Is the coronavirus a purge of mankind or just another virus that will be swiftly managed like the annual flu?
A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren't dangerous.
But In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified a new type, 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which can be fatal. The organization named the disease it causes COVID-19.
From the following link:
The corona virus is deadly to those with a weak immune system and with a second major illness like high blood pressure and diabetes. In the United states there are over 300 millions people, 60 has been contaminated and already two death. now, that is a super small amount and at the same time, the panic is becoming catastrophic, especially to the stock market. Typical human syndrome, to panic and create a chaos.
With the spread of COVID-19, are you limiting your social contact or are you living your normal life?
I am participating in my normal daily activities without reservation. If and when it is my time to pass from this realm, I welcome the day and time.
"The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness each year."
From the following link:
I believe that we as a society are short sighted because 800,000 people kill themselves every year. Where is the concern in the stock market for that number of deaths?
"By the time you finish reading this, at least six people will have killed themselves around the world.
Those six are a tiny fraction of the 800,000 people who will kill themselves this year – more than the population of Washington DC, Oslo or Cape Town. Sometimes they are famous names such as Anthony Bourdain or Kate Spade that make headlines, but they are all sons or daughters, friends or colleagues, valued members of families and communities.
Suicide is the most extreme and visible symptom of the larger mental health emergency we are so far failing to adequately address. Stigma, fear and lack of understanding compound the suffering of those affected and prevent the bold action that is so desperately needed and so long overdue."
From the following link:
The sad part of this scary virus is there is no cure yet for it. Plus, there is no toilet paper, or hand sanitizer to be had water is soon to follow next and milk and bread, eggs etc. we was unable to get protective gloves or face masks to wear thanks a lot to the crazy scared people at this time of the storm has hit us hard the most. Now, no sports, or gambling, no going to the movies. This sucks big time thank god for the electricity or we would be back in the dark ages. Does that remind you of the Black Plague. All we can do is stay in our homes play games watch tv read a book sleep, eat, drink, go to the bathroom, make love to our mates so on. Wait this nasty virus out till they give us the all clear sign to come out of your caves and see if the rest of the world is still standing up lol.
The corona Virus is in Loves with people that smoke, so if you are a smoker and you get the Virus, your changes of survival are low. The Virus can NOT live outside the lungs, so, if is outside the lungs, then you will be OK. The new vaccine that was just created, will stop the virus from reaching the lungs and will be destroyed within two weeks. The smokers population of Europe and Asia is greater then those in the United States. Just for your info.
![]() Earthgrinder Premiere Sire (124) Posts: 236 Honor: 973 [ Give / Take ] |
There has been a lot of fear going around. Fear kills more people than anything else. Not to worried the system will sort it out. However, one point we all should pitch in and do the standard hygiene things and watch out for our elders. Yep.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
There is no cure for the coronavirus and they have found that the virus can live outside of the body for almost 7 hours and on any surface. The virus is spread through droplets, not airborne. Most people don't even display symptoms and could have it and not know they are spreading it. They say that one of the first signs of asymptomatic people get is their lost of taste and smell. They don't get a fever, cough or shortness of breath. Some of the millinial generation are not taking this seriously, and studies have also found that people of age 20 to 44 are spreading the virus without realizing that they are infected. you see you can have the virus and not show symptoms for 14 days, sometimes not at all.
There is also two types of the virus. Type S and type L. Type S is mild where as type L is the one that deadly. It turns your lungs into butter. It don't matter if you smoke or not. This virus has been attcking people with unerlying illnesses and those of age 65 or above with some cases of infections affecting children, one case being a 12 y/o fighting for her life in Georgia.
This is serious, but we don't need to panic over it either. The media don't help. Hell when the H1N1 virus was about in 2009 did we flip out? no the global death toll from that was 284,000. Have we surpassed that with the COVID-19? most likely.
Best thing one can do is wash your hands, throw away your tissues you cough and sneeze into, or sneezing or cough into your sleeve to prevent the spread of the virus. If you are sick, stay home.
In listening to the briefings what they are doing here is incredibly nuanced. They are running disease projection models along side with economic models and trying to keep people as safe as they can while minimizing economic damage as much as they can.
Quite a juggling act with lives quite literally on the line.
I want to see what happens in China when they go back to work and this virus is floating around freely in the world (and likely still living in freezers, living in jackasses that snuck past sheltering, etc..) I'm betting they have a fairly significant resurgence, despite precautions.
I'm also curious as everything as to what is really going on in North Korea. If that country goes into a horror story it could create entirely different types of chaos. Unfortunately, we never know what is going on there until the spy planes catch sight of the mass graves.
![]() Earthgrinder Premiere Sire (124) Posts: 236 Honor: 973 [ Give / Take ] |
There is a lot of information out in the public domain about prevention. Many state parks have been put off-limits. Separation is being enforced. We are under loose quarintine in this county where I live. There are still shortages of water, rubbing alcohol, paper products, cleaning wipes etc. We were told at one pharmacy that they donated all the rubbing alcohol to the hospital. Nice for the hospital not so nice for us. So it goes.
Being one of many with other health issues and a weak immune (autoimmune disease), I have to stay in and limit my movement outside of my home. I guess that doctors orders say a lot as well. Practice the social distancing is becoming a means of trying to stay safe but standing 6 foot from someone doesn't always do the trick. that is they are trying to get everyone to stay at home.
With the fear of the virus spread already has it starting to become crazy on the local government levels. For example, my state governor has already activated the national guard and is allowing DHEC access to shut anything down or implement a larger scale of regulations for the state to follow.
In case of the personal feelings, I believe that this is another one of those control the population things that has been set forth by our governments world wide. But on a logical setting, I would say that this could very well be the thing that we look back on in the future with our children's children.
Should we be concerned with the way local governments are wanting to shut their states down or lock them down? Its already to the point that there are testing sites set up on different highways in and out of various states.
This process will take a lot of time but it’s not the end of the world.
It’s a time to make some changes to how countries handle their foods and a time to rake in more medical staff to better prepare, as stated 4 years ago by Bill Gates. How long this pursues, is up to how well people listen to safety protocols.
Doru, I believe that with this influx of people being hit with the Corona virus, the last Horseman of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, is out. I see it as a purge of mankind. This virus is indiscriminatory, merciless, and potent. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in war zones all over the world are at major risk. They live in refugee camps, and there is no way they can practice social distancing.
It breaks my heart to see that. Pestilence is definitely out. We are all going to die.
I don't know if we all are going to die, that is going to the extreme. The Black plague is the most efective pandemic to eradicate the human population. This, corona virus, is just a mimic of the flu, with a mortality rate of 8 percent. No, you are not going to die. take precautions and you will beat the virus if you get it.
With each passing day, the death count grows and we do not know more than the day before, only guessing at the final number, and wondering if it ever ends.
According to statistics, there’s a decline in numbers seen in hospitals apparently so yes it will eventually slack off.
Australia and New Zealand are doing mind-bogglingly well. Australia has only had 65 (yes, 65- not a typo) deaths in the entire country, and only 6,000 cases reported (over half of those confirned recovered).
The fear of ending up like the US is enough to make Australians and NZ'ers lock down even tighter, for longer, and people here are taking it very seriously.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The problem is out own society. Each generation that comes up has changed to where there is not a care for their fellow man/woman. Are there some of us out there that have brought up correctly with the old ways to respect others? Of course. Many think that our rights are bing infringed upon. Maybe so, but this is to protect us. It's not being authoritarian at all. If you look back to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919 there is a tale of two cities, Philidelphia and Saint Louis. Philedelphia amid the flu pandemic still held a parade and many fell ill and died from the spanish flu, St. Louis however closed their schools, buisnesses; pretty much told everyone to stay home and they were not affected as bad.
You see where I am coming from with this. People tend to forget what history has taught us, and history has a way of repeating itself. this Pandemic we are experiencing was long over due. This is something that occurs every 100 years and the CDC has been warning that it would be coming. well guess what, it's here now. In the words of my hubby, "it's survival of the fittest, if you get it your gonna get it, if you don't you don't."
If you want my opinion, I think we all have been exposed to this in the past but ina milder form. Ever wonder why you couldn't get rid of that nasty couch you had for weeks on end, or why you kept getting sick after getting over being sick. Things to ponder on.
As someone with a weakened immune system this covid virus is pretty deadly. Theres been rumers for where i live in north Dakota(idk if it was all over the us) that the virus was already here during Thanksgiving of last year. I firmly believe it as i had what i was told was sinusitis bronchitis. Granted my sinuses are bad due to family issues. Nevertheless, i had to go to the dr many times through to nov-mar. One night after dinner in mid march i ended up in the emergecny room because i couldnt breathe to the point where my face turned purple nd i blacked out. I literally thought i was going to die. Luckily they gave me a nebulizer with albuterol fluid for it. Had to use it every 5 hours for a week.[ they took xrys of my chest but those came back normal) so idk
Long story short i dont go outside unless i really have to, and i disinfect the house every other week honestly its bonkers but im so scared of getting sick again.
Hope everyone is staying safe and please lets enforce the hand washing
It's like any other plague that has hit mankind in the past centuries. There will be initial waves of infection and death then it will slowly taper off after the infection rate plateaus and flattens out. It won't go away I think 100% but with more time we could perhaps better understand it and try to mitigate transmission vectors.
"The human body is an incredible system capable of regulating itself and keeping all of its cells and tissues healthy and in balance. But exercising regularly is critical to maintaining that balance for overall health.
Many people only associate exercise with calories, muscles, and fat, but there is so much more going on in the body. In fact, there are hundreds of hormones, enzymes, proteins, and chemical reactions happening while the body is physically active.
Accounting for every single process that happens during exercise would fill several textbooks, but here's a brief overview of how the body responds to exercise:
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) - This is a hormone that interacts with the central nervous system. By tripling BDNF production with exercise, it is possible to improve mood, boost cognitive function, and improve memory. BDNF also contributes to repair of neurons and other housekeeping measures in the brain, which helps prevent neurodegenerative disease.
Cortisol - Exercise is pretty taxing on the body, and cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal gland during times of stress. In order to help the body respond to the physical demands, cortisol helps metabolize carbohydrates into glucose for energy.
Glucagon - The body needs a lot of glucose to exercise, but sometimes the body has stores (like in the liver and fat cells) that aren't immediately available. Once the body is running low on glucose, glucagon works in these storage areas to help convert stored fat and sugar into a form the body can use as energy.
Human growth hormone (HGH) - Exercise puts a lot of wear and tear on the body, but the regrowth afterward is what creates that chiseled look. Intense exercise drives up production of HGH from the brain, which is needed for the repair of cells, muscles, and tissues.
Insulin - Insulin is necessary to regulate blood sugar levels by helping glucose into cells to be used for energy or storage. As muscles begin to use up stored glucose during exercise, insulin brings stored glucose from the liver to where it is needed. After exercising, insulin will bring glucose back to the liver and muscles for storage.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine - These hormones are critical to the body's fight-or-flight response during stress, including exercise. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline and helps increase blood flow to muscles for delivery of oxygen and glucose. Norepinephrine works to sharpen mental acuity, increase blood pressure, and decrease blood flow to the bladder and bowels.
Lactic acid - Because the body is rapidly using up glucose for energy during exercise, the cells are making waste and byproducts faster than the body can get rid of them. While someone who is exercising might not be aware of all of the hormones and chemical changes going on inside their muscles, lactic acid is hard to ignore. When lactic acid builds up in active muscles, it creates a familiar burning sensation, signaling that the body needs a break.
Calcium - Exercise creates stress on the skeleton that causes a necessary process known as bone remodeling. Cells called osteoclasts help the body reabsorb mature bone tissue while osteoblasts follow behind to create new immature bone cells. Calcium is an essential component that makes those new bone cells hard, giving the skeleton support.
Calcium can be obtained in dairy products like milk and cheese, as well as green vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach.
Chloride - Though only small amounts of chloride are lost during exercise, it is essential for maintaining the body's pH and fluid balance. It is also an important component of the enzymes that digest proteins and aid in the absorption of certain nutrients. Chloride deficiencies are not common, but can result in extreme fatigue and dehydration.
Chloride can be replaced with regular table salt, but it is important not to overdo it, as chronic high levels can lead to hypertension and heart failure.
Magnesium - Magnesium is essential for hundreds of processes throughout the body, including building proteins, immune function, regulating heart rhythm, muscle function, nerve conduction, and much more. Like chloride, magnesium is lost in small amounts through sweat during exercise.
Good sources of magnesium include spinach, almonds, cashews, and peanuts.
Potassium - Potassium is another mineral lost through sweat. It is crucial for the body's pH balance, building proteins, breaking down carbohydrates, muscle growth, and more.
While bananas are the most popular source of potassium, other good sources include salmon, broccoli, and potatoes (with the skin on).
Sodium - While sodium sometimes gets a bad reputation, it is a critical component for muscle activity, nerve function, and regulating blood pressure. When sodium levels get low, muscle cramps and dizziness are common. Large amounts of sodium are lost during exercise due to sweat.
The good news is that replacing sodium is easy, as it is found in table salt. Just like chloride, however, overdoing it can be bad for heart health."
From the following link:
Working out and maintaining a healthy diet is essential to lessening the effects of COVID-19, if and when, you experience the virus.
I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but, you think people who recover have telepathic abilities with a Master from Wuhan, China? I mean, they tried to eat bats and all...
Well BloodroseX, Did you hear about exotic Filipino Foods? You Have to See to Believe: Fruit Bat Stew.
Fruit Bats, also known as “Flying Foxes”, are a food source for humans in many rural parts of the Philippines, and other parts of Asia, where they are sometimes known as the “chicken of the cave.” In addition to being hunted as a food source for humans, bats are also hunted for their skins and guano. Also, they get the nests of the bats, and make soup. Remember, Bats make their nest from saliva. Now, that is weird.
We need to contact the Ancients. The Master is out there, most probably not n Wuhan, China anymore. Perhaps not even in the Philippines. I guess that's why there is such a severe lockdown, all over the world. If anyone spots a huge box of dirt, please let us know?
There will be lots of plague doctors with various remedies all promising to provide a cure for the disease.