I know some people would probably have their intelligence increased if they suffered from brain damage but dear fuck I dont even think brain damage would solve your stupidity. I have blocked you on most of your accounts so what part of your fucking brain were you using when you entered my journal and commented are you a fucking idiot...wait dont fucking answer that we all know you are fucking stupid. Yes I deleted your UNWELCOMED comment and blocked you...now I will say this one more mother fucking bloody time any profile you visit me with will be blocked stop using your alt profiles to get around my blocks.
Not sure anyone but me does this but as I am working on my diamond kits my mind wonders. Sometimes it visits the darker places of my mind sometimes it dances around in the light but tonight it kind of did both. While sitting on skype with Marci I am working on my giant ocean kit and my mind wondered to the darkest piece of my mind and I finally realized something...it has been months since I picked up a razor with the intent to harm myself. Its been months since I have felt suicidal in any way....those thoughts left on June 12th, 2020. I spent 10 damn months from July of 2019 to early June of 2020 befriending blades because I couldnt escape the toxicity of someone that wouldnt know the true meaning of god damn love if it slapped him in the face with a brick but hes not the focus of this entry so may he suffer greatly which will happen not the point though. Who would have thought that in 4 god damn months I could go from wishing and begging for death because of someone to feeling loved and enjoying life....I guess what they say is true when you cut away those who are poison great things change.
Actually, you aren't the only one who has had that happen to them. My mind seems to wander there from time to time. Hell, it happened this past week. I actually wanted to self harm for the first time ever. Just remember, you have Henry and Marci there for you. Don't let your past haunt you like it did before.
I don't know what a diamond kit is.
look at my journal on DeadlyDreams mines in there