Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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34 entries this month

21:23 Dec 31 2009
Times Read: 677

Happy new year I guess... I'm celebrating it by first falling asleep with Ryan, then sneaking out of bed to watch an episode or two of Prison Break while expecting him to wake up any second.

In other words, like any 22 year old woman would choose to spend the last day of the year.

No, I swear I'm not bitter... not at all. God.




17:44 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 681

The only thing worse than an overtired toddler?

A toddler who won't go to nap, despite having slept so little the night before.


What do I do with him? Seriously, what do I do? He fell asleep within a minute now after 6 PM after having spent the afternoon being completely exhausted (yet running around, of course, that's what they do when they're tired, they get hyper...) He was jumping on the bed one minute and the next he was asleep. Christ.

The "funny" thing is that yesterday he had slept for 12h, spent the morning being tired, and then fell asleep easily at 11.30 AM and slept for over 3h... He catches up on sleep I guess, only to get deprived of it the day after.

Well, well.

Now I'm going to start watching season 3 of Prison Break and dwell over the loss of Kellerman, he had become my favorite character... Yeah, I admit I have a thing for him. Haha. Who DON'T I "have a thing" for!? I'm what you'd call an ugly, desperate woman who only wants love and to be loved.

Yep... Never gonna get that either. Might as well swoon over fictional characters. That's just sad, but it's my life. My life is pathetic.




08:24 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 688

Last night I was so tired that I fell asleep with Ryan at around 9 PM... He fell asleep late because I let him nap until 3 PM. This morning he woke me up at 7.30 AM and I am still feeling like I could have slept much more than that... And he's not really feeling any more alert and rested than I am.

Why do I never get used to this? He's always tired,nearly always fussy and cranky, I should really be used to this by now. I try to talk to people about my problems with his sleep, but no one understands, they just keep coming with unreasonable suggestions. It's like no one has ever heard of a child being chronically overtired... not that I can blame them really, I feel alone in how Ryan's sleep has gone over board... I don't know how it happened or when I only know that it's not something that just happened now with me moving back, it just got worse, but it was there even when he was a baby. Is it all my fault? I don't know... but I blame myself... and now I have to live in the hell of having an overtired child to take care of every day who has little attention span, shouts and takes over an hour to get to sleep at night... And he HAS to be in bed to fall asleep or he won't, with or withotu nursing. It hasn't even got anything to do with nursing anymore, which is why it pisses me off when people just suggest that I should stop it.... stop with the ONLY thing which makes him lay down and stay down at bedtime?...

I only hear things like "maybe he sleeps too much", "maybe he doesn't eat enough", "maybe you should not let him sleep during the day", "maybe you should put him to sleep later"...

I've tried ALL of that against my better judgement and of course it doesn't work, it only makes it worse if anything. I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO DO!

He wakes up cranky on most mornings, spends the whole 4-5h doing not much of anything but play a little and whine, shout and run around, fuss a little bit more and driving me crazy.... And no, it doesn't work with putting him down for a nap earlier because he won't fall asleep, there are days now when he doesn't have a nap AT ALL because he can't fall asleep and when he IS that tired it's too late in the afteroon for him to sleep...

It's like a frustrating game really, I try to leave him to play but every minute he finds something which pisses him off and makes him angry so I have to go back there all the time to help him with whatever it is that's frustrating him... while I can't get anything else done... Now he's eating breakfast but I keep having to stop typing because something is bothering him...

It's all just a matter of how much and for how long I can keep my patience, I'm successful on most days luckily but it's so draining.

I have to go dress him now, this should be fun.



09:14 Dec 30 2009

Hi there, really sorry to read your entry, sounds like your having tough time of it, my daughter was terrible at sleeping from early age, she used to go to bed, be up several times in the night and still be up at 5am every day, she wouldnt sleep during day and no matter what time i put her to bed she still woke up far too early, i would always be so tired and used to get me down cos never got any help, she started going to preschool at 2 1/2yrs so twice a week i got couple hours to myself. shes 4 now and at school full time and pleased to say goes to bed at 7pm til 7am but has taken till now to get sorted, some children just arnt great with sleeping and your not doing anything wrong, feel free to message me if you want to chat.


15:58 Dec 29 2009
Times Read: 698


This is when I feel like a bad mother, when I have absolutely no energy or desire to do anything. I'm just so tired... Ryan is spending the day inside, well it's too cold to go outside anyways, and not really doing much of anything... just running around...

I have no energy to come up with activities which he will ignore anyways or play with him... I'm wasting his valuable time like this... No structure on things... All these minutes and hours I could teach him things...

I wish I could just have one day to myself to regain my energy, my will power... Cause right now I don't want to do anything but sleep and be alone. How do I cope with this, day after day? The answer is that I don't. Most days nowadays are spent doing nothing...

Yeah, I'm wasting his life like this. God. Give me a bed and let me sleep. Instead I'm sitting here in panic, stressing about how to spend his last hours awake, that I have to play with him, have to read to him, have to teach him, have to discipline him...

I don't believe I can do this anymore, I really don't...Tired of being alone in this...




20:09 Dec 22 2009
Times Read: 727

Last night I discovered that some soulless fucking idiot without any trace of a conscience stole Ryan's sleigh.


I can't stress how much this pissed me off, shocked me and upset me. I was crying and feeling torn all morning because of this.

He had such a pretty, red little sleigh which I bought him last year and he loved it.... and now it's gone. I can't really afford buying him a new one as money is very tight this month, I had to help my mom out with some cash and year... I'm not left with much until the end of January.


He hasn't discovered it yet but when he does he'll be so sad and upset it breaks my heart.

I just DON'T understand!!! Stealing from a child!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!?

It's stuff like this which makes me wonder if life is really worth it. Jesus Christ.

God help that bastard if I ever find him, GOD FUCKING HELP HIM!



20:36 Dec 22 2009

have you reported it to the police? they might be able to track it down for you.


09:46 Dec 21 2009
Times Read: 743

Ryan needs to get out of this house... I don't know if kindergarten is the answer, but he needs more people to relate to, more kids to play with and definitely more activities during the day... I feel like I can't give him everything he needs anymore, I can't stimulate him enough, I don't understand him and I can't do anything right.

Every day it just seems to be getting worse.



15:32 Dec 21 2009

Calm down, sweetie. You seem to be doing a wonderful job. Have you tried looking online or in local newspapers for play groups? I know there's one I want to take Aurora to, well Brett to take her to once we have the money.

:-) I hope this suggestion helps some.

17:58 Dec 21 2009

Kindergarten is a great idea!

17:59 Dec 21 2009

Sweetie, DC is Right , your a great mother and love love that child to death , Fine a play group , all children start to get independent at some point ,its not you your doing really well he just needs some little boys to play with.


19:02 Dec 20 2009
Times Read: 749

Another difficult day, another paranoid day, another day with a cranky 2 year old, another lonely day, another pointless day, another fight with my mom, another time to be riddiculed, another fall down, another escape plan, another realization of cowardice, another failure, another day of hopelessness... And it goes on, and on, and on.

My life has become nothing but a series of tragic events, sometimes lightened by the short lasting good moments with Ryan, and yet again I find myself in a position where I wonder how the hell I'm going to get through life, if I'm going to get through it, and if not, how do I end it?

I've been sucked down in such a deep emotional mess it would probably take the rest of my life to dig myself out of it. What's worse is I'm dragging Ryan right down with me, for how can I be a good mom to him and provide him with the stability I myself don't even have?

I get so jealous of other families, happy families with both parents in check, normal parents, with normal, loving relatives. Parents who can provide their kids with a predictable, secure, loving, stable environment. I can give Ryan my love but how far will he go with that? Especially since I lose my patience and shout at him from time to time.

I get so ANGRY because I got myself in this situation with no way out, because there is no way out. How the hell could I ever go out to work somewhere, who would hire me in the first place, and how could I act happy and be sociable when I'm not? I don't even know how to talk to people anymore, whenever I go out on the train or somewhere which is more than a 5 min distance from my mom's house I panic, I feel people staring at me, judging me and I can't blame them because they're right about whatever they're thinking. I can't even imagine making friends or fall in love, because I'm a social outcast by now.

I'm alone. I can't even bring myself to buy a damn ticket to someone who has been my best friend for 9 years... because I'm scared, we're in such different places now, we haven't met and barely spoken to each other for what, 16 months now? And before that an additional 16 months or so... I feel like I lost so much of our friendship the moment I met Yendor and got pregnant with Ryan soon thereafter. Even if I do get on that damn train, I'd have to take Ryan with me, and him with his sleeping issues messes every day up.

He is so difficult on so many levels it's driving me insane, being with him every hour of every day is tiring me so much by now that I don't know what to do with myself.

And I can't BARE to have to live with my mom anymore, she is outrageous and unbelievable. I remember why I was in such a rush to get out of here in the first place, why I jumped on that plane to Malta as soon as I got the chance those 3 years ago. It's even worse living here with Ryan now... but what the hell can I do? It's not like I have anywhere else to go, my father's is not an option since that would be even worse than staying at my mom's... although I'm not sure how that's possible...I can't stay over at my friend's, not with Ryan in tow... it would be too much hassle for her, he's too loud, too messy, too difficult. I have no lovable relatives to speak of either... And no way in hell am I going back to Malta.


If I were alone, I'd board a plane, any plane, anywhere, and just wander around in my senseless world until I die.

But no, I have a kid to take care of now and so I'm lost at what to do... I am not a fighter and I can't hold my head up high, every day it just gets more difficult. Where do I sign up to be the next victim of a murderer or something?

Yeah, I know I shouldn't be talking like this, but it's my journal, my thoughts, my life, my desperation.

Now I'm off to dreamland again, as if that will help much.




11:31 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 760

If things were different, if I was different, if only I had made the right choices and taken a different path in life...

Perhaps I'd be where I've always wanted to be. Right now... I'm at the very end of the tunnel and I don't think I'll ever dig my way out of this mess I made.

I don't want to be here yet there's not much I can do about it, I have no choice but to live on in a life I never wanted for myself. I was supposed to be something more than this, do something other than the... nothing I'm doing now. I could have been a different person... but alas, som man bäddar får man ligga, as you say in Sweden.

Can't stop me from dreaming though, I only worry there's not much hope left in me... Not enough to get through this anyways. I've lost parts of myself I doubt I'll ever regain, and even though I've grown in many ways... I haven't in the ways I wish to have grown...

Gah... I'm just going to shut up and do the dishes before Ryan wakes up.




11:22 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 762

Life really sucks without love and it's worse when you feel like it's never going to happen to you again...

If it ever will, though I sincerely doubt it, I need to start taking care of myself more... Stop neglecting myself. As I am now I doubt anyone could be even slighty attracted to me... Not that I think anyone could ever be anyways...

I feel like I'm screwed either way. All I have are dreams and those don't take you very far...

I need love, love, to ease my mind...

Somebody love me, please?




23:37 Dec 17 2009
Times Read: 770

It always comes as a shock when Ryan sleeps for over 4h without waking up... Mind you, it rarely happens, but still... It's nice for a change.

I wonder if it's got anything to do with the huge teddybear that's lying in bed with him? Perhaps he thinks it's me? :P

He got an early Christmas present from my mom today because he fell and got upset... That thing is bigger than him but he absolutely loves it.

It's nearly 1 AM now anyways so I better get to bed...




22:03 Dec 17 2009
Times Read: 775

I received the application form for a name change today, however I'm still considering what to do. As much as I don't like my last name, it would feel really strange to suddenly go by a different name... Kind of like a whole new identity. No one would have to know I'm Polish unless I decide to tell them. Not that it's all about that... It's like... Since I was very young I've imaginged how it would be having a different last name... perhaps it sounds stupid but it means a great deal to me for some reason...

So, Karolina Jones? Would that really work? I'm Karolina Morawska now... but Jones?... And what about Ryan? In order to change his last name I have to have the paper signed by Yendor since we have shared custody, I'll just have to send it to him to sign and have him send it back... Ryan Charles Jones... How about that... Or should I just keep his last name as it is now? I mean, Ryan Jones, does that sound like the name of the superstar he's going to be, in one way or another? :P

Not to mention my father would probably kill me for removing his last name... Not that I should care, I'm an adult now and I don't need to answer to him... but our relationship is bad enough as it is...

My mother is going to change back to her maiden name too, she got Morawska when she married my father those 22 years ago (I should mention they got divorced after only a few months)... Even my sister is saying she'd like to add Jones to her name... Right now it's Ramljak after her father, she's half Croatian... God I envy her, she's so intelligent, confident and beautiful with such a badass attitude. I wish I was like that instead of this weak, ugly and pathetic being I am.

Oh well.



22:56 Dec 17 2009

Sweetie, your not ugly , Actually your very pretty , you just need some confidence in your self. as for your last name why not try to make a last name out of the letter from your last name now.



S A W Y E R - the y and E were Added

M O R S E -The E is added

Hope this helps you a little Jones is a little over done and bland, as for the child I think his name should be the same as yours Good luck hon,


21:25 Dec 17 2009
Times Read: 777

Now that I've caught up with NCIS (and having withdrawlds waiting for one episode a week now) I began watching Prison Break... I'm at episode 7 now...

Am I odd for finding Robert Knepper sexy?

I'm scaring myself, seriously... o.O




21:17 Dec 17 2009
Times Read: 778


What do I get Ryan for Christmas? I want to buy him the whole toy store, he would LOVE all those cars and instruments... Not to mention the playdoh and the lego...

If only I was rich...

Well, at least this way I won't spoil him. Guess there's something good about everything...




12:49 Dec 15 2009
Times Read: 792

Winter has been unusually mild uptil now, suddenly from one day to another the temperature changed from +6 to -2 and it started to snow so much that it looks like we'll have a white Christmas after all... Perhaps that will put me in the spirit because so far I'm just not feeling it, like usual I should say... I can't remember the last time I felt it.

I took Ryan out on the sleigh and he loved it, I'll have to take him out tomorrow again though when there will be even more snow... perhaps it'll be good enough to build a snowman...

He has a book called "The penguin who wanted to fly" and when I said something about going "whoosh" on the slide because it's so slippery now, he recognized that word from the book and got all excited, wanted me to be the Polar bear and pretended that he was flip flop the penguin... And we spun around in the snow and we laughed like crazy, especially when I put him down again, I think he got dizzy for the first time and was confused when he couldn't stand straight... He fell down on the snow and he thought that was hilarious... It's really refreshing to laugh with him...

Lately I've just been feeling really tired, both mentally and physically, in need of a break which I know I'll never get... at least not in a long time... and that only makes me more desperate to have one. I barely have time to do all the things I'd like to do because I'm always busy trying to teach him things, play with him, come up with games and take him outside when he's awake... once he's asleep he wakes up frequently if I'm not in bed sleeping with him and I can never tell when he'll wake up so I never really relax... I'm always sitting on the edge waiting to rush to him... which makes it difficult to finish something I've started, and so I never bother starting anything...

These days I lose my patience with him, it happens that I raise my voice when he doesn't listen or does something he's not supposed to, even though I know the commanding authority voice is not the way to go... but then again, I tried different approaches and when they all fail I'm just too tired to bother... Like this morning when I wanted to take him out, he kept taking off his mittens and wouldn't let me dress him no matter how much I tried to explain to him how much fun he would have outside or how much I tried to persuade him with being A


Yeah, like I said, what's the point of even starting a journal entry when I can't finish it? My mom called and the phone woke him up (he had only been sleeping for half an hour) so I had to go to him... I can't say I didn't need the nap but lately I've been falling asleep with him every night and never getting anything done...

Anyways... A friend of mine is coming over soon, the only one I've got left in this town, and when I mentioned her name to Ryan he got all excited and won't stop talking about her now... It's been two months since we last met...

Now I just have to bring myself to go out in the snowstorm...




08:55 Dec 15 2009
Times Read: 794

Ryan is getting tired of listening to Creed and playing air guitar, he wants the REAL thing now. :P

"Mommy! Guitar!"

"Yes, we'll see if Santa can bring you one for Christmas"

"See Santa Christmas guitar!"

Something like that...




20:44 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 804

I just noticed that my PM expires in 14 days.





09:02 Dec 14 2009

I seriously hate when I log on to see that too. It's like it happens when there's isn't a spare penny in the couch!

I would so buy you one if I had the money, hun. I need to get mine done too since it ends in January.



19:26 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 806

I've been considering this for some time... Apparently I have the right to change my last name to my mother's maiden name, and then I would change Ryan's last name as well.

I REALLY don't like my last name, especially because people immediately can tell that I'm Polish when hearing it, as vain as it may sound. I'm really not proud of being Polish, I like the country, the culture, the history and all but the people?... I'm ashamed to even be in that same category. Seriously, I've met many Polish people in my life and they all fit into the same category... I'm sure there are exceptions, like myself, but the majority are just... beyond words. Let's leave it at that, I don't have time to spend half an hour describing the horror.

So anyways... My mom's maiden name or my grandfather's name was Jones... A very common name, nothing special really, but much better than my current one. I'm sick of being named Karolina Moraewqaedasfaska... yeah.

I ordered an application form and we'll see what my final decision will be... Ooooo....



09:04 Dec 14 2009

I have to admit, I don't even know how to pronounce that name correctly!

If it would make you more comfortable with yourself, I say go for it.

I'll support you either way!



10:41 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 810



08:53 Dec 12 2009
Times Read: 821

I was supposed to take Ryan to my father's this morning, he hasn't seen my siblings for over a month now and he says he wants to play with them so...

However the problem remains that going there is not good when it comes to his sleep, not good at all.

The plan was to be there by 10 AM, Ryan wakes up before 6 AM, and have him nap there... Then return home in time for his bedtime routine since I don't want a sleep over. This is not how it worked out... I just realized that if I get there at 10, an hour before Ryan's nap, they're gonna start complaining about me putting him to sleep "when we just got there"... Because Adrian and Nicole, oh, they just woke up. With that said, putting Ryan to sleep is difficult enough without two kids running around and making a hell of a noise.

So what the hell do I do? Take him there after his nap? I could, but considering it's an hour on the sub back and forth... I would only be able to stay for 2 hours, and that's if I rush. They would start complaining that I'm leaving so quickly, why won't I stay, sleep over...

I really do NOT want to sleep over.

I usually give Ryan dinner at 5 PM, have him in the tub at 5.30 PM (give or take 10 min) and have him ready for bed at 6 PM... Then he drinks some milk, we read some stories and after that begins the hour or more long torture of him twisting and turning and having difficulties falling asleep. Usually it takes an hour or more, so by 7.30 PM he's asleep... And like I said, he always wakes up before 6 AM lately no matter what time he goes to bed.

So, the thing is, first they'd start nagging at me for putting him to sleep so early and then when they see what a long time I take to put him to sleep... it'll change to the old "you're forcing him to sleep, why waste time doing that when he could be playing!?"

Not to mention in the morning I'd have to keep him quiet for 3h while the other kids would be sleeping... Anf then when THEY wake up and it's time for Ryan's nap, it would be wrong of me to put him down for one because now they should ba playing...


There is just no solution to this, is there? I seriously don't know what to do... .If I don't show up today my father will be pissed, I promised I would come.

Sigh, sigh, sigh.




15:17 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 835

So can someone give me a headslap right about now, please?

I must get my head out of the clouds, where IS my mind at!?

I arrive at my destination only to realize I forgot my ID. I brought my HS Degree, but I forgot my ID.


Luckily my mom told me that she could take Ryan on Monday so I could try again... but I want to get these things done now before Christmas, I have to, everything needs to be in order by next year.

So anyways... I spent a short time window shopping and then rushed back to the sub... Ryan could use some new clothes and a new pajamas (not to mention what I need... the list is way too long by now) but as I am in poor man's land right now I couldn't buy anything... After helping my mom out with cash, putting away some for savings and 50$ for Ryan.... I really don't have much left to live for, but I refuse to touch the savings because those are necessary to have...

Sigh, why is everything so expensive? I'm gonna have to start looking into second hand...

I really would just like to have a job already so I could afford things. Let's hope the new year will bring good things with it...

I'm getting off next stop now, gotta go...



17:05 Dec 11 2009

Head slap.(Hay,you asked)

Keep that passport with you at all times!

Hope you do enjoy your trip.Be safe.


13:44 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 842

I'm sitting on the sub on my way to run some errands... It's an hour's ride back and forth so I left Ryan at home with my mom. He was fine with that I just hope he won't give her too much trouble, he didn't nap for long and is still tired. I'm mostly worried about making it back home in less than 3 hours, just in time to start his bedtime routine...

It feels strange being without him, I really feel lost... I'm so far from myself these days that I don't even remember what I used to do without him... I can't relax like I should do, I'm just stressed out and want to get back home ASAP... I miss him... I've been in a bad mood today, I've come down with a cold so I'm tired and have a headache and at first I was looking forward to going out without him but now I just miss him... I just want to get back to him...

But then I really have to get this thing done and it's much better to go there without him seeing as it would just be waste of time for him and he's just be bored out of his mind and driving me crazy so...

I never made it to the cinema and I don't think I will either, as much as I'd like to watch New Moon I wouldn't make it back home in time for his bedtime and I guess I just wouldn't enjoy it as much as I should...

Gotta run now.




23:14 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 852

I'd really like to know who came up with the term "the terrible two's"?

Because whoever it was that person was either lying, or I am simply blessed with an amazing child.

Ryan is not terrible in any way, quite the opposite...

I just don't get it?

Sure, he's strong willed and all but honestly he's been like that even before he turned 2. He rarely has tantrums and if he does it's only because he's tired. I don't think I'm being to lenient and letting him have his way too much either, I'm not afraid of battle of the wills... I just seem to find ways around it and even though he doesn't always understand, I do my best to explain things to him and hope that he'll realize I'm only doing what's in his best interest. I take care in listening to him and respecting his will, re-directing him if he's going the wrong way. In turn I expect him to listen to me which he does most of the time... Though he's always challening me...

I don't know, maybe his two's just haven't kicked in yet or something because I'm really not experiencing any trouble with him... I don't call him putting up a fight everytime I want to dress him a problem, it's just about finding quick solutions which in this case would be acting like a clown and dressing his soft toys first or letting him choose his own clothes... Simple, so simple, yet there seem to be SO many parents having problems out there?

I'm realizing what a damn good mother I am in comparison to many others, not that I like to compare myself to others... It makes me feel good though, it really does. I'm feeling better lately not only due to this but... everything. I'm going to be fine. We're going to be fine.

Yeah, I'm the best mom he could ever hope for... And if he doesn't agree he can go ahead and find another one. :P

I better get to bed now, Ryan has his first dentist appointment tomorrow... That's going to be... interesting...



01:29 Dec 10 2009

You are blessed with an amazing child...

I have raised now 2 children in their two's in my home (as well as helped w/ raising 5 others during my daycare time)... My oldest was the sweetest thing, never complained or argued anything, but had a lot of health concerns... My boyfriend's son on the other hand takes his terrible two's VERY seriously, he is nearly impossible to redirect when he's upset, throws fits, and finds the need to take apart everything he can (including all child-proofing items like baby gates)... We have followed many of the same techniques with both children, as well as consulted with doctors about his son (and in his defense they do suspect a cognitive delay, possibly brought on by things before his birth beyond our control).... So I believe that each child's temperament is a huge factor.

By the same things though... I believe you are a great mother. You show him compassion, love, caring... You teach him about problem solving and all the things he needs to know like language, shapes, colors, and the world around him....


21:47 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 855

So I've spent most of my evening preparing a presentation of Australian food for my sister....

Yeah, when I'm not reading about hungry caterpillars to a 2 year old, I'm doing a 14 year olds English homework.

It's nice to be using one's brain again though, whatever is left of it.

Now that I'm finished I'm going to read... I'm starting to read a book in Polish, something I've never done really... to be honest... I need to improve my spelling, I'm considering going for a Swedish - Polish interpretor just in case my teaching plans don't work out.

Wow, look at me... I actually have a plan. Wow.




08:04 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 859

In can't find my CD and I'm suffering from serious Green Day withdrawls.


WHY must I ALWAYS lose and misplace things!? WHY!?

It's not just the CD, it's EVERYTHING!

I either don't remember where I've put something, put it in random places or just put them in not so good places where they get lost...

I had to leave all of my CD's behind in Malta except for Creed's greatest hits... I had to buy GD's "21'st century breakdown" and now Creed's "Full Circle"...

I want my Staind and Alter Bridge CD's back though.. And all the other GD... I had all of them... :(


Oh well. Time for a walk to the park before Ryan's nap now... It's not really nice weather outside though, very cloudy, not soo cold though and it's not raining... it should be snowing by now but this year winter has just been quite warm and I think we can all just forget about the snowing part...




22:23 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 875

This is just funny...

Ok I'm done with all the videos now... Going to read now... I have an appointment at the psychiatrist tomorrow morning and I have to go to my father's to pick up my mail and stuff... But Ryan seems to have made a routine out of waking me up before 6 AM every morning now so that won't really be a problem... The only problem is that he's not always fully rested when he wakes up at that hour...

I'll have more to write tomorrow, I still have to find the guts to actually phone my father and tell him I'll be stopping by tomorrow... I haven't been in touch with him for over a month now and he's tried to contact me several times... why is it so hard for me to call him? I just keep putting it off, I can't find the courage to do it... even though tonight was kind of the deadline... I convinced myself I might as well phone in the morning... Gah... And it sucks because thanks to my fear of him now I'm behind with answering some important letters... but it'll all be good... in the end... yes... it has to work out...

I've been feeling well the past few days, like everything is going to be fine. My mind hasn't been as clouded by negative thoughts as it usually is.... maybe there's still hope for me.



23:04 Dec 07 2009

awwwww... cute kid :)


Dancing King in action again

21:39 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 880

Now this one deserves to be watched! :P

He's getting better at singing...




Ryan The Chef

21:34 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 881

Ok, so I found one of him cooking...




My baby loves Green Day

21:30 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 882

I filmed this a couple of weeks ago... I have a fresh dancing video coming up... Hehe... I KNOW there is a lot of dancing but it's simply what he does best. :P

I really should film him more though... I feel bad because when I think of it he doesn't really have many videos at all... Well, his third year and all the next coming are going to be full of them!




Throwing blocks is FUN!

21:25 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 884



16:46 Dec 08 2009

My 9 year old laughed his butt off at this video :P


21:24 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 885

Ryan has this thing he does where he "builds" a microphone out of anything he sees... be it blocks, cups, a flower, a mitten... ANYTHING... And then he starts jumping around and singing :P I'll have to try and catch it on film...





21:05 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 892




And to imagine he used to be a little baby...



Where has time gone??





08:04 Dec 06 2009
Times Read: 897



Toddler update

21:52 Dec 01 2009
Times Read: 912

The other day when my mother brought all the Christmas decorations up from the basement, Ryan got so fascinated by all the big and little stars and sang "Twinkle twinkle little star" all by himself... in Swedish.

How proud and astonished was I? I can't even describe.


It's just so incredible how kids learn everything and anything at such a rapid pace too...




21:48 Dec 01 2009
Times Read: 913

You know you're doing things right when your 2 year old knows (parts of) the lyrics to one of your favorite Creed songs.

He he he...



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