinging on me is the huge amount of new interesting toys he saw everywhere.

Putting him to sleep now was worse than it has been in weeks, it was so back to how he was a couple of weeks ago... taking ages to fall asleep because he was overtired... and it frustrated me and hurt me to witness it because lately he has been sleeping so well with a few exceptions, taking not more than 30 minutes and most often less than 20 to fall asleep at night...

I don't know what I'm going do now to put him back on track... If I should let him sleep until he wakes up in the morning, no matter the hour, or wake him up at his usual hour which is 7-7.30 AM and then just hope he goes to nap earlier... or hope that he'll sleep until 9 AM so he can go through the day without a nap and go to sleep at 7 PM... either way tomorrow is not going to be fun... another wasted day because I've fucked up with his sleep.

The worst thing is that no matter what I'm obligated to come back here for another weekend soon.... and the same thing will happen again. It is impossible to put him to bed at 8 PM because ANY kind of stimulation keeps him awake despite how tired and ready for bed he might be... And here the lights are on everywhere, the TV is on, the noise level is high, the kids run around...

They don't respect the way I treat Ryan's bedtime because they believe I am wrong and am forcing him to sleep.

I hate being here.

Anyways... Now he is asleep, he fell asleep at 10 PM... I'm going to try to put my mind on something else rather than worrying about his sleep tomorrow. I always worry about something when it comes to him.... it's tiring...




20:07 Oct 17 2009
Times Read: 769

Everytime I stay over at my father's (who has 2 kids Ryan's age) I get into an argument over how I put Ryan to sleep.

My father reasons in a way which is totally outrageous in my opinion, according to him I should let Ryan stay awake until he is tired, especially when he's in company of the other kids, to let him play. He thinks I am insane for keeping a good bedtime routine within a reasonable hour... That time table being flexible considering how well he has slept during the day and for how long he has been awake. Usually he stays awake for 5 hours in the morning and 6 hours after his nap.

So my father thinks I am stressing too much and should stop keeping a watch in my head, let Ryan decide when he is tired and wants to sleep... How can I see when he is tired? I shouldn't force him to sleep.... and bla bla.

How can I see that he is tired? He woke up at 14 PM this afternoon and should then be sleeping by 8... At 7 I was preparing to start his bedtime routine but it didn't work out well seeing how both Nicole and Adrian had just woken up from a NAP an hour ago, there is light and loud noises everywhere, the TV is on and I just realize that no matter how tired Ryan is he will never go to sleep in this environment....

So my father and his gf start nagging at me that I can't force him to sleep and how can he be tired when he is running around... I break down and start crying after a minute, tired of defending myself and just let it be.

Now an hour later I am seeing Ryan growing hyperactive, shouting, kicking and throwing... He will be impossible to put to bed now, I have to wait until he is exhausted which he probably won't be until 11 PM... at the earliest. He won't get enough sleep during the night and the whole next day is fucked.

Did I mention that I have to stay here another night?

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Ryan playing with them and he is really connecting with Adrian who is only 2 days older...

But you can see why I hate going to my father's... Well this is one of many reasons.

And I'm dying of exhaustion here myself... Bla bla bla.

I only have time to write now because they are cooking and Ryan is busy playing.

Maybe I'll write some more... I have a lot on my mind...

Like I wish I was dead.



20:44 Oct 17 2009

Your kid wakes up at 2 pm?


Lollerbawls ...

19:15 Oct 18 2009



22:01 Oct 09 2009
Times Read: 795

You know what scares me to death?

The fact that everything I do or say, every experience and activity I give Ryan, every single thing he sees or encounters...

Everything has an impact on him, how his personality will develop, how he will see and go through life, how he'll cope with life, how he will treat others, the way he'll look at things... Everything...

It is my responsiblity to give him the best, and that scares the hell out of me because it is too much for me to handle... I can't take it, yet I must, because who else is there for him?

I don't wish this life for him, I wish I could raise him in a different environment with different people, with a father and a normal family, on a farm perhaps where he would learn to love and care for animals from an early age... I want the things that are important to me, to be important to me...

Only problem is I don't know what's important to me anymore, I've lost myself somewhere along the way and I'm standing at a dead end right now... I don't know what to teach him or what to show him... I don't know how to raise him in the best possible way... I feel like I don't know anything.

All I know really is that I want to do everything I can to prevent his life from being a living hell like mine... I want him to be stronger than me, more straight forward, more outgoing and confident, more social and ambitious, more gracious and caring, more charismatic and lovable...

Please God just don't let him inherit any of my traits... Or his father's...

Yes, I always find something to worry and stress about, that's what I do.



21:13 Oct 11 2009

If you did'nt have a little anxiety over it you would'nt be a good Mother...note I said little *hugs*.


21:48 Oct 09 2009
Times Read: 797


I was accepted to my classes, social studies and history, which start on Monday! They will be pretty intense though, since it's a lot to learn in only 10 weeks...

I probably should have signed up for the classes which take 20 weeks, but stupid me is always in a hurry...

Now, if you could please just enlighten me in how the hell I am going to find the time to study while taking care of Ryan, and even more so, how am I going to attend the first class on Monday at 13.30 PM when my mother won't be able to take care of him... and I have no one else to turn to?

Yeah, me thinks this is going to be tricky.. but I must do it so if I'm going to even have the necessary merits to apply for college next autumn.

I have no choice but to send Ryan to kindergarten, I don't know how I'm going to cope with it or what will happen with his sleep... but it must happen because it's time for me to go to school... or work... or both.

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for the opportunity to use what little brain I have again.



02:22 Oct 10 2009

Oh wow, congrats, hun!

I know you can do it and you will find a way to study! You need to start believing in yourself more...

Come to think of it, I need to do the same for myself! *hides*

I'm proud of you!


11:39 Oct 07 2009
Times Read: 805

I wrote this entry a couple of days ago but seeing as Ryan woke up I never got the time to finish it... And now I'm not quite sure where I was going with it, but I'm sure I had a point somewhere...

Anyways, since I need someone to share this with, I'll make this public.


Every morning I wake up wondering why I haven't died yet, why I keep going even though I lack ambitions and a real purpose, why I don't just end it.

Because truth be told, there is some spirit left in me. I have a strong will to live, I don't want to give up. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge which has been buried inside for too long. I have so many dreams, so many things I want to experience... and not to mention, I have Ryan and it is my responsibility to guide him through life and at least try to give him better circumstances and a better environment than the one I grew up in.

So, I can't go ahead and kill myself no matter how great my anxiety is. I have never felt so hopeless and depressed in my life, there has always been a way out before, always somewhere to escape, but now that I have him I need to start facing things for his sake.

Although I don't know when or how I will... I go through days thinking that this or that don't matter, because I might as well just shot myself at the end of the day. Days and weeks are escaping me, my life is escaping me, without me really doing anything about it.

I fear I'll end up looking back at my life and feel that I've wasted it, accomplished nothing, that I'll at 70 still be sitting here living at my mother's and still depressed about life, devestated over things I have no control over, things which are in the past.

Yes, I write this now, but what will I really do about it? I lack hope... That's the simple truth. I haven't gotten anything I've wanted out of life, everything seems out of reach, I feel lonely to the point where I've simply given up hope on myself and life. I just sit here day in and day out, doing what I can for Ryan without a real purpose.

I don't know what to do with my life anymore or how to achieve anything I want. Everything feels impossible.

It doesn't help either that Yendor is away and is probably going to be for some time or that my relationship with my mom is going down the drain... if we every really had a good relationship, we only did because I am quiet and insecure, unable to tell it like it is and face things... Too scared, too much of a coward to stand up for anything... And I rarely argued with her, never went out so she always knew where she had me, I was no problem to her as a teenager... because I just say by myself, in my room all day long by the PC... Her only complaints were that I didn't clean as much as she would like. That's all she cares about really, cleaning. I only gave her problems when she found out I had an eating disorder or when I had my suicide attempt and she had to rush me to the hospital in the middle of the night. Needless to say, she is having a lot of problems now with my 14 year old sister who is the exact opposite of me... she won't have any of my mother's controlling, obsessive disrespectful ways.

While I was in Malta I missed her, I could easily fool myself about what a great relationship we had, how much fun we had and what a great grandmother she would be to Ryan.

Well now that I've been here reality has hit me like a hard rock on the back of my head and I've woken up from these fantasies.

I can see now, remember now, why I was so desperate to escape during all those years I lived here, why I jumped and packed my bags at the opportunity Yendor presented to me... why I was so quick to get pregnant, anything to get me out of here.

And here I am, back where I started, alone but with a toddler on my hands which is giving me a lot of love... but also double the anxiety.

Not to mention my father, you don't want to hear about him. I don't hate him but I wish I could, he is wrong in so many ways and although I know he loves me immensely and would do anything for me and always has... He has done so in the wrong ways. He is hard headed and refuses to except any truth but his own, he never listens to me, he never respects me, he never encouraged me, he never appreciated me... He was just good at sticking a big fat knife of anxiety, doubt and insecurity into me everytime I tried to spread my own wings. He is violent and aggressive, he is racist, cruel and too blunt in his words and ideas. What's worse, I can never find the courage to stand up to him, not even now as an adult... Around him I am always insecure, always listening to the bullshit coming out of his mouth.




I'm alive

23:27 Oct 06 2009
Times Read: 819

I am quite possibly going through the worst time of my life yet.

I am sorry for being so absent and not having time to write... I have a lot on my mind, a lot to deal with, a lot to write down and feelings to sort throught.

I simply have no time to do it, and when I do I'm too low on energy to focus.

This week I'm going to find out if I've been accepted o the two classes I signed up for, Social Studies and History, I'm really nervous about it because even though I feel myself thirsting for knowledge and dying to go back to school, I'm worried about how I'm going to find the time and energy to study as much as I'll have to...

It doesn't matter, I have to do it. Because I need to get out of Stockholm, away from my parents, away from bad memories and everything I ever knew, I need to start fresh somwhere with Ryan. During my two months here I have experienced such a range of emotions, such insights that I am completely overwhelmed. I now understand things about myself that I never have before, the core of it all is that I basically don't have a family to trust and who loves me for me...

I don't feel safe here, loved her, wanted her, so why should I stay?

I could tell you stories from my childhood, traumas, things which has shaped me and ultimately made me so self destructive, insecure, miserable and lonely... I know the truth now, it's not my fault I am like this. It just sucks because it is me who has to deal with it, I'm left trying to fight off 22 years of misery.

I will tell you more in depth, eventually, when I find the time. Just know that I am alive, but not well. Ryan is doing fine though... well, as fine as he can be considering everything... He is starting to mention Yendor and going on the plane, so I guess he's a bit confused about us having stayed here for so long now...

But overall he is happy, or so it seems, I am still considering whether or not to put him in kindergarten... but I probably will, mostly because he can learn a great deal from being there and not to mention make som friends... Although it will probably cause some stress to him being around so many people, without me, the pros outweigh the cons.

And I am hoping that with him getting into that predictable, comfortable routine they have at kindergarten, he'll finally start sleeping better... His sleep is not improving at all as it is now...

I must sleep now... it's past midnight...



00:37 Oct 07 2009

I know you can get through everything, just as you know I can. I know that the truth of things coming out is harsh and hurtful but it will help you find the motivation to change things in yourself you didn't know existed.

I know every time I have a flashback or nightmares, I usually figure out something new. I've figured out a lot these past three months. I'm not proud of a lot of it.

Please just don't be like me and let your fears rule your life...

And thank you for the comment on my journal. It made me cry. I don't feel so alone right now.


12:56 Oct 07 2009

Hey..I missed you *hugs*.

21:33 Oct 07 2009

♥ K.

May the light at the end of the tunnel reveal itself to you.

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