Does anyone believe that if we could access the other 70% of our brain that maybe we have the power to do extraordinary things?
We access all of our brain. We don't utilize the entire organ all of the time for everything that we do. But we do utilize the whole brain.
So no, I don't think we could do anything like moving objects (other than our body), sending telepathic messages or anything like that.
There are plenty of things people perform to make it appear like they are moving things with their mind though, that is all illusion, regardless of what people bill it as.
The matrix huh, well i have yet to see anything like this happen or record, yet I know hitler had his scientist doing study on individuals to gain this power for his troops. like to see an source if any come up.
A special torture technic was to dose a prisoner with poison, then with another prisoner in the room act like an agent is using mental powers to cause suffering on the other prisoner, the info gets back that they have a power.. Eerie sci fi tricks
Well to those of you that think we use all of our brain we don't It's a proven scientific fact and research show that we "humans" only use 30% of our brain so if we coulduse the other 70% of it we could be what most call "super humans"
I agree...we do only use 30% of our brains in total. And I do believe that there are things that we could do with our minds if we did access all of it.
The "30%" is mainly the parts of the brain that allows us to function... sending "thoughts" through our neural net... the other "70%" is "storage" and our subconscious which allows us to "access" information in emergency situations.
As for "special mind powers", try telekinesis.
I am not too sure about telekenisis, but I do know first hand about clarivoyance. Hypnosis, manipulation, as well as summoning. Not sure if these are classified as powers of the mind, but since the individual does use the mind for these purposes, I do not see why not.
liz1706 & NartinaLeMaliki,
Re: "to those of you that think we use all of our brain we don't It's a proven scientific fact and research show that we "humans" only use 30% of our brain"
Okay, Beast, another diet tip. All I need to do is use my brain more!
I must confess that I've probably repeated the 30/70 brain use myth, and this thread prompted me to look into the research given all the new brain scan research, which is fascinating.
People who have experienced traumatic brain conditions: surgery, stroke, sometimes regain lost skills through the brain's ability to reroute.
Also, mapping of the brain of people with various talents: music, artistic, athletes, shows more pronounced patterning.
There is also a difference revealed in adolescents and adults, and the effect of drugs on the brain in adolescents is different from that of adults, especially in recovery.
So the brain is more than its mass. The neurons, synapse and overall firing and connections vary from individual to individual.
Question: Is it possible that "psychic powers" are possible because some people use their brains in different ways?
I would say that's completely possible, but also without any evidence to support the claim. I don't know if you read any of the recent thread regarding proclaimed psychics like Sally Morgan and Sylvia Brown, but the outcome was fairly conclusive; what they do appears to be heavily fraudulent. They're proclaiming they have some kind of psychic power. What their demonstrations show is that they have some clever tactics such as cold-reading, carefully edited videos, a good eye for nationalities, an ear for accents and dialects and a tendency to be rather careful about the choices they make when it comes to anything which takes on the atmosphere of a test or contest.
Sally Morgan appears to be far more clever about not over-extending herself which is likely why she doesn't have the long, long list of obvious failures found with Sylvia Brown. But all of them, Brown, Morgan, Geller and anyone else who comes to the forefront, tend to eventually get caught using tactics which expose that not only are they not psychic, they themselves obviously realize they're not psychic.
Is it possible that the human brain emits some detectable frequency in the form of an energy wave? It's more than possible. It's been confirmed. Is it possible that one brain might be able to detect this energy from another brain? I wouldn't say that it's not possible. But I don't see any evidence that any such thing actually happens.
If I may, let me add to your list of the amazing flexibility of the brain. There are a number of well documented cases of people who have undergone hemispherectomies (removal of one entire hemisphere of the brain). This can be beneficial to people who suffer diseases affecting only one half of the brain. And as with other situations you mentioned, they often can learn to compensate, utilizing the remaining hemisphere. So the brain is quite flexible and adaptable. But as you and I already pointed out, people with a whole brain do use the whole brain.
And as far as psychic ability; before going any farther, someone needs to present something akin to solid objective evidence that any such thing does happen before delving too deeply into how it can happen. It appears quite apparent that suggesting that we use only a small portion of the brain is simply one more way for people to attempt to avoid the obvious when it comes to psychic claims; a lack of credible supporting evidence.
vvSoulSchroudevv~ Through telekenisis, an adept is able to move objects, like pencils, across tables. As for hypnosis, etc. those fall into other categories.
I would see how a psychic has a chance to demonstrate their abilities, MRI just do a reading whilst in an MRI, Skeptics and psychic friendly observers can use the read outs, timed with the reading questions../ messages. Of course we would need to MRI A cold reader as well, perhaps a Detective Crunching a Case..
The MRId a Jazz soloist, doing improve Jazz, and a player doing a technical piece.
I would venture to guess that any medium would declare that the MRI magnate would mush their powers though.. such is such..
A stage Mentalist would do it though.
I'm thinking a PET (positron emission tomography) scan would be the technology of choice. It allows the imaging of the metabolic processes of various regions of the brain.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is great for images of actual soft tissue and tissue density but reveals less about the activity in the tissue.
I'm in agreement, Lestatsbride.
Using the brain is indeed an advantageous and beneficial thing to do. It is far superior to drawing conclusions without applying sufficient critical thought.
Using the brain for proclaimed psychic ability... well again, when we have evidence that can actually occur, then we have something to study. Until then, we have claims little different from when people claimed evil spirits caused disease.
We also have a long demonstratable list of things that have been presented as psychic powers, all have been exposed, some are still performed.
Most of the ones I've seen posted on the Internet came from Soviet studies for Psychic abilities done back in the 1960's. Needless to say, any testing done by American researchers at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), for the same reason, at the same time are grainy black and white film samples.
Indeed I have posted so many already, the ones beast mentions included.
Houdini, James Randi, Penn and Teller, all the way back to Fakirs dropping the mystic pretense, and going onto performance.
in my studies I find that those who present themselves as psychic, or spiritually gift, do not have the showmanship required to be a performer, yet they produce the same accuracy as performers.
I remember seeing the Amazing Kreskin Perform once
When people insist that something is deeper then it is, I feel they are cheating others out of learning to be observant.
Creating a dependancy in a person with claims that the dead can communicate with "gifted" people, is ethically questionable.
Mind forces and those who say such things exist, and that they can teach people how to use that power, is nothing new.
Uri was caught slipping a magnet on his thumb, to appear to move a nautslis instrument, fully under the pretense that he was psychic, he clsims to never have been a magician, a lie.
If any psychic mind power existed then they are lagging in application.
From the time of Fakirs there has been no advancement in the psychic, mystic, or spiritualist "fields" only variations on old tricks.
Guessing games, and social slight.
All great in the context of entertainment, questionable in "clinical" uses.
With the exception of the entertainment "psychics", yes I agree. But, I wasn't looking to go over the "same ground", no....
James Randi, Penn and Teller... these aren't scientific people.
They are skilled in illusion though, Richard Dawkin would represent science,
Along with any scientist involved with Micheal Sherrmer.
I have had MRI's done on my head at a scientific level to study the paramounts of clarvoyance. The MRI's proved that while I was in the middle of one of my phases, that my brain patterns did flux. The flux was more than sufficently conclusive to discern the differant areas within the brain that were functioning at the time.
It in my view is not that the brain is capable of any percentage to being used, but the use at one time in particular. I think the conclusion is the fact that if the mind were strong enough IE aware enough, it could use a greater percentage at any set time.
Oh, the test that was given to clarify which area of the brain was functioning at the time of the testing was the frontal lobe, cortex or whathaveyou, as well as a big part of the left and right lobes.
Are you sure it was an MRI rather than a PET or CT scan? MRIs image soft tissue but don't show cellular function (unless there is a mix of technologies of which I'm not aware -- which is certainly possible). PET scans can show where the tissues are the most active at the cellular level.
You know, come to think of it...I am not that bright when it comes to medical definition of either the tech terms, or the physical terms. But I do know that I was in a very large magnetic tube. As well as a couple of other things that were taped to my head.
The minds powers and limited use of them is due to the Breakdown of the Bicameral brain.Most do not utilize full brain functioning,meaning both hemispheres working in balance, and this has to do with the way society carries on..
For more info I suggest looking into a book by Julian Jaynes called, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
I'd have to say that even if the smarty pants on here hadn't already presented staggering research which shows that we do indeed use most of our brain, I would have done so myself. Since I'm behind the curve though I'll say this.
I think some people can do extraordinary things with their minds, i.e. - people with any kind of exceptional talent such as music, art, math. However I think it's genetics that accounts for that, not some special part of the brain that we can all learn to access.
As for paranormal talents, there's a facility in Texas that's dedicated to studying such talents. If there are people that posses such abilities, then I'd guess that would be genetics as well.
Mr. Memory, and The Human Equation, along with others make your point very well Image Maker.
Seems like people "gifted" would have smarts as well?
After listening to interviews with the Amaziing Kreskin I see how the talent
Of observation, and deduction works. Both rely on "mundane" processes, genetic? Learned? Or passed from observation?
Exactly. However the average person can't usually focus, retain or process all those little details that a performer who claims to be, say a Medium, can. Which is in a way an impressive ability in it's self.
I'm thinking of TV shows like the Mentalist or Physc. Where they seem to flash on little things and make percise deductions that most people don't.
Granted those are just TV shows, but they were the most obvious examples I could think of.
Right the average person has a cluttered mind.
They want a reason why they cannot do such things, and those who operate under mystic pretenses want as few people as possible to compete against, so they say you need to be gifted. How ever out comes a group that claims to be able to train people to open themselves to a mystic power.. something that mediums are mixed on, sort of like when Bruce Lee began teaching a formerly secret disipline.
So when Mediums, like M. Lemar Keene come clean about the practices of Medium organizations they use the old Rhetorical "Well that is not how we do readings."
Eventually the routine is over billed.
Like the trick of "pushing" a straw, or pencil with your mind, it is just blowing on it subtly.
The example of people in a seance being told they will be touched by spirits, with their eyes closed, chilled bubbles are blown into their face.
Is that mind power? The power to make someone believe, by using pretense?
What about a "medium" helping people interact while alive?
I am very intuitive, it is to the piont that I can feel what you are thinking and feeling. it was brought on by years of mental, physical, emotional and sexual abuse of my father. So for the unbelievers it does exsist. I am not boisting that I have super powers. I just had to learn this because if I didn't my dad would have killed me long ago. I had to antisapate his moods so I could duck before he took the hearing from my other ear.
Kreskin learned from observation and repetition until perfection was achieved. As for "deduction"... if you have an audience that can be easily lured by illusion and mild hypnosis... you can make them imagine anything.
I dont think it matters how much of your brain you use or how you use it. If you have a gift it will become aware to you when it wants to be revealed....much like parasites when they lay dormant. Sometimes we need a trigger...others we dont. Thats life.
i try to stay opened minded about such phenomena, and if such things are real, i would like to learn to do them myself....that said.....
i think its the amazing randi (but it could be a different magician) that has a one million dollar prize for anyone that can demonstrate a "psychic" trick that he cannot debunk.
he is the one that debunked geller as well as other so called psychics.
i would love it if such powers are would make the world a far more interesting place, but as of yet, i have not seen the evidence.
ive seen evidence of reincarnation in numerous cases as well as of ghost activity, but never of "psychic" phenomena.
I certainly understand the idea that the world might be more interesting were such phenomena to be real but I have to wonder how long one is supposed to remain open to the possibility when such assertions have continually failed every objective test for as long as objective testing has been applied (at least as long as science methodology has existed).
If one is willing to do a bit more work and actually learn about the nature of the universe, they'll quickly find that it's far more mysterious, beautiful, awe-inspiring and fascinating than any proclaimed paranormal or supernatural realm.
Humans with their subjective verses objective psyche are a rather odd lot. We seem to have little trouble accepting that Leprechauns don't exist even though it's all but certain that people have proclaimed to have had real experiences with them. Mermaids were often claimed to be spotted by sailors. There are myths which accompanied World War I pilots concerning gremlins and the damage they could do to a plane while in flight. And yet the objective analysis shows that these things do not exist and nearly all of us readily accept that.
But when the same kind of objective means reach the same conclusions concerning psychic powers, ghosts, spirits, gods, demons and angels; people are far less accepting. So they apply a double-standard and suggest that anyone who fails to apply that same double-standard is being "closed-minded".
I think that's backward. If you can accept the objective conclusions for Leprechauns, mermaids and gremlins, then it's irrational to not accept the same objective conclusions regarding other proclaimed entities for which there exists the same complete lack of objective evidence. To do otherwise demonstrates a close-minded attitude. Holding on to belief in any myth while excluding the rest is an exercise in serving one's own desires at the expense of one's logistical and rational ability to make decisions.
Until someone objectively and conclusively demonstrates that they have any psychic powers of the mind, the only rational conclusion is that any who make the claim are simply frauds. If someone really possessed such abilities, you'd think they'd be quick to snag the million dollars offered, to show the science world some actual objective evidence and to give all of the believers that which they've been proclaiming to exist for eons. There would be no better "told ya so!", and yet it never happens. And it likely never happens because it's just a myth.
Well my opinion we must not force the thing on brain to do it forcefuly. you can do it by stimulating pills fr couple of days.
body i full of matters even brain too. it too after working do need relax as we do relax after 8 hours till next day. Or it become sick.
each phase after worked to its limit, do rest. if it do not do this, it die or expode or lead to strain or stmulatig blood pressure to lead the oxygen to keep that part live.
full rest is worth when needed to body, to mind to parts of body naturally if it is worked hard. remembe thoguhts too the acts or work of the brain. the most work the brain do is the ascension which varies with the thoughts.
even computer creates bad sector after over use of the concerned sector in the memory unit.
if the good sleep taken naturally, best exercise done for keep body healthy and cleansed, good pranic food and elements taken, it help a lot to work a particuler part of brain best over the total part of body including the brain this way whole brain part by part work according to the need. too much in excess thing is always harmful, even too much than needed sleep too is harmful and makes your body brain and nerve tree a sloath.
the human body is still unknow. we do not know what we can do with our brain but as we evole as a spices we will probley learn how to use more of our brain. remember the brain is ones of the most advance tool we have. and only time will show us it true power
One thing that I find the mind has the power to do.
The mind will lead the senses to accept something that others see for the very mundane illusion it is.
My mind had the power to project a hallcination when my body experienced
Traumatic Arrest.
The mind I now learn can reason, and conceive what is observable, or creatable.
Common sense is becoming more and more uncommon. So I would say yes, I have something pretty extraordinary going on in my brain.
Although it is true that at best we only use 30% of our brains at any given time I dont believe that any special powers or abilities can be derived from the other 70%....
The brain is nothing more than a glorified pentium chip a processer at best.. Special powers and abilities are of the spiritual realm and not everyone has that hardware.....
And lets face it if you dont have the right hardware it doesnt matter how much of your processer you use....
So I dont believe this question can be answered simply by discussing how much of our brains we use.......
I find those who claim to have mind powers are very discriminating about who they demonstrate those claimed mind powers to.
Even as a believer I would likely question 99.99 percent of people that claim to have special mind powers, powers that set them aside from the normal people.
It is really not a matter of beleiving people have special powers, it is people being convinced by demonstrations that are presented as proof that special mind powers can interact with the physical world. All those who cope out with "you never know", or "anything is possible", apparently overlook the possibility that it is all crafted illusion, commonly used to entertain, repackaged as clinical, or spiritual.. A mentalist can perform the same as any
Medium.. This has been proven.
there have been test run on autistic people and the average person and it seems that the autisic people have more nerve centers firen then the average person.
i believe if we could tap that other 70% of our brains we would be dangerous
i have had PK activiety around me when i get extreme angry ONLY with my mother never when angry with anyone else ...i have no way to explain it but it happens.
The mind has a special power to amuse itsself (usually in situations when
We are bored with an activity) it creates abstract representations in familiar shaped objects, even audio distortion has been linked to people that claim
To hear what others cannot.
The mind is a complex organ, without all the unabtainable deeper mystisism.
Of course.
Primitive Humans didn't use words to communicate.
One of my friends demonstrated slight 'extra sensory' abilities and they are now studying her in a laboratory.
If my friend can do it, why not eveybody?
I agree with La Murta, Along with a Post in another thread their are alluded Studies on members of this site, this info is not offered, just alluded too. In this info sharing culture is it not predictable that if you prooffer conclusive studies that some documentation will be requested? To give a person actually "gift" with mind powers the venue to demonstrate those powers under scrutiny, this to screen those who only claim such abilities, but use trickery, If I Took all accounts of ESP
at face value, Would it not make every idealistic person gift, that claims to have been observed in action?
" If one of the “world’s leading psychics” confessed to being a hoax what would he or she say? Seldom does the world find out because leading psychics seldom ever reveal to the public the tricks of their trade. In 1981, however, one of this country’s leading psychics did confess to being a hoax. That confession, unfortunately, took place during a television special which was aired only once and never repeated (a transcript was never published). SCS is pleased to publish here for the first time excerpts from that rare and fascinating television interview with confessed psychic James Hydrick."
I found this small section very interesting / disturbing :
KOREM: You know that you can’t read and write and that you lack
education. Do you think the possibilities existed that somebody
could have used you to start a cult?
HYDRICK: Absolutely! Kurbegovic. King Moharem Kurbegovic, the
Applebit bomber, who blew up the airport in LA. He wanted to use
me for a cult. Sirhan Sirhan who was part of the cult Aliens of
America (AOA). These people wanted to use me as a leader of their
KOREM: How did they want to use you?
HYDRICK: To brainwash people. By showing that this power came
from something that it didn’t. As with the Jim Jones incident.
That would never have taken place if peoples’ minds would have
been open. It would have been stopped.
Such a powerful mind, Adapted to disarm people from thinking Critically, he can suspend doubt, and control the his environment, what a master of Mind Power.. err I mean games he was.
well the days time table is dot dot dot dot
I got these acts to do dot dot
Am doing these much dot
and have thismuch time for extra activty dot
and in these twenty four hours what we can do and how we can do this is only the matter considering the calander of life time.
What mind force can do if your field is not research oriented. the best balanced mind with freshness ca do the harony among the acts and beings its harmony among the act and matters.
this we can do with 1-30 % of our mind framework ding. more percentage of brain used more pressure is applied in procesing and needed mor powerful vessels to save from short circuit puncture of veins. this is my belief only.
I dont know why person can't keep more than 3 matters in its memory at the time. and why third and fourth matter in memory explode that person shot.
I think we're all forgetting that we'd have to get most people to begin using the "logic and reasoning" part of their brains first before we even start talking about them using the rest of it.
She does make a valid statement this time.
Another reference to Project Alpha, A fine example of how gullible even "skilled" observers are duped.
She made a valid statement, but didn't back it up with anything, and therefore didn't actually accomplish anything. I'd also like to see her reasoning behind her statements, rather than just one-liner answers that may or may not be even relevant to the current discussion.
That was a good read, David.
I, personally, don't believe that any one person could actually channel spirits or the like because of one simple thing..... Distractions. In order to accomplish such a task, one would have to be completely focused on the one thing which, for human beings, is pretty much impossible. The brain HAS to go through and "think" of something different every few seconds or it goes into "standby"... a sort of trance/daydream state.
That's not to say that you can't think of the same thing the whole time, but it would be very hard to stay FOCUSED on the same thing because you're also thinking of other things at the same time as well.
We now have the means to investigate such claimed Mind Powers, Things Para Normal are becoming normal. That along with formerly alledged psychics coming forward, one of the first Mentslist Durringer I believe his name was. Had people claiming his performances validated psychic claims..
He took great measures to rebuke such cosignment.
In the midst of a performance it is patter to say" this was taught to me by a Indian Mystic.. " Claimed Psychics ( usually people not well skilled in slight) depended on magicians secrecy. As hacks, and spiritualist adapted those tricks under full pretense, the Magicians guild stepped out of their closet to expose mediums.. Along with themselves.
As far as believing goes in the matter of demonstrations presented as psychic goes, even curious, but not yet believers will proclaim, " I would not have believed it if I did not see it." That is the demonstrator convinced the observing person. The person then accepts the interpretation of how the demonstration was possible, and through what means the ability originated from. How can believers ( Who have seen) blame those who ask to see the same demonstration?
Even in the Para- normal "field" those who accept spirits existing do not all
Follow the concept that their is interaction between spirits, the living. Then those who do accept that their is a connection contend their interpretation over others in the "field".
This compares to the division in other occult practices.
It is not only skeptics that occult practices, and consumers debate with.
i think with meditation and self discipline, channeling could occur...i dont think it happens much, but i think it could happen.
A good Mentalist act will leave a person guessing, a mentalist will tell you that they don't read minds, they simple read thought. They count on human
Assumtions inheirant to our perceptual instincts.
Notice the trivial things that those who claim mystic/ paranormal origins to
What they demonstrate, when a personed billed as a performer does the same routine with the audience knowing it is a trick, takes talent. To perform under pretense shows a lack of showmanship from the performer.
So the real "Mind" power is in inticing people to percieve something that is make believe. Abuse of that power is to press it as geinnuine ESP.
Here is a link you might be interested in looking at.I didnt have time to read the whole thing but it seems pretty interesting..
I do have an opinion about this, but keep in mind it is just my opinion nothing factual to back it up so dont ask for credentials there wont be any.
I do believe there are extrodinary people among the common. They stand out for more than one reason. Though I am not sure what causes a specific individual to stand out amongst the crowd, but apparently it is something that not everyone posses or if they do they are not aware of it or how to access it.
Now as far as psychics go or whatever name you wish to give them. I believe there are a select few out there with talent and ability beyond the common, however I also believe that those people are extremely self conscience of themselves and they,re abilities because at a young age they were aware of the differences between themselves and what is considered normal. The ones on tv and that put themselves out there are for entertainment purposes only. It is difficult for me to understand why general people would put so much faith and belief into obvious good guess is beyond me.
Again everyone this is just my opinion.
Great link, Oceanne, and it also contains a link to
that I've quoted elsewhere as a randomized test to study the effects of prayer on heart patient recovery. All of it was a great read.
if we used our 110%
wed be smart we would have power to access the other side we would be building machines to communicate with the dead.
I was never able to find a source that actually claimed Hitler did these studies. Anyone care to post theirs? I say this because I've never heard of this, and it sounds dubious.
Um yeh..
One thing here,it has been clearly shown and explained not only in this thread,but several others that we do indeed make use of our entire brain.So now,wouldnt that really make it moot to state otherwise in this conversation?
As far as studies under Hitler's rampade..Mur,it seems I have gotten wind of something to that effect,but from what I recall,nothing ever came of it and they were totally inconclusive.I will try to remember where I might have seen that,and post it when possible.
Some of this documentary addresses Hitlers association with super natural influences. Notice:Do Not watch this if you want to remain mystified !
I believe that we all do extraordinary things every day.It isn't a matter of how much of our brain is used,it's a matter of how we use our brains.Take for instance the random accounts of a person being able to lift something they would normally not be able to.
yes but if you think about it, the brain signals needed for the adrinal rush and the signals needed for the physical strength, then perhaps it starts with the brain. So with this in mind I would have to agre with Dexter that extrodinary people and events happen everyday, and it takes the brain usage to create these events and people.
Well I think that we will definatly be able to do "Special" things with our brain if we were able to use all of the functions. I also believe that there are gifted people out there that can access other things by extraordinary means.
Those that claim special metaphysical mind powers lack one crucile element
Yes the process of some peoples minds allow them super natural ( better then natural) abilities, memory, deductive reason, and sublime inferance, all these have to be developed, then exercised. Look at the boy in England who not only has a photographic memory, but can draw what he saw, Mr. Memory , filled a stadium, and greeted everyone there, then recalled names as the stood up.
The Human Equasion, recited Pie for days straight.
Then you have those that practice slight on thought.
Reading peoples mind is wishful fantasy, reading thoughts is easy.
Ill be impressed when a self claimed paranormalist/ medium speaks in a forieng language, and relates info on a better then chance basis( in that language). James Hydrick said it best " I just wanted to see how stupid people could be." the ability to think of ways to invite people to suspend critical thinking is an ability of thought.
Anyone skilled enough doesn't need to profess such abilities, they keep people guessing.
I believe that if we work with our brains we can open up other parts. Some are gifted while others have to work at it. The brain is a musle like in your arm. You can work it out and make it better.
As far as the mind power thing, most likely. However no one really knows what we're able to do. Just practice and see.
Dawn would that leave room for intepretation?
How can a person demonstrating claimed ability assure the observer that they are able to perform feats of ESP, or PK, would you agree that a number of things can be intepreted to be Mind Powers?
What exercises would one do to "develop" "gifted" abilities?
A friend just put it well while I was sharing this thread with him, It is more the Power of Thought, and the study of behavior, then the power of the mind.
In my opinion, we have been bestowed upon this world with no source of knowledge, only the brain that God has given us, we have learned on our own and surpassed alot, I believe that we can due anything, we already fly (In airplanes ofcourse.) when it was said it could never happen, nothing is impossible.
Not Every thing is Plausible. Everything Imaginable, needs to be created with the laws of physics in mind.