We are going to print Gothic Cruise T-shirts for the 2008 Cruise. So, we are taking submissions for the logo of the 2008 Gothic Cruise.
The winner will get a free TShrit (of course) plus a free shore excursion up to a value of 100.00 Total. (yes.. if the shore excursion is cheap enough, you get two take a friend).
DEADLINE: for submission is December 1st 2007.
The logo will go on the front of the tshirt. The back of the shirt will feature "2008 Gothic Cruise" and list the bands and Dj. The logo needs to be compatible with a girls spaghetti top tshirt as well.
The only rule is.. No Obscene drawings or profanities. (we want to be able to wear them on the ship!)
It is our hope to have the Tshirts ready for sale by Feb 1 2008. (so you can bring them.) This way we do not have to worry about running out on the cruise.
Good Luck.
so the logo can be anything, as long as it is gothic???
Yes.. pretty much. It should somehow relate to the gothic cruise though.
okay. I can extend this out to Jan 1st.. but after that... the contest is done.
ahhh i had started too, and something ready but then after getting some opinions I decided not to submit it....by then it was too late to come up with another...maybe i'll come up with something else by Jan. 1 then!
No One sent in a design. Sooooooooo
I may have to hire a designer.. because I am no Artist! I still draw stick people!
I promise to send you my designs soon...you don't need to hire anyone,Z!!!