Can psychological disorders and imbalances, as well as more complex psychiatric and psychosomatic affections be healed through energetic approaches, more specifically through... love?
I'm thinking here specifically about the story of John Nash, as depicted in "A beautiful mind" - where ultimately, love helped him heal from trauma and a disorder thought to be "incurable".
Yes, anything can be possible if you have a lot of love for them and time and patience as well. Make them laugh deep within there heart of hearts. Cry out the pain and agony that makes their life a living hell. Pray for them and over them that they will get better and heal from this ordeal. Through spiritual help from God almighty. Medicine can help but it treats some of the problem but not all of it at once.
Personally, I'm not a big advocate of medication. It keeps symptoms under relative control, but the cause remains and can even amplify.
Where there is also the genetic component, I believe healing ancestral trauma could really help.