All Genre Travel welcomes CrystalJolynn to the company.
Though Crystal is still undergoing her intensive training which will be completed by August,. She will be instrumental in the coordination of onboard events for the Goth Cruise with the cruise line and event/activities supervision.
Crystyal was hired for more then her professional acheivements. Her positive disposition onboard the 2007 Goth Cruise combined with her genuine care and concern for the event itself and the events passengers, got her a job offer while onboard the ship.
This means your goth cruise founder wont be falling asleep in the ivory lounge and falling out of her chair this year!
Crystal will be available as an additional contact within the agency after August 30th 2007.
Congrats big time!
So Z, does this mean that you be passed out in the Ivory due to drinks rather than effort, right?
Congratulations Crystal and Zaida. I hope that it is a great working relationship and works out for everyone involved.
Hooray! Congrats Crystal and Z! You two are a great team.
With your combined powers can you speed up time and make it October already? :)
Moving to FL?
You'll love the weather and the kind people.
At least on the west coast you have The Castle and some semblance of a Gothic culture.
Here in Daytona, it is full of drunk rednecks, bikers, drunk teenagers, or angry geezers who can't drive.
Thedog, you could make anyone feel welcome with your comments! *smirk* I'm guessing that Crystal will be too busy to suffer the culture shock initially.
Crystal, major congrats!!!! More reasons to celebrate on the ship (like we need reasons LOL)
Yes. This means I will be passed out due to overindulgences, rather then exhaustion. It was unfortunate that the person I had hired to assist me was not able to keep pace. However Crystal is more then hyper enough for us all!
This also means I wont be missing shore excursions that I paid over 400 bucks for again due to lack of sleep.
Crystal will also be helping me plan our next music based event which will be 4 or 5 night night annual cruises each year about mid spring. I hope to launch the first one in the Spring of 2009. However, due to the possibility of "copycat" cruises by competing agencies.. I am not releasing the genre of the event until the contracts are signed.
If you ever need help with anything during the cruise, let me know. I have a bad habit of trying to help out when crap hits the fan.
(I was the guy who had the CD's to play at the signing session)
Yes, Crystal is a very positive person. Given that she at least checked in with several of us who 'overindulged' last year, her customer service is probably top-notch.
So if we can't keep up with unconcious (sp!) organizers, can we at least keep retarded unfounded rumors?
::snickers:: well at least year I will enjoy getting Unconscious!
Oh.. Rumors.. dont start that again!