Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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16 entries this month

Everything and nothing

23:57 Jul 31 2009
Times Read: 665

For the past few days and most likely for the next week or so, I am finding myself completely alone with Ryan. His father went away yesterday, as for where I cannot say, although it has very much to do with what happened a few weeks ago. I don't have a clue what's going to happen or how we are going to get ourselves out of this situation.

I can't eat nor sleep, my mind is exploding with worries while I try to show Ryan a calm and happy exterior. How am I going to support him? Can he have a happy childhood without his father being around much? Is it really the best thing right now to go to Sweden?

I've realized that there is no way in hell I can or will put Ryan in kindergarten, at least not for another year or two. It would harm and distress him far too much. He is not the kind of child who plays well with other children, not because he is misbehaved but because he is not ready for the savageness of that environment. He can't tolerate hitting, biting, pushing, shouting, it hurts him. He is such a sensitive boy, maybe even too sensitive for his own good. It is not that I don't trust him to be able to cope, I know him well enough that he simply is not ready for it. His whole world revolves around me, me, me and whatever places I take him to, whatever I show, teach and tell him. To put him in a place full of running kids and stranger caregivers would give him an immense shock and I know he would only cry throughout the whole stay, as he did those couple of times I tried leaving him in a daycare back in February. It is not the right option for him, he needs to be with me. That's the simple fact, he needs me. I am not saying that because I need him as some people would criticize me for, or because I've spoiled him and made him dependent on me. He was born this way and I am simply nurturing and keeping his best interest at heart. He is not insecure, but very cautious and even frightened by this big world unless I am close by to reassure him. He is not a little daredevil like most other kids seem to be, most of the time that we are at the park he spends standing still observing other children and making sure I'm there with him. He never joins other kids in games or such and whenever a little or big one approaches him, he gets scared. I can't blame him, it has happened that a boy not much older than him has hit him or pushed him. He's not even keen on going to his grandparents, he is very slow to warm up to them, it does happen though that he gives them a kiss or initiates play with them. He HAS days when he is very sociable with strangers, very much outward and confident... but on most days, he clings on me. He needs me and I can't abandon him, Yendor knows this and he has failed, hurt and betrayed me deeply by putting us in this situation... In a situation where I might have to go to work. I want to work, don't get me wrong, but that can wait until Ryan is older. He is my solemn responsibility I am willing to take on right now, he gives me much more to do than I can handle as it is.

I feel incredibly lonely and abandoned, even more so than I have these past year and a half since we got here. Despite the resentment and anger I feel towards Yendor, I miss his presence. I want him around. When I trace it back, I realize my resentment towards him began soon after we came to Malta in the beginning f last year, when suddenly he shoved all the responsibility on me. I was to take care of Ryan in every way, clean, cook and go grocery shopping. He might not have done this consciously, but fact is that he did do it and he kept on doing it no matter how many times I might have pointed it out. I remember how suddenly I was the one who had to wake up to feed Ryan every night, if I asked him to do it he would speak of his discontentment loudly. Eventually I got so angry I didn't even bother with asking him anymore, and that anger never left me... On the contrary, it kept growing as it has for these years, with ever thing he would fail to do or complain about having to do. He excuse himself by saying that "he was going back to work in a matter of a few weeks and was simply trying to prepare me for having to stay alone with Ryan", considering the fact how shaky, unstable and insecure I had been the first month. That first month, I remember that clearly though it hurts me to do so... How much Ryan cried, what a shock we both got from how loud and strong willed he was. He refused to be put down, he refused to sleep alone, he refused the pram, he refused to do much of anything than breastfeed all the time... We were both so confused, I remember thinking about how my sister Nicole was as a baby... And wondered what was wrong with Ryan... every day we considered if he is colicky, if he is sick, has a stomach ache, or whatever. God how absolutely novice, inexperienced and naive we both were. It didn't help either that my parents kept asking me why Ryan was crying so hard and giving me suggestions as to what to do... And when we lived for a brief time with my father, having them breathing down my neck all the time asking what on earth we were doing to Ryan giving that he was screaming like that... Because my brother and sister, oh they had been like angels... We just kept struggling to try to find a logical and explainable reason to Ryan being as he is... And that, my friends, is the only month when Yendor was truly helpful. It's as if work and being online swallowed him whole after that.

It wasn't until the second month that we came across the term "high need child" which I quickly realized was exactly what Ryan is and continues to be. I thank the almighty whatever for having learned so quickly about Attachment Parenting, I don't know where I would have been with Ryan now if it wasn't for that. I found myself left alone, constantly alone for although Yendor was at home sometimes he was never really approachable, with a high need baby, having to deal with my own post partum depression, being so far away from home and family... And I am still dealing with it because I never actually dealt with it. I had to and still have to keep all my focus on raising Ryan.

Like I said, if it hadn't been for me parenting the boy the way I have, he would probably me much more of a handful than he is. He has such a strong yet sensitive and lovable temperament, he is so persistent, expressive and loud... All the energy and time I spent on feeding him, holding him, caring for him, singing to him, sleeping with him, carrying him around and rarely if ever getting a minute for myself... have proven to be well worth it. I keep feeling remorse and worry about those too many times during his infant hood that he witnessed my breaking down, my crying, my shouting... Feeling my despair and stress, and most likely taking it in to himself... However, I hope that all the good moments we have shared compensates for all the mistakes I've made with him. He does seem to feel loved, trust, secure and everything he needs in order to grow up healthily. What amazes me the most is that despite his being so obstinate and eager to get his way, he always listens to and obeys me. He is absolutely adorable when he comes hugging my legs sometimes saying "hug mummy" when I'm not paying attention to him, as if he wants to tell me to get back to him...

I wish you could all see him... He is the most lovable child I have ever met, and he is mine. When I look at him, I know in my heart that I am a good mother. I am a brilliant mother for the simple fact that despite everything I haven't gone off to shoot myself yet.

Now I've been away from Ryan and the bed for way too long, I miss him and he sleeps better in my presence. As for Yendor I can't help but worrying about him, though the thought of how he left still pisses me off. The thought of how little time and patience he gives Ryan pisses me off... The thought that his lack of involvement might ruin all the energy I put into him, pisses me off. I can safely say that only now am I starting to feel confident, patient, calm, secure and sensitive in my parenting... Yendor is everything but sensitive... It pisses me off. Although to be fair, I can blame it on his parents as much as I can blame it on him... It's the way he was raised and it lives within us, his parents are by far the least sensitive, understanding and intuitive parents I have ever encountered. As a child, Yendor did not just not have birthday parties but he used to get beaten... His mother never read him good night stories, more like shouted at him to go to bed... God, I could go on forever. My point being, I am really, constantly scared that Yendor might unconsciously repeat his parent's mistakes with Ryan and thereby counteracting everything I am doing for the boy.

Christ, I could really go on forever about everything, I could write 100 pages if I had the time, but I really feel the need to get back to my boy now. He is the only thing I have, he is the only one I love truly, purely and unselfishly. Having a child is a blessing, never forget that.



02:21 Aug 01 2009

I'm so sorry. ♥ There is nothing else I could say other than that. I hope the situation works our somehow. ♥


23:37 Jul 31 2009
Times Read: 670

I am carrying a heavy burden of feelings which continue to go unreleased and not dealt with. It's gone so far that I can't even sense a specific feeling anymore, it's all just a big black mess of anxiety. What's worse is that I feel them buried so deeply within me that I don't know where to begin when it comes to analyzing them and even worse than that, I find myself unable to cry. I always cry to release whatever is bothering me inside, now I can't. I'm feeling this immense need to cry but nothing comes out, it's simply stuck in my throat. I need to do something to let it out because it is driving me crazy. At the same time, I think it might be some sort of an unconscious defence mechanism as I have no time or energy to waste on breaking down at this point... I need to stay strong, patient and serene for Ryan's well being.




23:36 Jul 31 2009
Times Read: 671

I'm SO frustrated!

I never get time to write and when I DO something always happens. This time, apparently, I had been logged out and my whole entry just went poof.

For God's sake!

And yes, I do copy, I just forgot this time. Dammit. I probably don't have time to write more before Ryan wakes up.

Sigh, sigh, sigh.




19:54 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 681

Oh, and the bunny's name is Zach the Thumper


And he is so adorable, active and loving!




19:46 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 682

For what it's worth, alcohol is never an answer. I've never been much of a drinker and I'll never be, I don't think I'll be touching the bottle again.

I just wanted to numb the pain for one night.




19:42 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 685

My mind is exploding with pain from all the thoughts and feelings that are bombarding me. I am finding less and less time to note them down, and it hurts me. It really does.

Last night anxiety was standing so thick in my throat I couldn't breathe and had to take a sedative to sleep, it was impossible to relax. Stress is wearing me out and I'm close to literally banging my head against the wall.

I have so much in me that needs to come out, if I'd start writing it down I probably wouldn't be able to stop for hours, like I said, time I don't have. I only have time to type this now because Ryan went with Yendor to his grandparents for an hour. I should really be cleaning though, my entire day has been spent with complete focus on Ryan and cleaning has fallen behind... Well, he did help me with a load of laundry and some dishes earlier on though.

I don't have access to the laptop as I haven't had for weeks, which is why I've barely been online... I am usually forced to stay with it in bed as Ryan finds it hard to sleep without me. As you might know, I can only stay out of bed for an hour, more or less, before he wakes up for me... Then I can manage to get out of bed for another half an our if I'm lucky...

It's always been like this though, ever since he was a baby. If I didn't have that proof I'd worry that I'm doing something wrong, but as I see it I'm not making any mistake here... He is just so incredibly attached to me. I remember when he was a baby, the very first day... That's the only time he would ever come to sleep peacefully on his own. The second night in the hospital he was crying throughout most of the night and only slept once I took him in bed with me.

When we came home, for the first few nights Yendor insisted that he learns to sleep in his own crib or "he'll never get used to it"... One of the many mistakes I made in the beginning. We spent about two or three nights like that, with one of us barely getting any sleep as Ryan would fall asleep and then wake up as soon as we tried to put him in the crib. Once or twice we even let him "cry it out" because Yendor has researched and figured that's the way to do it...

My mother kept insisting though that I should take him to bed with me, eventually I made Yendor reason, listened to my instincts and did as she suggested. From that night on he slept throughout every night, waking up 3 times at the most to feed.

It was only for that first one or two months that Yendor got him to sleep once or twice by walking around with him, other than that he always went to sleep by nursing. He absolutely REFUSED to stay in the pram and was very unhappy if we even attempted to put him in it... We only put him in it once he slept, but he was quick to wake up from that. Since we came to Malta when he was 2 months he doesn't go to sleep without nursing... Once or twice my mother has managed to make him sleep though when he was very tired, and once or twice he has stayed asleep in the pram throughout his whole nap.

He just seems to be SO in need of touching and feeling my presence. I am constantly cuddling, hugging, kissing and playing with him. I can't begin to describe how much of myself I give to him, it never seems to be enough. He simply won't sleep peacefully without me... Those times that we fall asleep together, he sleeps through the entire night without waking up once.

All this time I've been thinking that it has to do with him still nursing, that if I can somehow convince him to let go of it at least during the nights, then he'll sleep better without me... but I'm not so sure anymore, I bought a book to read about this specific problem so I am still going to give it a try, stopping the night nursing... However I somehow doubt the problems will end there, he'll still need me in bed with me... Cause that what it comes down to, I firmly believe it's a need he has... It's not about wanting and manipulating, it's not some notion he has now that he is a full grown toddler, because he has been like this since infancy... I know people say he is "almost 2, a big boy now" and should move to his own bed and stop with the nursing, but is it really the right thing to do? I choose not to listen to that "advice" because I don't believe in it... I am not smothering him or making him a sissy, I am not his "robot" and following his every demand, I am simply responding to his needs.

He is constantly testing me though, this demanding little toddler. He is so incredibly spirited, independent, energetic and headstrong. At the same time he is very touchy, intelligent, observant, quiet, curious and sensitive. He needs constant activity and is very easily overstimulated, extremely difficult to calm down. You can forget trying to make him sit down and breathe for a few toddler yoga poses... He is an every day challenge, so easily bored unless I direct him into new activities constantly. He has no patience and I don't even have time to look for signs of frustration in him, before all hell breaks lose.. When he gets angry or has a tantrum the whole neighbourhood hears him, and when he screams... God, he is so strong. I've had troubles accepting him for who he is, I can see and truly admit that now. I used to find excuses for his behaviour, but I am only now accepting that it's just his temperament. He throws things, he kicks, he hits, he shouts, he is loud and jumps on everything. I make sure to correct him when he throws his plate or anything else which is not to be thrown, but he doesn't always listen... I'm having to repeat myself over and over again. He does listen sometimes though, and when he does he's like a little angel and so proud of himself. I love him so much it hurts, I love him so much that when I get the time to write I only have it in my heart to write about how happy I am to have him...

I am expecting him back home soon, time for some quiet activity and then a bath... Although I've recently been suspecting that bath only wakes him up rather than calm him down... And he can rarely sit through his good night story, he just starts bouncing on the bed and demanding me to sing him the Tigger Song... God what a child...

I'll be back, hopefully, because I have a lot on my mind. It builds up in you when you have no friends to talk to, you can't phone your own mother and the only one listening is a walking, shouting little menace named Ryan... I miss my best friend so incredibly much, I never get to talk to her anymore and my biggest fear is that we will end up growing apart... And then I'll have no one.

It's absurd when you think about it... I always craved loneliness, now I have it and I'd give anything for a friend. Just someone to let it all out to.... Just someone who understands and respect me...

Oh well.



19:45 Jul 27 2009

I hope everything gets to where you start relaxing.

01:20 Jul 28 2009

Hehe! I know how it feels for everyone to be able to hear a toddler yelling. Aurora will scream and scream. She's to the point she wants to be independent. There are times, she eats in her room (something like crackers or a banana) and will not eat until we leave her bedroom. It worries me because I'm scared she'll choke.

I decided not to have her sleep in bed with us because I've been known to choke cats in my sleep due to nightmares. She's always been demanding though and still is. We would get told by my mother and step-father to let her "cry it out" some nights, yet when I let her cry for five minutes before she would fall asleep, they would yell at me. I think I've been lucky with it only taking 5-10 minutes to get her to sleep most times. I always feel horrible for letting her cry it out.

I'm sorry I'm not posting all of my thoughts but I got homework calling my name on the other browser.

And Zach sounds so cute! I wanna see a picture!


01:08 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 705

I think I've drank too much.

I need to throw up. Nauseous. Bleh.

I want to live again, I just want to live.

But god, at the same time it feels so good to be relaxed again... However I've surpassed that moment of clarity and serenity which wines give you, yes, I definitely drank too much... I forgot how light weighted I am... maybe 3 glasses, not more... God... Better not be a hangover tomorrow...

Dammit, I had so much to say. I said so much. I wrote to much and it had to get deleted. Ignore this. I am not becoming an alcoholist, don't worry, what I meant to say is these past three days have been good, I merely turned to alcohol... I don't remember why... but now it's making me sick... God no... Too much...

I am going to be happy, I am. Not going to die. I am a good mother. I love Ryan more than anything. I'll write it down again, what got deleted, because you need to hear it. You need to know how I'm getting better,



01:30 Jul 26 2009

*Leaves some hangover pills by the bed*

06:00 Jul 26 2009

Well, I am glad to hear that you are relaxed and that you are getting better... The occasional drinking occasion is ok for any parent to have when they do it responsibly...

I am glad to see that you know what all know already, that you are a good mother, and a good person.


00:24 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 707

Why does this happen to me?

I spill my heart out, nearly finish an entry, and accidentally I press "back" and the whole text disappears.

How can I repeat myself?

Dammit, I'm drunk, give me a minute and I will. Unless the child wakes up.




13:03 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 736

These days I can barely find the time to come online, I'm not even sure if I miss it or not... Things are the same with or without it. I am struggling as much as ever with coping with reality, every day life and trying to think positive. However, I fail more often than I succeed. Small things can enhance my mood several degrees for a little time, then equally small things come and disrupt my good spirit again. I don't seem to have the strength to fight either way, it's like my body is weightless and is just being dragged around the sea in a storm. Something like that, yes.

I feel poisoned.

Most of all I constantly have the nagging feeling that I'm failing as a mother, there's always something I do wrong. The worst thing is that I poison Ryan with my thoughts, my constant stream of negative energy. I lack faith in myself and therefore I seem to lack faith in my son as well. Too often I catch myself questioning his intelligence, his ability to do things. If he ever does something fantastic, well, that must be from his father's side of the family because I am surely nothing but an idiot and nothing good can possibly come out of me.

Why do I continue to bash myself so harshly? Why can't I stop? I will end up giving Ryan a lack of self esteem and confidence, he'll grow up not believing in himself because his mother never did.

I'm getting desperate, this is horrible, this is so awfully wrong. Poor child. Poor, innocent child who should never have been condemned to have me for a mother.

SEE, it just keeps pouring out of me, on auto pilot, just like that, self hatred catching fire. Every single negative aspect in my life has its root in my self loathing, or so it seems.

I want to be free, healthy, happy. I want Ryan to be as healthy and happy as possible, that's the only thing I want. I just want to be able to give it to him.

God. Now I'm going to read while he is still napping. I finished "The Vampire Lestat" and am now about to finish "The Queen of the Damned"... I got caught up in the Vampire Chronicles now, so I'll probably end up reading the whole series...

The bunny is temporarily known as "Zach"...

Thank you for not losing faith in me.



13:09 Jul 23 2009

No it's not the same... Way less drama when not on VR..

14:16 Jul 23 2009

*Waves to Zach*.....*hugs* Adora.

17:14 Jul 23 2009

Have you ever thought of professional therapy? A lot of therapists don't know their heads from their asses, but if you find a good one it can make a world of difference. There is no shame in needing some help to get out of your funk. Meds will help a lot too, until you can do it on your own.

16:54 Jul 24 2009

Adora, you're not alone in questioning whether or not you're a good mother. I often question the same thing of myself. I'm pretty sure a lot, if not most, mothers think the same way as we do.

I see you doing right with Ryan though. I see a happy little boy in every picture of him. He's so adorable and smart.

I started on something last night that might help you too a little bit. I got a 99 cent notebook that seemed uplifting to me and I made it into a book I can write my hopes, dreams, wishes, and aspirations in. I'm hoping it keeps me moving forward.

I've been depressed a lot since I've had Aurora. I've been so scared to step outside of my own door. I'm doing better though... somewhat at least.

I believe in you, hun! I'm not just saying that either. I read all of your journal entries you write and I see a struggling mother, questioning herself in every way. I see her battling her own demons within her mind as she tries to put on a mask for everyone else. Start talking to someone you trust unconditionally.

I've started talking to my best friend who has so many bigger problems then mine. It makes me feel petty though which is why I usually write to the one thing I know will listen without interruptions, my personal journal. If I want feedback on it, I sometimes let people read it.

So many things happen that set everyone back. You just have to get set on moving forward. That's what I think I need to do too.

I'm trying to challenge so many things I think about myself. I'm proving myself only to me. God, that sounds horrible.

I think you're very intelligent. You're probably smarter then most people I know. I wish you could see what I see everyday.

I'm so sorry for the rant!


12:14 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 780

Today I saved a young (not more than 8 weeks) old dwarf rabbit from terrible conditions in a pet store.

We were just going there in search for a cage as we were considering getting one guinea pig from another pet store... but I felt so sorry for this little grey rabbit and couldn't just leave it there.

It was all cramped up in a small cage, all alone without any hay or a proper water bottle to drink from. How could I abandon this poor thing?

The guinea pig at least had the company of his siblings and parents, not to mention plenty of room to move in...

So even though I am much more of a guinea pig person, I chose to get the rabbit.

Now the only experience I have with rabbits is from when I was 5 years old, we kept a black rabbit who was unfriendly and bit me... So eventually my mother gave it away. Since then I got to take care of hamsters, fish, guinea pigs and a dog... Not all at once, of course, but my point is I always had a pet or two in the house and it really nurtured my love for animals... Something I want to give Ryan as well, which is why we thought of getting a pet in the first place.

Ryan is napping now, he's been really tired the past two days and has been sleeping a bit more than usual... So he didn't get a proper look at the rabbit this morning, however, when he wakes up I'm sure he'll love it... At least I hope he will...

Yeah, I much prefer the company of animals to humans.

In fact, if I had a choice, I would go and spend my life on a farm filled with all kinds of animals... I wish...

Now I'm off to read, current book is "The Vampire Lestat". Amazing.



17:59 Jul 18 2009


Keep reading, it's the best escape. A book is a present you can open again and again :D

20:30 Jul 18 2009

I enjoyed that book...so what are you going to call the bunny ?


12:11 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 781

Today I saved a young (not more than 8 weeks) old dwarf rabbit from terrible conditions in a pet store.

We were just going there in search for a cage as we were considering getting one guinea pig from another pet store... but I felt so sorry for this little grey rabbit and couldn't just leave it there.

It was all cramped up in a small cage, all alone without any hay or a proper water bottle to drink from. How could I abandon this poor thing?

The guinea pig at least had the company of his siblings and parents, not to mention plenty of room to move in...

So even though I am much more of a guinea pig person, I chose to get the rabbit.

Now the only experience I have with rabbits is from when I was 5 years old, we kept a black rabbit who was unfriendly and bit me... So eventually my mother gave it away. Since then I got to take care of hamsters, fish, guinea pigs and a dog... Not all at once, of course, but my point is I always had a pet or two in the house and it really nurtured my love for animals... Something I want to give Ryan as well, which is why we thought of getting a pet in the first place.

Ryan is napping now, he's been really tired the past two days and has been sleeping a bit more than usual... So he didn't get a proper look at the rabbit this morning, however, when he wakes up I'm sure he'll love it... At least I hope he will...

Yeah, I much prefer the company of animals to humans.

In fact, if I had a choice, I would go and spend my life on a farm filled with all kinds of animals... I wish...

Now I'm off to read, current book is "The Vampire Lestat". Amazing.




22:24 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 794

What about when your last drops of hope have been viciously drained, when life holds you by the throat and darkness swallows you whole?

How do you find the strength to keep breathing?

I do not possess it.

I only have love for Ryan, and that is what forces me to live.

I do not even have the will power to go online any more, to write, to talk to anyone. Least of all take care of myself. The only thing I do is being with Ryan and when he sleeps, I either read or sleep if I'm too tired.

I don't know where this is going to end and it scares me that something is bound to happen soon. Now we're all unhappy. Now we barely even have money to live. Now I must stay here, hell, I'm not even sure I want to go home any more, what's there for me anyway?

I am so lost in myself, so hidden, so scared, so imprisoned I barely even remember what life used to be like. I am more shy, introverted, quiet and cautious than ever. I can't even look people in the eye, I can't find the courage to talk to anyone, I can't find the will to go out. I only go out for Ryan's sake, he can't be inside all days long. I am scared of people, I hate people. I am so awkward in the presence of people, I can't talk, I stumble on my words, most of the time I can't even hear what I'm saying.

I feel so doomed, cold, dead, tired, helpless, dreadful, wallowing in my own despair, giving up hope on things ever getting better. Yet despite all of this something keeps pushing me on, getting me out of bed every morning, I am his mother, I must. I can't die, not now. He needs me.

I only wish he alone could make me happy. I don't think I'm meant to be happy, not in this life, perhaps in the next one if it exists... I'd rather believe it does not. Too much suffering. That is life, pain, suffering, loneliness, despair. Life as I always have and always will know it.



23:44 Jul 17 2009

Maybe you should focus on the fact that you have a child, a man, your health and whatever else. To many others, including myself, you seem quite lucky.

When things get me down, I focus on the fact that many people have it so much worse.

09:03 Jul 18 2009

Breathing at least is automatic...as for the rest...keep working on em hon *hugs*


21:43 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 825

A new sense of hopelessness has found its way into me, my emotions are in such turmoil I can barely distinguish them any more. I am either angry with myself and the world or left feeling gloomy and discouraged.

I really don't have anything more to say, what words are there left for me to speak?

I might as well be dead.



01:03 Jul 14 2009

I'm sorry my dear that life has been throwing hard things in your path... I know it can be extremely hard to find a light in the darkness when it seems to envelope you so completely...

Please remember you have friends that care for you, and a family that loves you (both your son and your family that lives away from you)... I don't know your BF, so I can not state with confidence anything there, but I have seen that you still care for him with your concern and your compassion, as well as your perseverance to stand by him in this troubled time...

And I am sorry I am not online as much anymore, but I am still here if you need someone to chat to...

09:49 Jul 14 2009

Men honey... Vad är det som händer egentligen? Blir orolig för dig... Kan du inte komma online någon dag så att vi kan prata? Kocham cie!!! :*


17:49 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 833

I think it's safe to say that I've given up on life.

I don't think I'm meant for anything bigger.

My vision is blurred.



18:09 Jul 12 2009

No-one can see straight with blurred vision...rest and look again. *hugs*.


14:03 Jul 09 2009
Times Read: 857

Where do I begin?

They say that when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go from there is up. Well, someone must have taken a shovel and started digging a hole in that bottom because I keep sinking.

I can't beging to explain what a dreadful situation I am finding myself in, what has happened the past weeks. Out of respect for Yendor's privacy, I can't reveal too much. I can't even speak to my mother about it. However, I can say as much that he encountered some... serious problems at work due to a certain act on his part and he is not working at the moment, no one can say whether he'll get the job back or not... And if so, when it will happen or worse, if he can even bring himself to go back after this. This problem goes beyond him being kicked out, it's much worse than that, but like I said I can't go into details.

So basically we are left having to live off our savings and I don't know what the hell we are going to do.

Needless to say, I won't be going to Sweden. At least not when I was planning to, by the end of August. I might not be going for another couple of months. I simply can't leave Yendor in a situation like this where his so called colleagues are turning on him and no one is left to support him. Now I am only trying to gain my strength and tell this to my mother... I can't stand disappointing her, but I am left without choice.

In spite of all this I must stay strong, although I'm not sure that's what I'm doing. I'm going through the days putting on smiles for Ryan and focusing on being with him, stuffing all worries somewhere where I can't hear them. I am not sure this is the proper way to deal with things as I'll most likely explode sooner or later, I always do. Or maybe, just maybe, I AM dealing with it and am just proving to be stronger than I thought. Maybe.

These days I only find comfort in books, reading, escaping reality, call it what you will but I'm devouring book after book after book. I haven't read this much since I was a young teenager eager to disappear into my fantasy world, leaving the angst behind.

I am realizing this is having a very negative impact on me, I am left with such disgust and contempt for people in general I can barely bring myself to look anyone in the eyes any longer. People sicken me, these hypocritical, back stabbing, disingenuous, disloyal, mendacious idiots who inhabit this world which otherwise would be so beautiful. I can't stand going out among crowds or even exchange polite phrases. I feel like I can read their minds, all the nasty things they are saying or thinking about me and the ones I love. I'm afraid I'm becoming more of a recluse than I ever was before, I have no desire to interact or befriend anyone out there in the real world. You can't trust anyone, you really can't. I think this struck me now that Yendor' s colleagues are talking shit behind his back, spreading the word instead of shutting up and remain loyal to someone they have been working with for the past 9 years. How dare they do that? This anger is spreading through me like a sickness, my blood is boiling at the mere thought of this hypocrisy.

I don't know how much longer I can stand living in this miserable world.

I'm running out of time, being the all night nurser he is Ryan is about to wake up for a feed and I need to get to bed.

I'm just going to forget about this and read, yes, just read.



08:54 Jul 10 2009

If reading helps then do it...*hugs*.


Where there's sunshine, a black cloud is soon to appear

13:00 Jul 07 2009
Times Read: 888

Something terrible has happened, something which in my short absence has left me in a daze of emotions and something which changes everything.

The other day I wrote it down. I had just had one of most painful days of my life when reaching an awakening that has long sought to be made. Every word I had written came from the depth of me, every single sentence was taken from a black hole inside me which needed salvation. Writing it down was like finally being released from it, having another place where to put it other than dug inside me. Somewhere where other could see my pain, somewhere where I could dare to split myself open and say what needed to be said.

Well, it was lost. Somehow, somewhere it got deleted because I wake up the next day not finding it. That day I got even more depressed as everything just crept back inside me, as if I had forgotten to put a lock on that demon.

Now I'm sitting here trying to gain back whatever it was I had then, trying to rewrite and put it back where it belongs... For I don't want it inside me anymore, I don't want anything inside me. I only want the truth.

So much has changed, so many new circumstances, a few new revelations, thought constantly circling around in my head... but I never find the time to write them down. What happens then is that they grow, they fill me up, they choke me. Eventually I burst, and that is what happened yesterday.

Sometime ago I said, I will no longer hurt myself. I am going to do what's in my best interest, I am going to act to help myself. I wish I could go through with that, but as it seems I can't. I am still the one who lingers in a bottomless pit of hatred and despair, I am still the one who gets left behind. Will this ever change? I can't tell anymore.

Things were beginning to clear up, or so it seemed. Then the lightning strikes again and bam, I am back crying on the floor.

There is too much to explain, too much to tell. I have no time to do it now, I will try to find it soon.

Please, I tell myself, please forgive me.



13:47 Jul 07 2009

I think the important thing about writing such things down is not keeping them 'safe' but getting them out of yourself which you have actually done, no need to find them or mourn them...so you see you have, allbeit unknowingly helped yourself *hugs*.

08:37 Jul 08 2009

I am so sorry to hear that all that pain is back... I wish that I could find that piece you let out so that you could have closure...

I am here if you need to chat (although it will be intermitent due to my having my baby a few days ago)... Message if you need me.

17:58 Jul 18 2009

Maybe something divine intervened and it is lost because it is supposed to be, so it doesn't get in the way of being able to see positive things.

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