This is a poem I wrote for my fiance, it is my 4th attempt (I think) at writing a poem, and honestly, I think it sucks. But, I'll let others be the judge. What matters is, he loved it. Please, no harsh critisism.
We are like the Ocean and the Sky
Very different, yet connected
But only by a faint line
Do you ever wonder what lies on the horizon?
What distant lands are awaiting our visit?
I want to go there with you
To have adventures, to see different places
I would travel to the ends of Earth and back with you
I would travel to the ends of Earth and back for you
My devotion to you is like a River
Forever flowing, even in Winter
And it matters not if the Sun takes the Water
For I am like the tiny Fish who thrive regardless
And that is what we both must do
We have the will to make it through
You are more to me than sensual pleasures and sexual fantasies
You are not just my fiance
You are my everything, you are my all
You keep me going, push my forward, and never let me fall
My love for you is like a forest
It's easy to get lost with love, isn't it?
But I'll be there to hold your hand
And guide you through when times look bad
I've said this before, and I'll say it again
I love you, Ismael Orion Ravenlock
Forever, always, and without end
~Axora Enrion Ambergris~
September 18, 2009
15:17 Nov 17 2009
it really nice... he should love it...
10:56 Nov 12 2011
umm dont you think you should take this down bye now ? i mean its kinda weird and all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!