Today I was making dinner so I stepped from the computer. I come back to a single message from Sean.
"fuck this game I quit"
I quickly ask him what is wrong and he simply tells me I won't see my gear anymore. Then he logs his "other wife"
That bitch was naked. Gear completely gone. Not potions, no bread, nothing.
Well I know how much she means to him as a friend so I help him get gear for her. I take the last bit of money I had in game and helped get her gear and stuff. Gave her a weapon that I was saving for my alt. Pretty much help out the best I could. Which included me giving up my rare equip. He had geared her before as a gift and this happened. I knew what it meant to him. So I gave up my egg for her.
She logs on and we explain what happened.
Then he gives her the gear we got her. And that ungrateful bitch goes, "Well this hammer will have to do, it isn't as nice as my daggers were"
No thank you for your help. Nothing.