Well, it's my final week of vacation next week. I'm going to take this next week, take a step back from things and regroup for the start of the New Year. I feel good about it, I think things will be better.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.
This is just a rant.......... and a warning I guess.....
I can't stress enough to people that I hate liars, cheaters, untrustworthy people, or people who like to deceive others. I despise people who do those things and I have no time in my life for people who are like that, I won't tolerate it.
Trust, Honesty, and Loyalty are the 3 virtues I firmly abide by in life. If someone can't give me those same 3 things, then they don't deserve to be a part of my life, plain and simple. If I find that someone has deceived me in any way shape or form, I have no problems with walking away from that person, it's easy for me anymore.
And don't come to me months later crying going "Why haven't you talked to me or said hi to me in a long long time?" Shut up and quit crying fucker, you KNOW why.
Another thing, if you don't keep in touch with me, then don't expect me to keep in touch with you. If I am always the one who messages first, or calls first all the time and then I get bored with it, DO NOT come to me complaining that we don't speak anymore, got it? It's a fucking two-way road, why should *I* have to be the one who has to keep in touch all the time? You've got fingers bitch, you can be the first one to say hi some of the time too.
I speak my mind about things also and I tell it like it is. You don't like me for that, well, kiss my ass. It's part of my honesty, deal with it. I don't have any reason to lie to anyone, ever. Sometimes the truth hurts. If you don't want to know, then don't fucking ask the question.
It pretty much boils down to this...
If you're honest with me, then we can have a great friendship. Lie to me or deceive me in any way..... Fuck You.
I would like to think that this whole year wasn't in vain or a waste of my time....
The more days that go by however makes it even harder to not think that....
I don't really know what else to say without getting into too many details.... which apparently is against the rules.....
So I will just keep my mouth shut, like always.....
Got back into the gym this moring for the first time in 3 months. I'll be going back this afternoon sometime, hopefully. It's been way too long.
A lot of anger, stress, and frustration that needs to be released.