I see that there are a LOT of couples going on this cruise as honeymoons, or anniversary, or engagement celebrations. Which is really cool...
But one question, am I the only single person?!?!?
You are not. I'm single and so are all 3 of my friends I'm bringing with me.
Oh thank GOD! I was starting to feel like some odd 3rd wheel. Actually that isn't true since my roommate doesn't have her boyfriend with her.
I am single and so is my cabin mate. So no you are not the only one ...I know of 2 other single people going too...YEAH FOR US SINGLES !!!
I thought I had read somewhere about some singles cocktail party on the ship. I might need to look into that a bit more...but then hob nobbing with "normal" single people doesn't really sound like my idea of fun.
I'm goin' solo, though I am not technically single.
I make decent wingman and pal though.
Hey! We marrieds are just as fun as any single cats. Plus, my husband doesn't dance while I LOVE to- and I'm an excellent wing gal.
We are good to go as well.... We club all the time and have plenty of single friends.... I'm sure there are plenty of single people going as well
Single or hitched.... who cares, we are all going to have a blast!!!! :D
I'm a horrid flirt anyway, but I'm far too well behaved.
Stupid ethics...
Someone had too much Alcohol on the cruise. We should have had the Captain marry you two nuts. lol