Badges Of Honour, Acts Of Stupidity, Thing we're Proud Of Now.
I'm sure we've all done insane things, thing we don't remember and were told, things we vaguely recall, and things we fully recall.... and don't regret :) Who wants to share?
I was at a helloween party. We ran out of beer and mixers, Liquor was all and great in volume. I had promised to hit the beer-bong... I sought to keep my promise. We puored 40 grade Liquors in the bong. Within minutes my lights were out. My friend told me he dragged me out of the middle of the street, in which I passed out in. That I was screaming some car almost hit me/tried to hit me. I asked him if he got the liscence plate #, he said he saw no cars driving around. Just found me in the street... I was so shit-faced. I continued to fade in and out of conciousness throughout the night, I was so feeble and retarded. I love it!
I hate to be a party pooper.. but a post like this really needs to be in the main forum under The Sandbox.