Also looking for people who like to act or get crazy after a couple of drinks. I'm looking to do some small skits during the cruise for fun. So anyone intrested let me know and I'll keep everyone in mind. Cheers!
You know my ass is up for it.... Those Skits made "One Garbuz" a Legend
Kind of a dark mixture of Kids in the Hall and Monty Python...I am not sure if I should be excited or scared.
Heres some of my movies, mainly documentary stuff, parties, video edits, outings and music videos. I have a couple of my skits throw in there. I already have a couple of skits in mind. It's going to be great!
Please remember, anything you do onboard in PUBLIC rooms must be kept PG13.
Hey! I'm not looking to make a porno now lol. Yes its all in good taste =)
It may be a long time before I could enjoy a Gothic Cruise/VR Meetup but it is always in the back of my mind and I will be looking forward to the day that I can join all you Wicked Souls on one/both of these narly adventures.