Tyvek suits. Yeah, there's obviously a reason for wearing them....
Working with hazardous waste and chemicals are the main reasons.
There's a guy at work that likes to wear his dirty tyvek suit into our lunch room, sit down and read the paper.
I've told him once already not to wear it in our lunch room, a place where we sit down and eat food.
Apparently I'm going to have to be a little more firm about the situation.
Ok so, there's quite a few people at my work that love to go hunting. Especially goose hunting.
Have you guys ever eaten geese? It's fucken nasty as shit. Anyways.....
So there's a few guys that bring their goose calls to work on a daily basis. I have no idea why, but mind you, these are GROWN men, they're in their 50's ffs.
What do they do most of the day at work? They play that fucking goose call! It's annoying as shit! And I mean, it's not like they blow these things at break or something, oh no. These fuckers will be driving their carts, steering with one knee while they toot on these fucking things. WTF?
Sometimes...... just one time is all................ I want to run up behind them while they're blowing on that goose call and slam that fucking thing right down their throat.
They're like elementary kids bringing their toys for show and tell at school.
they are grown men who kill an animal for sport and probably don't even make use of the carcass. Of course they are kids.
Bring a gun and say you were hunting goose....(goes hide****I am to evil for my own good)
LOL, don't think I haven't already thought about it.
For some reason though, it's just not worth going to prison or getting fired over, heh.
22:23 Oct 23 2008
22:57 Oct 23 2008
Call health and safety, and haul him through the disciplinary procedure for breaches of the Welfare Regulations.
23:01 Oct 23 2008
Oh trust me, I'm ready to go up the chain of command on this one. He's been warned.