If your booked.. and you want to participate, please let me know and I will send your request onto the person from VR who is casting the show. (or she can post that here????).
Yes.. there are scripted lines to learn.
By CHance will they be showing any other movies...? How about another cult classic as well.. anyway we can talk them into showing Army of Darkness?
ooh! I like that idea.
I'd love to participate, but given that the photos of me in the fashion show highlight the fact that I walk like a constipated marine, perhaps we should find someone with more 'presence' :P
As we get closer to the cruise date, I will ask them about private showings of some cult classics. Carnival is VERY strict about copyright infringement. Unless it is a Carnival approved movie, they will most likely say no.
I would like to audition. I actually played Eddie/Dr Scott in the The Rocky Horror Show (the stage musical) in Phoenix a few years ago and will be reprising these roles in Aug/Sept 2008 for the theatre's 10th anniversary. I was also the Magenta understudy.
OK guys, here's what I am looking for..
someone who has done this before.. as we don't have the ability to get together and rehearse, we need ppl who know how its done...sorry virgins
i need ppl who i can count on.. the thought of not having a Columbia at the last moment and having to make wildchild prance in that oh so multicolored corset of hers and dance around just doesnt appeal to me :) (gold undies for rocky does tho LOL)
if you are interested and can commit...msg me and we can talk :)
As you can see.. Scarlett from Vampirerave is running the Casted Event of Rocky.
::checks that off her list of 2000 things to do::