(Please keep it positive and on the topic)
Seven years ago I googled vampires in the hopes of finding a site where I could gain knowledge in real-time from people seeking what I was. The URL for Vampire Rave came up. I opened the link and read the Home Page. I had found just what I was looking for. I was intrigued and created my profile. The first few days were just learning to navigate the user-friendly site. I started reading journals, exploring the general discussion forums and meeting members of the community. I had read books on the topics vampires, werewolves, sci-fi, Wicca and all the other topics that were being discussed on Vampire Rave. Here was a site I could interact with people who lived the life-styles and who had a wealth of knowledge I found lacking in books and other websites. The legends and lore of these topics are what interested me the most. I started to read almost every post on these forms and began to join in the discussions. I asked questions, I debated topics, began to respond in journals and started to develope frindships by having some of the disussions private though messages.
One of the first threads I read was titled Clinical Vampirism also known as Renfield's syndrome, where I learned was included in psychiatric and/or neurological diseases. That due to these things it had been known to give the term 'vampire' a negative connotation. The OP concluded with the questions asking with all the negativity that surrounds it- as far as it is linked to killing crimes, cult crimes, and mental illness, why do people still find it a 'cool' term to coin themselves and a few more questions to kick-off the discussion. This began many years of just one of the few things I would learn on this site.
If I were to write about all the knowledge I have gained since I have been on VR well I would be writing for days, weeks and never get this topic posted.
What I would like to do with this thread is we start, from your first days on VR what you learned, how your knowledge began to expand and we will cover all the topics that are discussed in this section of the forums.
What have you learned from your first days on VR about Vampires, Werewolves, Occult in detail that you did not know before coming to VR?
How has this knowledge educated you in factual this dispelled some of your beliefs before you joined VR?
What topics related to the discussion forms that you had not an interest in before but you began to grow an interest in after reading something someone posted?
I will start with how I started to learn about Renfield's syndrome, what it was, and so on in great detail. One of the posts I liked was from dabbler and what he posted I would take to heart to guide my journey in how I would learn and still do to this day on VR
Those that are sincere in their conviction/belief have should have nothing to hide, therefore they should embrace an option to evaluate, and research their alleged condition. However, people that have something to hide cringe, and throw tantrums at the mere suggestion of scrutiny.
And there my journey began... I look forward to this discussion taking off.
To embrace Vampirism is not a topic that you can write or speak to the weakest mind. Is a topic that only can be addressed to the Clan and those who believe without the infiltration of movies or books. Is a learning process, which must be applied every day. No, We don't bite the neck or compels people to do what we wants. VR is the platform to engage in a sweet conversation with those, who are believers. remeber folks, Vampirism is an underground Society and will remain like that.
Research brought me here, but it is the emotional connections that keeps me returning.
I have learned that there is a lot of info out there that contradicts each other
Mostly I have learned there are others like me "thanks VR,"
and I agree with ~AshenWings~
![]() Earthgrinder Premiere Sire (122) Posts: 236 Honor: 973 [ Give / Take ] |
Since coming back after a number of years away. I found a home here with likeminded individuals. When I was first on-site I crawled around I didn't want to rile anyone. I found that common courtesy goes a long way here. I was scared shitless when I was first on site to be very honest about it. I read the manual I started meeting other witches vampires wolves. Then one day out of the blue some senior people took an interest in what I be been doing. Probably to keep me out trouble. But they gave me a purpose. I think everyone here has one. Sorry I ramble too much.
I noticed that they are many members in this site who are embracing Vampirism, basing their facts in Books, Movies and TV shows. Many people, including here, believe that the show, "The Immortals", which was filmed in New Orleans, is something that could be happening as we speak. Remember folks, you must go way back into different centuries to understand Vampirism. Is a topic which can not be explain in one paragraph.
I learned quite a few stuff in here, cant remember anythign in particular but i used to spend a lot of time in the Forum.
Vampirism can be about control, of energy. The flow from one person to another. Vampirism is about the forceful flow of energy. Life energy, Mental energy, Spiritual energy.
At what point does controlling someone else's energy make you a vampire?
I have learned to control my own energy and to not allow others grab hold of it. Meaning, I will be me....regardless of what others say. There is power in self control.
When I first joined VR, it was about finding answers to whether or not vampires were real.
I didn't learn that answer by being here on VR. I got my authentic answer by something amazing that happened between me and Gaulder (may he rest in peace), during a phone conversation. The validation came in real time, not journals, or books or anyone's entries. Then after that confirmation I apparently needed, everything else became more known by personal experiences and also talking with other vampiric humans. Sure there's a TON of information that floats around the internet and sites like these, but when it comes to books...you still should question what's written and formulate what makes the most sense for yourselves.
I DO invocate and conjure thee, O Spirit, and being with power armed from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, by BERALANENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIA, and APOLOGIAE SEDES; by the most Powerful Princes, Genii, Liachidæ, and Ministers of the Tartarean Abode; and by the Chief Prince of the Seat of Apologia in the Ninth Legion, I do invoke thee, and by invocating conjure thee. And being armed with power from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, by Him Who spake and it was done, and unto whom all creatures be obedient. Also I, being made after the image of GOD, endued with power from GOD and created according unto His will, do exorcise thee by that most mighty and powerful name of GOD, EL, strong and wonderful; O thou Spirit and I command thee and Him who spake the Word and His FIAT was accomplished, and by all the names of God. Also by the names ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHI, EHYEH, ASHER EHYEH, ZABAOTH, ELION, IAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, LORD GOD MOST HIGH, I do exorcise thee and do powerfully command thee, O thou Spirit , that thou dost forthwith appear unto me here before this Circle in a fair human shape, without any deformity or tortuosity. And by this ineffable name, TETRAGRAMMATON IEHOVAH, do I command thee, at the which being heard the elements are overthrown, the air is shaken, the sea runneth back, the fire is quenched, the earth trembleth, and all the hosts of the celestials, terrestrials, and infernals, do tremble together, and are troubled and confounded. Wherefore come thou, O Spirit , forthwith, and without delay, from any or all parts of the world wherever thou mayest be, and make rational answers unto all things that I shall demand of thee. Come thou peaceably, visibly, and affably, now, and without delay, manifesting that which I shall desire. For thou art conjured by the name of the LIVING and TRUE GOD, HELIOREN, wherefore fulfil thou my commands, and persist thou therein unto the end, and according unto mine interest, visibly and affably speaking unto me with a voice clear and intelligible without any ambiguity.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Interesting how both the most well known "supernatural" conditions such as vampirism and lycanthropy, actually has a real life counterpart that is merely mental condition. lycanthropy is when someone genuinely believes they have turned into an animal and they behave accordingly. It is not always a wolf, it can be any animal. One could be envious of such a mindstate, you presumebly be running on pure instinct with noting else to worry about.
The mind is a fascinating trait, the power it has over the body is incredible, you would think suffers would be aware that they are have not actually transformed when they see that they are standing on two legs and have very human hands, yet their condition shields them from that truth.
Not sure exactly what to share, I have had knowledge of occult before this site but also more after joining the site, funny because I wasn't actually looking for it and yet such knowledge has a way of finding you.
I came here because I assumed that this site would attract the kinds of minds and personalities that I sought to recruit, I was half right, there is a group mentality here and is the reason why some seek to become a part of the different collectives here. Such group mentality is what would make them vulnerable to my persuasion. Where I was wrong was in how they could be of use to me and in hindsight it would not have mattered either way since my heart wasn't really in it. I had been slowly drifting from my own ideology and plans for a long time, it just took a long to realize that. So the reason I came here would not have actually amounted to much. lol
Yet I still remain because I found some interesting folks here and sometimes the forums have been a good read.
I will say what I did come to appreciete from being here and looking at the journals, is that the best way to deal with life is not to worry about things that you cannot control, don't let others define your life for you either.
It led me to the religion known as dudeism. I should thank Mogy too, while he didn't do anything directly, he himself just has a very chill outlook on life and I can safetly say we can all learn from him.
For those that don't know, Dudeism is based of the big lebowski movie and shares some similarities with Taoism. Worth trying out if you seek a more positive way of dealing with problems.
![]() Earthgrinder Premiere Sire (122) Posts: 236 Honor: 973 [ Give / Take ] |
What brought me to the "Rave" wasn't so much the knowledge or culture of vampires or vampirism, let alone "otherkin". Really, what it was, for me, is more simplified.
I have known what I am for years. Having also been part of the old "RVC", I already had a wealth of "public knowledge", along with plenty of things they didn't want me knowing in the end.
But I came here after doing a little bit of research, myself, for "vampire friendly" social media and society. Needless to say, that I wasn't exactly a "favorite" of many people on here for a little while. But since time has gone by, more things have "opened up to me" here, one could say. Though, I primarily keep to my journals on here, for the most part, I think anyone who reads there will understand why.
My personal history with the "vampire community" is both long and perhaps a little frayed from the number of times I've made someone within it angry at me, but overall, I have always been more of the solitary one, instead of going out of my way to mind someone who wanted guidance or help... I simply wait for them to approach me, if they want to.
I seem to remember a thread you created many years ago, my friend, regarding that syndrome. Is this a continuation of that thread?
I can't say I've learned anything, but go to meet like minded people and the site is very interesting.