I was thinking today about what i would have wanted to be in life given the chance and the mind to do it while i had the chance here are some of my thoughts my ideas are very out of my reach but they are mine just the same , here goes if you wish to read go ahead if not you have a choice to keep scrolling away as we all do when we dont care to read others thoughts,SO i was thinking today what would i choose to be if i could have any couple jobs that are out of my reach that as a child i had no idea mattered number one just for fun i would have liked to be a movie casting director or whoever gets to choose the actors that play the parts i think thats the casting director correct me if im wrong
i just always have had a eye for just who would have been best in films in what roll. numbers 2 and this one makes me tear up a bit because i love the ocean and all its glory a marine biologist that saves the ocean and develops a ocean cleaning machine that dose not harm animals or delicate sea plankton ect in the process of cleaning it of garbage and other waste we all have made myself included im a horrible culprit believe me it bothers me everyday!!! number 3 become head of EPA and do my damn job correctly and demand that we start shutting down all nuclear power pants in the usa at least switching to green energy and giving those jobs to the ppl that worked at the N power plants
i would then hire the most intelligent squad of young and old minds to come up with a solution to safly get rid of the waste thats contaminating our water supply from the radio active holding tanks ect we can switch to free energy or even not complete free power just wind power and solar at a fraction of the price. just think giving back to this beautiful cradle of life the earth our glorious home such a magnificent place to be able to enjoy it the earth and lets us be here or it can wipe us all away i do believe nature has love for all living creatures so it hopes we can get it right before it has to protect its self again and wipe us all out
wouldn't it be nice to live here and be in harmony with earth love it back as it holds us and gives us a place to call home ?
i could be a utopia of ppl just loving other ppl and the earth no more wars no more pollution no hunger jut utopia we have the
skills to do this why dont we bemuse of greed for money well you cant take money and nice cars and crap with you when you die but you can take good energy and you can die knowing you tried your best to help the earth or ppl or animals you can live somewhat pure in energy before you turn into another form of it whatever you believe happens im not sure yet myself but i know you cant take money oil and gold with you AND YOU CANNOT DRINK MONEY OIL OR GOLD OR DIAMONDS ECT water is so precious is more precious then all those things combined and its getting more polluted day and hour by hour and it seems like not many realize it sad to say i would love to have known these things when i could have used my money to do something right and fixed tings just a little bit OH AND BY THE WAY I WOULD SO GET RID OF MONSANTO SEND THEM TO THE WORST PLACE EVER THE MOST BARREN Planet AND SAY HERE KILL THIS ONE IM SURE THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO DESTROY IT EVEN WORSE THEN IT WAS OK DONE RANTING HAVE A NICE DAY FB LOVES YA EVEN IF I am not cool with some of you as a compassionate love to you all smile emoticon in my own twisted way..
03:32 Jun 01 2016
I hear you sister
01:18 May 09 2017
All dreams and goals start in the mind. If you desire to be this person, You have to give your self permission first to beleive you are.
otherwise it will just stay a dream and not become reality.
One step at a time. FORWARD!
18:09 Apr 13 2019
Start your dream today right now.